Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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r Haughty! Haughty! {Continued from page 7j) And their future — how would they manage their two careers? It would be difficult, F-^lorence admitted; Mr. Heifetz was leaving in a week for a concert tour and she was beginning a picture — and weren't the (lowers people had sent beautiful? And this basket of vegetables artfully arranged like a French bouquet with the card: "You can't live on love alone," was clever, wasn't it? Sn amusing, so delightful, so kind of you all to ha\-e come — . \\"e were out in the hot California noon, still speaking in subdued and refined tones. "Doesn't she somehow make you feel big and bouncing and crude?" said a magazine writer, not noted for her inferiority complex. ".And think of it — a year ago everybody was saying \'idor was through," a newspaper man added. "Her contract wasn't going to be renewed, she was buying a house in Hawaii to retire to. -And now she's doing brilliant pictures and has married a front page guy. ^■ou never can tell, can you? \ot in this town." The harassed publicity boy was mopping his forehead and murmuring "Did you get everything you wanted? Then it's all right, eh? No hard feelings because they shook you at the station, eh?" " I hope, " said a sob sister from a Los Angeles daily, wiping away sentimental dew, "that she will be \ery happy." \\c glanced back with one accord. The star and her musician husband were standing together in the doorway, a distinguished couple who would look as much at home in the doorway of a \illa on Lake C'omo, or one of those fine old houses on the I'arc Monceau. Perhaps that is the secret of the \"idor's attraction for distinguished men. She is not merely a famous motion picture star, she is a woman of the world as well. .As we looked, the door closed. The discreet and sedate ICnglish house kept its own romantic secrets. College Yells {Continued from page 7S) his last college game some of his team mates didn't even look up. Their hearts may ha\e been pounding mighty proudly but they let the grandstand make all the fuss. I don't think any man could have ever had a bigger ovation than Drury got that day — but he wasn't carried off the field by his hysterical team." A'ou see how the colleges feel about the whole thing? Kicks, complaints, squawks and yells! .And yet one pauses to wonder if they are going about correction of the Cireat Evil in the right way. Surely by refusing co-operation in the making of a college picture Yale did not better the circumstances to any noticeable degree. It might also be mentioned that the academies that ha\e lent their support to the pictures are not the ones that are doing the loud howling. West Point, for instance, has co-of>erated with the Hollywood studios in the making of two pictures, "West Point'' and "Dress Parade." Not only did they grant the movie companies every privilege but when the pictures were romplctcd they indorsed them as portraying the spirit of that wonderful school. .Annapolis fared equally well with a picture of Ramon Novarro's and while Harvard lent no hand to the making of " Rrown of Hafvard," they found no fault with it. .A little co-operation now and then nexer hurt any movie. The movies are willing to be hel|jed. Now the point is, are the colleges willing to help? W'c shall see. 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Address City _Stare_ Tfou>-iii7fave ^ Klssabl^/^ Ujps M. TRILETY 241 SP. W.U. BIdg.. Binghamlon. N.V BLONDE HAIR . . . how to keep > it always lovely ^ BLONDE hair darkens and fades unless given special care. That's why nearly a million blondt-s now use Blondex, the new special shampoo for light hair only. Keeps blonde hair from darkening — brings back true golden beauty toevendullest hair. No dyes. No harmful chemicals. Fine for scalp. Leaves hairsoftand silky. Get Blondex at any drug or departmentstoretoday . SPICTURES MOST FASCINATING — HIGHEST PAID OF ALL PROFESSIONS A XbI lon-wldc survey will he startwl sliorilv In scirch of KTAIt material and all (the Klildk"* Inclmlwl) will be given the opportunity of havlne a .■<fRi:i;N TICST made to determine their fltness for Motion Pictures. THIS IS NOT A CONTEST EXPERIENCE IS NOT NECESSARY The number of TKSTS to be made \* not linilled but the time, during which >ou may register for ihese TKSTS, IH llmlle<l. Therefore your re<iuest for deiiilli and renlsfratlon blanks, which will he forvvarde*! I'KI-;i-i upon rcQuest. should be sent to us proinpily CINEM.\ ARTS TE.STINf; Bt'REAU Bot 42S Hollywood .Station Hollywood, California 79