Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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YOU'LL laugh at Kid Reagan— but you'll love him, too, as you see him win the world's championship and the girl of his heart in this breezy tale of a small-time scrapper who "went literary." You'll roar at some of the complications that arise when the kid's manager tries to rescue him from .the classics — you'll stand up in your seat when the cocky champion goes down for the count — you'll smile with sympathy at the final fadeout— then you'll go home and say, "Well, that was worth seeing!" They don't come hke "Celebrity" very often!— Watch for the date when it will be shown at your favorite motion picture theatre. ROBERT ARNiTRONG CLYDE COOK of fRolph <Bloclt Production directed by Tay Qamett l^nm f/ie sta^e plotf bi^^illafd KccfC PATUt((^PiaURC