Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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7^ Betsy Lee, soon to play house with Reggy bubbles Leave ^asPy Old Salad Jllone and T)rin\ Her ?\ljce <JM.ilk BY DOROTHY MANNERS Reggy Denny, already playing the sturdy oak THE little bitsy girl with the big brown eyes looked over at the great big mans and said, "Can I have a salad, plea-se?" He said, "Now, baby, you know I don't want you eating salads. You want to eat potatoes and drink milk—" "A crab salad, plea-se." But the big mans was firm. The old meanie. "You have milk, baby. Reggy wants you to get fat. Waiter, bring a glass of milk and — " "Crackers?" I suggested brightly, getting into the spirit of the thing. "Ah, please, I want a salad," Bubbles pleaded prettily. "Now, baby!" Reggy's tone was fond and disciplinary. And this might have gone on and on if they hadn't reached a compromise on milk and chicken salad. The little kid who wanted the salad was Bubbles, more recently and professionally renamed Betsy Lee; and the great, big bully with the milk complex was Reginald Denny. Bubbles and Reggy are going to be married this fall, sometime in November. Now, a lot of people who haven't anything better to do with their spare time are sitting around wondering how everything is going to come out with Reggy and Bubbles and the weary old institution of marriage. You see. Bubbles is somewhere around eight or nine years old in appearance, though she admits to twenty-one years of existence. And Reggy is some older than that. Quite some. But you'd never know it. I guess that is what love does for one — or two. Goody, Goody, Goody THEY are in love. And how. I give you my word she just sits and looks at him and he looks back at her and then they smile, and it doesn't make any difference whether they're drinking milk or gin or eating crackers or crab. They'd never know, anyway. Now and then he has to stop and scold her about little things that come up: about not eating nice healthy food, for instance; and she pouts a little, but it's all in fun. After they're married you can just see Reggy breakmg up animal crackers in her milk, and Bubbles clapping her hands. To tell the truth, my original intention was to talk with Bubbles alone. But after we met at the Roosevelt I saw everything had turned out for the best when Reggy showed up with her. Reggy tends to everything for Bubbles. She's just surrounded by protection— and it's last name is Denny. He seems to want to save her everything, even the nuisance of answering {Continued on page 73) Photoa by Freulich 55