Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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^ ne can't play ... turn on the radio they all shouted a but my revenge was sweet " "T^ T OW that everyone is here, let's tune j^^ in on a good station and get some X ^ snappy dance music." Olive Murray was full of pep as she adjusted the dials of her radio, "hhucks," she said as she discovered someone making a speech. "Let's try another station." But there wasn't a note of dance music on the air. "Something like this would happen the night of my party, " she moaned. "Never mind, there'll be a good orchestra on at 10:30." You could see disappointment written all over the guests' faces. Suddenly I bucked up my couralge and took Olive aside. "What's the piano closed for?" I asked. "Why not? No one here plays. I only wish somebody could play, though." "Ill try to fill in for a while, OUve." "You're joshing, Dick! You never played before at parties." "That's right, Olive, but I'll play tonight," I assured her. I could tell she didn't believe me. For as she announced that I was to entertain with some piano selections I caught her winking to one of the fellows. And what a roar the crowd let out when I sat down. "He can't play," called out a voice good-naturedly from the rear. "Let's turn on the radio and listen to the speeches." "Sure," added one of my friends, " I know that he can't tell one note from another. Its all a lot of Greek to him. How about it, Dick?" I said nothing. But ray fingers were itchmg to play. "Give him a chan(!e," said Olive, "maybe he can play." Which instrument Do You W.nt To PUy7 Piano Ortan UliuUU Cornat Trombona Piccolo Guitar Hawaiiar Violin Clarlnal Fiuta Saxophona Harp Mandolin 'Callo Staal Guitar Sitht Sintini Voica and Spaacn Cultura Drum* and Trap* Automatic Finfar Control Banjo (Plaetrum, S-Strinf or Tanor) Piano Accordion Alio for Advancad Pianists a Spacial Couria including 24 famous claasica ... a diatlnctiva addition to anjr pianiat'a rapartoira. A Dramatic Moment That settled it. There was no maybe about it. I played through the first bars of Strau-ss' immortal Blue Danube Waltz. A tense silence fell on the guests as I continued. Suddenly I switched from classical music to the syncopated tunes from "Good News." Everyone started to dance. Pep was once more in order. They forgot all about the radio. But soon, of course, they insisted that I tell them all about my new accomplishment. Where I had learned . . . when I had leanied . . . how? The Secret " Have you ever heard of the U. S. School of Music?" I asked. A few of my friends nodded. "That's a correspondence school, isn't it?" they exclaimed. "Exactly," I replied. "Thev have a surprisingly easy method througli which you can learn to play any instrument without a teacher." " It doesn't seem possible," someone said. "That's what I thought, too. But the Free Demonstration Lesson which they mailed me on request so opened my eyes that I sent for the complete course. "It was simply wonderful — no laborious scales — no heartless exercises — no tiresome practicing. My fear of notes disappeared at the very beginning. As the lessons came they got easier and easier. Before I knew it I was playing all the pieces I liked best." Then I told them how I had always longed to sit down at the pianc and play some old sweet sonK — or perhaps a beiuitiful classic, a bit from an opera or 'the latest syncopation — how. when I heard others playing. I envied them so that it almost spoiled the pleasure of the music f :>r mc— how I was envious because they could entertain their friends and family. "Music »Ti» always one of those never-cometrue dreams until the D. S. School nime to my reecue. Believe mc. no more heavy looking-on for me." Half a Million People Can't Be Wrong! You, too, can now teach yourself to be un accomplished musician— right at home — in half the usual time. You can't go wrong with this simple new method which has already shown over half a million people how to play their fai-oritc instruments. Forget that old-fashioned idea that you need special "talent." Just rftad the list of instruments in the panel, decide which one you want to play, and the U S. School will do the rest. And bear in mind no matter which instrument you choose, the cost in each case will average the same — just a few cents a day. No matter whether you are 'a mere beginnei; or already a good performer, you will be interested in learning about this new and wonderful method. Send for Our FREE Book and Demonstration Leason Our wonderful illustrated Free Book and our Free Demonstration Lesson explain all about this remarkable method. They prove just how anyone can learn to play his favorite instrument hu note, in almost no time and for just a fraction of what old slow methods cost. Read the list of instruments to the left, decide which you want to play, and the U. S. School of Music will do the rest. .\ct NOW. Clip and mail this coupon today, and the fascinating Free Book and Demonstration Lesson will be sent to you at once. No obligation. U. S. School of Music, 6012 Brunswick Bl<^., New York CSty. (Pleaae write plainly.) U. S. School of Music. 6012 Brunswick Bidg., New York City, Please send me your free book "Music Lessons in Your Own Home ' with introduction by Dr. Frank Crane, Free Demonstration Lesson and particulars of your easy payment plan. I am interested in the following course: Have you above instrumentT Name Address City Sute. 65