Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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EYES are so beautiful M lieii you do tliii^ 4 TWINKLING . . . that's aU. And eyes -^* are more beautiful than ever before. It is the precious gift of waterproof Winx. Without a hint of artificiality Liquid Winx dressing works its magic It makes lashes darker, shadowy and luxuriant, and so makes the eves seem larger, more expressi\'e and bewitching. Just 2 quick steps: Caress la!»be» \»ith the "stopper plume*' from the ^ iax bottle — then Quickly flick the tc^* laehes upwarH r'Tv! the lower lashes downward with a brush. 1 Lovely, lustrous, steadfast beauty, that neither a tear, a cinder nor a day in bathing can dim,adoms the eyes! Liquid Winx, the originator of the mode, is waterproof. Also it is harmless, safe, and so easy to apply. There are two shades— black or brown. Price, complete, 75c. Sold everywhere. Ross Company, 232 West 18th Street New York Citv, New York WIWX Meud X'ic tor getxe.roaa Winx Sample EARN MONEY Our amazing new method of Oil Painting Portraits. Landscapes, Miniatures, etc., requires no experience. PAINTING OUTFIT and Employment Service FREE. Write for booklet. PICTORIAL ART STUDIOS. INC.Dept.AM 2926 Broadwaj-. Chicairo LEARN ART AT HOME Charming Hair! Now You Can Have It and Keep It! Your hair, soft, fragrant — lustrous! Alive ■with that youthful sparkle that everyone admires; having it anci keeping it that way is largely a matter of proper shampooing. Not just soap-and-water "washings", but the regular use of a shampoo that really beautifies — one that was created especially to improve dull hair and add that little something extra so often lacking! If you really wish to make your hair bewitchingly lovely — just one Golden Glint Shampoo will show you the way! No other shampoo, anywhere, like it. Does more than merely cleanse the hair. There's a youth-imparting touch — a beauty specialist's secret in its formula. Millions use regularly." At your dealers', or send 25c to J. W. KOBI CO., Dept. 20-K, 60,^ Rainier Ave., Seattle, Wash. Money back if not delighted. When Agnes Franey journeyed to Hollywood she couldn't forget her Follies training. So she went immediately into a recline The Forbidden Friendship {Continued from page jy) always the same old, old Hollywood story. "They say Clara's in love with Victor, but he doesn 't want to marry — " "Have you heard that Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. is all burnt up about Doug, Jr. marrying Joan Crawford — " "Will you tell me why Lina Basquette picks out a cameraman when she could have had a director — " -■\.nd so on down the list of I-told-you-so gossip, most of which is made up by the alert imaginations so necessary to the art of making motion pictures. Perhaps, at this point Claire \\'indsor should have heeded the subtle underground warnings. She knew what it meant to be talked about in this city. Ninety per cent, of her trouble with Bert l.ytell was caused by malignant they-say gossip which kind friends poured into his ears when he returned from a five months' absence. But Claire had learned really to like Buddy. He was so fresh, so unspwiied, such a clean youngster. He didn't drink, he didn't smoke, he didn't try to take her on wild parties. And Claire is one Hollywood girl who has always shied at wild parties. And Buddy liked Claire. She was his source of motion-picture knowledge, his inspiration to do better. Besides, ne had that masculine aversion to foregoing a friendship just because someone on the outside told him he should do it. But tell him they did — by the hundreds. The newspapers told him; the magazines talked about it. Everyone he knew warned him it would ruin his career if he saw too much of one woman. While to Claire, they said: "My dear, he's such a youngster. Why should anyone with your position • waste your time on a mere newcomer!" Then Buddy's father came along — and people said he'd come to break up bis son's affair with Claire \\'indsor. Which may or may not have been true, although father must have read about it back hojne. -^ few days before N'ew N'ear's the two faced one another with their long line of " Have you heard this? " and " I have heard that" gossip. They decided that jjerhaps 't would be best for them both if they sacrificed their affection on the altar of gossip. New Year's Eve, at the Mayfair, was to be their last going-together. The next day Claire was leaving the city. A boy stopped at her home for Buddy's address. She gave it to him. He went around the corner to Buddy's and told him Claire was just leaving. He caught her at the train in Glendale, a suburb of this city. "This is all rot, (-laire! What do we care?" You can just hear him exclaiming. Claire went on; but when she returned they were seen going places again together. -Another evening, perhaps si.x months later, a new determination to stop the everlasting rumors circulating about them. It was outside of Claire's home, in an automobile parked by the curbing. Late in the evening. The moon was shining. ".And this is the end, Claire?" "Yes, Buddy!" "\^"e've been awfully good pals; you've done a lot for me, taught me a lot about this motion picture business." "And you've done a lot for me. Buddy!' They were silent a moment. Perhaps Claire was thinking of that night when Buddy was calling upon her and a girl telephoned to say she was in bed and asked him to come over. Perhaps Buddy was remembering the kind, tactful things Claire had told him about certain girls in this city, the same as in any other city. Or perhaps they were just remembering the long hours they'd spent discussing each other's work in pictures. -Anywhere else in the world a woman of thirty could go with a boy of twenty-four without the entire country trying to stop it. Nowhere else in the world would two friends allow the tongues of gossip to interfere with them. But in Hollywood! It was Claire herself who gave me the idea of the window. " I feel as if our friendship were being held in a department store window," she told me. 80