Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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Clara Bow Exposed {Continued from page 22) Observing my inarticulate condition, Clara slid o\-er to the radio and magically produced out of the void the shrill tones of Aimee MacPherson telling the world that she had found a mansion in the sky. Interested as we were in this disclosure, Clara and I decided it was high time we proceeded on our tour of inspection. No foghorn along the length and breadth of the Atlantic seaIxjard could have galvanized me into life, from the swooning condition I was in, more (luickly than Mrs. MacPherson 's voice. We swept out down a short corridor to Clara 's bedroom at the rear of the house. Another swoon was on its way, however. The bedroom of the reigning World's Sweetheart, the Empress of It, the girl who put Sex Appeal on the map. A small, almost tiny room containing an enormous red-quilted bed, a simple dressing-table, a chair or two. Quantities of color, mostly red — Clara likes it because it goes with her hair and her personality. No austere shading scheme, no priceless antique highboys, nothing Louis Quitize, not a particle of Ming, nor a suggestion of Recaniier — not even an expensive engraved toilet set. Just a few simple ornaments and effects such as any girl would have in her bedroom. On the wall, just one picture — a photograph of Rudolph Valentino. The view from her window — just a few square yards of back garden. A GREAT star's GOWNS AFTER applying the necessarj' restorax\ lives Clara had me sufficiently under control to guide my tottering footsteps into a sort of out-size closet built on to the bedroom. Here she keeps her shoes, her hats, her coats, her wraps, her frocks, Vou think of an awe-inspiring array of ermine, snakeskin footwear. Rue de la Paix millinery and Patou evening gowns? Forget it, please. Dead to all sense of shame, Clara Bow retains a morbid and almost primitive liking for simple clothes — but of a simplicity indeed astounding! She buys everything in the ordinary* department stores of downtown Los .Angeles. Believe me or not, her collection of hats in a row on one of the shelves contains nothing but the good old nmety-€ightcent variety of pull-on. Her shoes ire so plain and unassuming as to turn the -tomach of any self-resf)ecting star living in the hispano-moresque palaces up the street. Her dresses are practically all straightforward sporty affairs in every conceivable bright color, with only about three or four moderately elaborate ones for evening. Clara hardly ever goes out dancing to the right places where tourists come to view the stars. She stays home, or drives with a boy friend down to the beach to eat hot-dogs md ride on the switch-backs. She has no )L'welr> at all. .■\s I gave up consciousness for the third lime I noticed with a sickening pang that there was not an inch of ermine in the Bow wardrolje. .Merciful oblivion blotted out this appalling revelation. Worse was yet to come. I cannot attempt to describe my feelings on discovering that Clara's bathroom is — ^just a bathroom! Not only is it not paneled with tiles in i;radually deepening shades of purple, but — horror of horrors — the bath in which Clara ■'is is actually one that you have to yourself by climbing into, instead of p; sunken into the floor as in the home (if really genteel stars. But let me draw a veil. On returning to the sitting-room I was startled to see a small .Australian bear clambering about on the sofa. By now I (Conlinued on page yg) Win $3,500.00 Here's news for puzzle fans! C. "U". Francis, A. F. Holt, Miss Leola Markus won from Sl.sno.OO to $3.SOfi.OO each in our last puzzles. Here's the new one. Here are twelve pictures of Charlie Chaplin, the world famous United Artists' star. Xo, they're not all alike, < ven though they look alike. Eleven of them are exactlv alike, but one and only one is different from all the others. That's the real Charlie Chaplin. The difference may be in the tie, shirt or hat, or somewhere else. Find the *^Different" Picture 300 prizes totaling over ?7.^00.00. SS.Sf'O Oft to winner of f.rst prize and duplicate prizes in case of ties. If you can find the "different" figure you may be the one to get this t-Teat prize. Certitlcate for $i,«oo.0O to apply on great prize sent Inunediately as below U yon llntf the "dUIerent" figure If you finil the ri-al Chiirlie Chuilin »c will send as soon as rorred msntr is ncoiveil urtilimte for $1,000.00 to add to the first prize of ?2,rj00. if you win. and directions for getlinc largest prize. Over S30,noD.OO In prizes already given to advertise our products locally. No cost .r ohligaiinn. Nmhlng to buy now, later or ever. Everyone rewarded if itivcly intereste<I. F. A. HARRE, Room 63 510 N. Dearborn St, CHICAGO, ILL. Lef Your Next Shampoo Lighten Your Hair •DLONDE hair dark ^ ^^^ O ened year by year / .^ I ^H btconiesdullandfaded, / ^J^ fl too. But Blundex, a M z.'tS^ ^M special shampoo for K ,» '^S^ ^^H blondes only. safclyand ^k j^ f% ^ '^m gradually restores the ^P W ■ "^^/^^ natural golden sheen to W %jt, ^^VliRht hair — keeps it V -^ ^^^ bright, Kleaming. You will ^1^ ^S^.^^^r ''* am;ized at the new ^^ ^^^m beauty of your hair even ■ ^^^^^^^ after the fir?! shampoo. Not ^" ^^^^^^^adye. Contains no h;irmful chemicals. Millions use it. Get Blopdex at any drug or dept. store today. A PERFECT LOOKING NOSE Can Easily be Yours Trados Model No. 25 corrccta now all ill^^hapol ii'.><-j. 'iuickli'. |>ainlf>4ly. ptTirjMii.fnlj . anri coinl'irtlii.l. u lioruc. It ia the f.nly ii.i-..--,:ipin;: H{tpliatir« of pren-ie iiiju-t tiieni and a safe and |[uaranice<l iMkteat device that will actually give you a pfrfecr lookine mwe. Over 900O0 Bati((tie<l usera. For years rcc'ointnended by physician*!. 16 years of experience in manuf act urine Noec Shaprrs I0 ai yfmr eervic*. Modal 25 Jr. for children AwanlcNl Pri«e Medial l.y bin \\enibley 10xp«>*'iiion. Lonte^innonials an<l free b'>uklet. litAio a perfect I'loWine n«»«e. M TRILETYt Piooecr Noteifaapbic Specialist Depl. 3138 Biofbamloo. N. T. doQ, Knitlani How to Keep Love when excess fat might lose it People who are overfat lose in youth and beauty, health and vigor. What a pitj'. Excess fat is now easily controlled. You see that in every ( ircle. Some years ago science discovered a great cause of overweight. It lies in a gland which is under-active — a gland which largely controls nutrition. Fat is not lost to stay lost until that defect is corrected. The modern method of treating obesity is embodied in Marmola prescription tablets. They were perfected in a famous medical laboratory. People have used them for 20 years— millionsofboxesof them. They have told the results to others, and year by year the use has spread. Today you see the effects in every circle. Slender figures are the rule. Countless people who were over-fat now have normal weight. Women look younger, more attractive. Men have gained in vigor. One great reason is found in Marmola. Each box of Marmola contains the formula, also the scientific reasons for results. You know what you are taking and why. No hard work.nostarvation.Just be moderate. Then take four tablets daily until weight comes down to normal. Try Marmola, becauseof what it has done for over 20 years for so many.The results will be a revelation to you. Do this for your own sake. Do it now. i Marmola prescription tablets are sole! by all drugi^sts at $1 per box. If your druggist is out, he will get tnem at once from his jobber. MARMOLA Prescription Tablets The PleoBont Way to Reduce