Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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This Little Star Went to Market {Continued from page j8) She's very beautiful after the fashion of a magazine cover, and I think it was James Montgomery Flagg who went so far as to say she was the sweliest looking blonde in IHoll>wood. But she lets it all begin and end with her natural charm. "I would like awfully to go without stockings if I got my legs nice and brown," •admitted Kathryn, "but I'm sure George wouldn't like it." George figures pretty prominently in j Kathryn's calculations. Vou bet. He's the i new bridegroom. " I got real brave the other evening and ' came into Hollywood bare-legged. I never felt so funny in my life. I imagined that everybody w-as looking at my legs and laughing. When George started walking just a little bit in front as though he weren't with me or something, I made up my mind that bare legs weren't for Mrs. Landy." She laughed at her own daring, and went on to say that the new fad was hardly appropriate for married ladies who did their own marketing, anyway. , " If George had his way, I would be billed as Mrs. George Landy in all the pictures I do," she laughed. "When we were first married, he suggested that I change my name to Kathryn Landy. I told him I didn't think it was very wise as I had be(Continued on page ^5) Reggy Spank {Continued from page 7j) laugh at the joke on funny old Universal. Reggy went on to say that Bubbles wasn't really a professional type of girl, anyway. It seems that Bubbles just came out with her family from the Kast when thjy moved out here, and she had gone to school with the other little kids and finally she went into pictures just for the fun of it. Getting away from the picture angle of the thing, I suggested that Bubbles was probably "all a bib and tucker" getting ready for her approaching wedding — with prc-nuptial showers and parties and things like that. But Bubbles shook her head. It seems she wasn't having any showers. " f'^cggy won't let me," she explained — and that e.xplained everything. "I think showers are rather silly." '^("ggy justified his firm stand. ".-Vsking a l'>t of people to bring presents — I don't know, I just don't like it. I'll give her some parties myself if she wants to entertain — and then we are going to have a big wedding and all that goes with it." "A church wedding," Bubbles supplemented, sipping her milk. "Bridesmaids and ushers and a groom ;iii(l everything?" I inr|uir«d. Bubbles nodded. .A thin fringe of milk on her upper lip made her look even younger. "Well, I'm going to have bridesmaids, all right. But Regg>' isn't sure about his ushers. He's scared they'll all show up drunk," she remarked softly and innocently. We all laughed at the child's sophistication. What are the kiddies coming to, anyway? I looked at Bubbles. So cute. So little. So little-girlish. Just the type that a fellow's got to look after and protect and see that she drinks her milk, ^'ou could iust see her laughing gleefully when Reggy kflf^es funny things or clapping her hands when he puts the great, big diamond on her ; finger. It must be all sorts of fun being a clinging vine to a nice oak like Reggy. The embarrassment that comes with knowledge of this grave social offense is finally ended. An important phase of woman's oldest hygienic problem is now solved. WHERE smart women gather socially — or in business— even the most attraaive are guilty of offending others at certain times. Yet they, themselves, seldom realize it. When told, they become miserably self conscious. They try in vain to overcome the difficulty by make-shift methods. Now science offers safe and certain relief from this fear. Kotex now scientifically deodorizes* Millions of women have learned to depend on Kotex within the last ten years. It has brought them better health, greater peace-ofmjnd under trying conditions. Now comes an added advantage. Kotex chemists have discovered (and patented) a process that absolutely ends all odors. The one remaining problem in connection with sanitary pads is solved ! No more bulky outlines That awful feeling of being conspicuous because of the bulkiness of old-time methods is gone, too. Kotex pads are rounded ?nd tapered so there is no evidence of sanitary protection when worn. You may add or remove layers of filler as needed— a thing all women appreciate. There is a new softness, because both filler and gauze have been specially treated. Finally, Kotex is so easy to dispose of, eliminating all need of laundering. Buy a box today, at any drug, dry goods or department store . . . 45c for a box of twelve. Supplied, also, in rest-room vending cabinets. *Kotcx is the only saniuiy pad that deodorixcs by a patented process. (Patent No. 1,670,587, framed May 22, 1928.) Deodorizes . . . and ^ other important features: \— Softer gauze ends chafing; pliable filler absorbs as no other substance can; 2— Comers are rounded in^ tapered: nocvidc-nce of sanitary protection under any gown> i— Deodorizes — safely, thoroughly, by a new and exclusive patented process; A— Adjust it to your needs; filler may be made ibinaer, (bicker, narrower as required; and 5— It is easily disposed of; no unpleasant laundry. Kore X The New Sanitary Pad which deodorizes