Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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How to Become Unpopular Overnight {Continued from page 3(,) mumble something suitable to the occasion and let it go at that. Colleen Moore is one of the few big stars who writes personally to the critics. She even thanked me for a review on "Happiness Ahead," in which I said that Edmund Lowe walked home with most of the acting bacon. Janet Gaynor once wrote me a note of thanks for something or other, but my Ijleasure was somewhat dampened when I found out that the letter, although a very close copy of Janet's own writing, was from the pen of a secretary. Sue Carol was busy at work on two pictures when '"Skyscraper" was released in Los Angeles, so she delegated the work of letter writing to her secretary. My letter read — ".Miss Carol wishes to thank you for your praise in yesterday's review. She hopes to have soon the pleasure of meeting you personally." It was a darned nice sentiment, but then I've known Sue ever since her skyrocket debut in "Soft Cushions." However, the secretary didn't know that. Another well-known star seldom fails to reply to a review on one of her pictures. In the?e letters, which stretch over a period of years, she has never orice'sptl.'c^' "ly name correcth'. ' • Premature Remembrance MOST of the mail from film people arrives just prior to the opening of a picture, the don't-forget-to-mention-myname letters. Scenarists, title-writers, technicians and bit-pla\ers in the cast adopt this method to jog the critic's memory. One title-writer never failed to herald a forthcoming production boasting his handiwork. Once 1 mentioned that the titles were puerile, and he hasn't written since. I've heard that Lois Wilson weeps over harsh criticism, and that May Mc.\voy was terribly upset over comments on her voice in V'itaphone. On the other hand, Jetta Goudal is her own best friend and severest critic. 1 once went with La Cioudal to a temple of the movies to view her latest picture. Her criticisms were just, sound and not always complimentary to the story, cutting, direction, or her own performance. Hut Jetta is different — a fact, I believe, which has been mentioned Ix-fore. It isn't so bad at that, this ticklish business of reviewing the films in Los Angeles. What if Tottie Twoshoes does get a mad on .ind sail by us in her Rolls, her saucy nose in the air? There are compensations. For I'xample, those ver>' ritzy luncheons that 1 nited .Artists gives the press at the Hiltmore, to say nothing of Dolores del Kio's t;arden parties with six kinds of sandwiches. CO.NFKSSION -pspecially somebo<ly vise's — i.s good for the soul " hcHrt the psyrtiir hcHllh ready publisiuHl Cnnfe." ' ippt iind Constance Tal !i(' ~pirilunl robuxtneFs of «iil) wii nil amntint; iniproveiiipnt. will mil stop there; it niuKt • Its fvery addict a p(*\rhic .mipernian > I ,:in. .More ConfesxioiiM will follow. ■ -tiiffl will Tell All. And .\11 is (juite a Iloiit ininfi your next noul-treatineiit ; make airappointmeiif now with your newodealer for the January Motion Pictvhe C'LAsmr. It'slhr M'lginint \iilh lh> Pirsotuililu lot. 10 minutes ^M~ Remember all the things people used to do for headaches? Today, the accepted treatment is Bayer Aspirin. It gets action! Quick, complete relief — and no harm done. No after effects; no effect on the heart; nothing in a Bayer tablet could hurt anyone. ("\'our doctor will verify this.) For any sort of headache, neuralgic pains, rheumatism — your first thought should be of these tablets. Taken soon enough, it can head-off the pain altogether; even those pains many women have thought must be endured. SPIRIN .Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid Kissable! Ujps r» in iwo monthi. PsrffcHy Hhap**!] M Tni.-M 'h Dfw lipahaprr tmit been of men. women luul M. TRILETY 241SP, W.U. BIdg., BInghamton, N.V. Workinc In sp.ire time. J. U. Wade marte $200 In two weeks. .1. G. Mason carnoU Stilt for a few days' work. I'rtu, ton, can soon qualify for the wonderful opiiortunltles In this lil;;-|i:iy profe.s.slon. CAMCRA l-KKK HOOK tells liow laGIVEN in..ii^, \|., rlv t.:,ili ^..„ riiuli N.Y. INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY 10 We<t 33rd St.. New York, Dept. 18 Be a Movie Operator We furnish projectorand teach you at home. <;et a good pay mil Willi Mnvie (.rSaiideville Theatre. WrUef.irfvldir How do you SPELL YOUR NAME? In the winilow. top. body, wheel, or under the fonder of the Biilck Sedan pictured here are certain lucky letterB cleverly worked Inin the picture by the artist. Can you find even one of these Icitem which appears In your last namef Hi^BB ■ Ma ^> the letter you bare found Id the car. Re I ^^^_^_ WW t* member, this letter must appear aome " ^"^B^" ■WB^» where In your last name. Send It tome wlih your name and address. 1 am Rlrlng away four autos and many other prUcs. You may be the one who will write aie AND WIN BUiCK SEDAN or $1800 Cash CERTIFICATE TOR $4S0.00 TO APPLY ON GRAND PRIZE SENT IMMEDIATELY AS BELOW IF YOU FIND A LETTER Immediate quick •rt( deUr-we wend C«irtitlrmtr for »4Sn.OO to add to the rlr..t prize, if you win, «nd dlrpctionft for getting Hiiirk Sid*n. Vrittm »l»pn to advrriinu our pr.Murtii locallr. Hlir n.w KRlKNDSUll' CAMPAIGN of thi» :4r. ycir old onCirn. Thm c.(Ti>r !■ simple sDd vtraiKht. No more puzzles to »olv«. N<> !<•!• of wurdn to make or write or any nthrr purilfB. This U all I-irwt price winner ffrta Buirk Sedan and th> »4H0 IW). but oairkneaa la ne<-i>Mitary . C. W. FrmDcia. C. Votrtmann. Wandok J. C. Ix>n«. Kffle Swearlnven won ram on cur laat ada. No i Lively intereated. If yoa can find -nr ..f tho hidd.-n letter* in your i NRary. t>«t Of obliiration now. later, or e^rr. e. send it rurht away by letter ' rewarded B. H. FRANCE, DEPT. 40 SOO W. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO | '/5