Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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The Home-Loving HomeWrecker (Continued from page 5/) hair and the perfect figure. From then on came a succession of similar parts, all played amazingly well, but it wasn't until Jannings chose her for "The Way of All Flesh" that she really came into her own as the Mean Mama of the Movies. The Haver brilliance burst forth in all its glory in the r61e of the blonde little bum who lured Emil from hearth and honor. "Chicago" and "The Battle of the Sexes" have conspired to make the ex-Sennett beauty more famous as an actress than she ever was as a sand siren. Roxie Hart is her favorite r6Ie and she is pleased to report that her fan mail has increased by thousands smce the public has seen her as the WindyCity slayer. Only proving once more that the provincials know their sex appealers as thoroughly as the big-towners. Her Passion for Persians PHYLLIS worries a little that the folks in the hinterland may think of her as a heartless jade. She says she is really domestic. Well, all great women have been home girls — someboily's home — girls. Phyllis is Mrs. Haver's. The little prairie flower who is growing wilder every hour on the screen is daily becoming more sedate and sensible off. She says: "I'm not rich, dear— really, I'm not. just comfortable." Just the same, Miss Haver has the reputation of being one of the more prosperous of the Hollywood movie colony. She commands one of the biggest salaries in the business — and gets it. And she has never .squandered it. Her one extravagance that F know of has been the high wall she had built around her house — not to keep fans and burglars out; she's frightened of neither; but to keep her prize Persians in. She has a cuddly voice to match her other equipment. She likes clothes and prize-fights and dancing and the Ritz and a good laugh and horse races and old friends and practically everything else that's nice except — honey. If you want to make a hit with her, let me give you another little tip. .Never refer to those slapstick days. Don't reniark: "And so this is the former bathing girl!" It's the one thing calculated positively to make Miss Haver lose her habitual good humor. "It's not that I am ashamed of my comedy training," she says. "It's the best training in the world. I wouldn't have missed it. But now that Marie and I have really done a little something since, why can't people give us a break and stop dating?" One of the nicest things about Phyllis is her long friendship with Marie Prevost and vice versa. They might have been rivals; they chose to be friends. They're that kind of girls. Blonde and brunette, both have climbed a long long way since they used to pose together on the beaches. The blonde with the taking ways — on the screen — is a real person of intense loyalties and sincerity. She has as many good friends of her own sex a.'; of the sterner persuasion. She despises cattiness, doublecrossers, husband-stealing and home-wrecking— except for professional purposes. All the things she does in her movies with so much gusto are strictly eschewed as soon as she leaves the studio. She came from a small town in Kansas, you know — and she never fails to drop in for a visit whenever her picture duties allow her a vacation. And you may f)e sure that Kansas is darned prouti, by heck, of its little girl who has made good by making so much movie whf)()f)ee. SPIRIN The whole world knows Aspirin as an eflfective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to know that there is only one genuine Bayer Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If it says Bayer, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is not! Headaches are dispelled by Bayer Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheumatism promptly relieved. Get Bayer — at any drugstore — with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin; it does NOT aflFect the heart .\spiriii is ihe tra<ic mirk of Hiyer \[anufacturc of .Monoaceticacidesler of Salicylicacid Fat Comes at 40 to most people— for this reason At about the age of 40 most men and women take on fat. Medical men know the reason. At that age the thyroid gland often loses power. That gland largely controls nutrition. One of its functions is to turn food into fuel and energy. The food goes to fat when it weakens. The modern method of treating obesity aims to correct that deficiency. Physicians the world over employ it That is the method embodied in Marmola prescription tablets. People have used them for over 20 years. That is one reason why excess fat is far less common than it used to be. The Marmola prescription has been perfected by one of the greatest medical laboratories in the worid. It is used by countless people to bring weight down to normal in a scientific way. You see the results in every circle, in youthful figures, new beauty, new vitality. Every box contains the formula — complete. Also the reasons for the good results. When you«see the fat depart, you will know exactly why. Try this method. No abnormal exercise or ,'diet is required. The object is to feed the system what a gland fails to supply. Watch the fat depart, day by day, the new vitality return. You will be amazed and delighted. Don't delay. A normal figure means much to you. Go get Marmola now. See what the first box does. Marmola prescription tablets are sold by all drugeiats at $1 per box. If your druggist is out, he will get them at once from his jobber MARMOT A Prescription Tablets * » A*«^AVXT A V^ J-^./m. The Pleasant Way to Reduce 83