Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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How to have Lovely, Lustrous Ha.ii'-^ always/ Does your hair ever seem dull to you — drab, lifeless? Have you not wished for something that would keep it looking prettier — richer in tone? The secret lies in proper shampooing! Not just soap-and-water "washings", but regular use ofa shampoo that really beautifies — one that was created especially to improve dull hair and add that little something extra so often lacking. If you really wish to make your hair bewitchingly lovely — just one Golden Glint Shampoo will show you the way! No other shampoo, anywhere,like i:. Does more than merely cleanse the hair. There's a youthimparting touch — a beauty specialist's secret in its formula. Millions use regularly. At your dealers', or send 25ctoJ.W.Kobi Company, Dept.L, 603 Rainier Ave., Seattle, Wash. Money back if not delighted. Come to WASHINGTON The cducatioaal idvancges of a visic to the CaptuI o{ our Nation arc of locscimablc value Stop at THE LEE HOUSE 1 Sih and L Streets, N. W. Tiircc squ'rn to chc While House. A new acd rocKlt:n Hotel. Refined enviroomcnt. 250 ROOMS RATES: Sinsle room Double "... Single '* (with meals) 2 persons (with meaU) . 250 BATHS $ 3.50 daily 5.00 •• 6.00 " 10.00 " ROBERT BLOCK, Pres. MONEY FOR YOU Men or womco can earn $13 to $25 weekly in epare time at home making display cards. Light, pleasant work. No canvassing. We instruct you and supply you with work. Write to-day for full particulars. ThcMENHENITT COMPANY Limited I j9 Dominion Blde.*Toronto, Can ■■■■■■■■■ ""Tf PERSONAL Appearance in now more th&n ever the keynote of eucreiis. Iioth ill sorial and buiii. iie^ life. B<m-Ltuti€<i n.../ Kfnck-h / m... ri. .(>/■.>„..,,,■ |„,ih vcMilu l.n I i.M. mil 1 .■ il::.| 1m ill ii.'l.i . \" .1.1. ■ U^ r.. OI..I l..Miik-k:..-e.l Ifii.. .afflj. UUlikiy UI..I lierii.aueiilly. nilbout [laiu. operalion or rliR I.ii.,-Slr,.;iT,.T." M.,.lrl il. Uii-.l Ik p' ici.T I L L. nMj'iprii 'le^ I' t "I ur. wu incr.i. u«t!i lii.-.i ret uu.iiicniU'l f'.i. the Ikiit 7 yeara fiy physiriane everywhere.) U rite ttxj.y for partirulare, t««tinn>niaJe anil my free • opyriiihteil phyaioloffical ami anatorntcaj txMik which telle yo.i how to rorreet bow and kuork-knee<J leca without any oblitfation. Enrluee a dime for poatage. M. TRILETY, SPECIALIST 1662 L, W.U. Building BinKhamton, N. Y. Clara Bow Exposed! {Continued from page yj') was sure I must be the victim of hallucinations, but a moment later what appeared to be an entire herd of dogs, of all conceivable cross-breeds, wandered in from the garden. They all flocked about Clara, the bear climbing on her shoulder while the German maid, having finished her singfest in the kitchen, came up and crooned to the animal as she stroked it. Clara beamed affectionately on the assembled fauna, who obviously appreciated her patronage to the full. Outside, at the back of the house, the other comfortably-shaped German fraulein had set up an ironing-board in the patio, and was beginning to do the sheets and pillow-cases of the establishment. Everything contributed to the horrible suspicion that had been growing in me that I had discovered a movie star flagrantly and shamelessly living the life of an ordinaryhuman being. Need I add that I swooned? I think it is hardly necessary. Suffice it that when I regained consciousness Clara led the way out on to the lawn. "Won't you come for a ride in my car?" she said. My smile of acceptance froze on my face and i became deathly pale. For out of the garage there apjjeared — oh, the shame of it! — there appeared — a Cadillac! The blood of the Fighting Belfrages boiled within me. "Never," I cried, "ne\'er will I connive at this unheard-of, this ghastly and wanton destruction of Hollywood's most sacred tradition! Vou — a star — without even one —not ONE Rolls-Royce!" It was at this juncture that I swooned. Who's Hooey (Continued from page 4g) Not long ago John Barrymore, no less, and Messire Myron Seiznick emulated the late lamented Shakespearian scholar by engaging in fisticuffs ■ close by the sacred precincts of the .\mbassador. I don't doubt but that far more prominent gentlemen have at times done likewise. There was an occasion when a knight belted an earl. Learned senators have fanned the atmosphere in bourbon-inspired ambitions to mar one another. .-K prince once took one on the nose from a high-born pauper. But they socked and kept still. In Hollywood, they sock and say so to the whole wide world. There was no reason, and is none, why Jack and Myron should not have enjoyed themselves as they saw fit. But, sure enough, one of them blabbed. .And the result was page one. .And no good purpose accomplished. Tom Mix has given as good as he has taken for twenty years or so. Whether he came out first or second best, he did so with a grin and a tight tongue. But a little fracas in Hollywood, and a worsted op[X)nent dashes helter-skelter to a spot where police reporters might logically be expected. Two lady stars almost come to a clinch o\'er the affections of the husband of one of them. Casualties are avoided, but when the visiting luminary ascends to get her furs, they are found slashed to ribbons by the pale beauty whose face must be marred by red-faced rage. Who told? Why, the husband, of course. .And no one knows whether to laugh at him or with him. .And so it goes. Maybe it's the climate. They say it's hard on animals. In any event, its rigors have proved too great for the three discreet little monkeys who cover eyes, ears and mouth to see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Hollywood has a bad tongue. It should have its mouth washed. EARLE LIEDERMAN— The Muscle Builder Author of "Muscle BuUdtng." "Scicncf of Wresriino," "Stcrttf of SirnKjth," "litre s lleaVli," "Endurance, ' etc. What Do Women Want Most? Women want he-men for their husbands and sweethearts. None of this chorus-man stuff for the Tca\ Elrl. She wants to be proud of bis physical make-up, proud of his tiuure in a hathine suit. She knows that it is the fpllow tliat Is full of pep and \iialily that gets ahead in this world. He's cot the ph>sloal backbone to back-up the ineotal decisions he makes. He'll win out everj time. Look Yourself Over! How do you shape up'? \re you Kivln? yourself a square deal " Have you pot those bic rolling muscles that mean health and strength Inside and out'.' The vitality that Rives you the ambition to win out at everythini; you start. Make that Klrl admire you llrst and forcniost for a real be-man and the hardest part in winning her Is over. I Can Give It To You In 30 Days In 30 days I can do vou over so that she will hardly know Nou. I'll put a whole Inch of solid muscle on each arm in 30da> s. and two whole Inches of rlpplint; st renuth across your chest. I've done it for over a hundred thousand others, and 1 can do it for >'ou. I don't care how weak and puny vou are. I like to get them weak and puny, because it's the hopeless cases that I work with best. It Rives me a lot of real Joy just to see them develop and the suprise<l look in their e>es when they step before the mirror at the end of 30 days and see what a niira:;le I have worked for them. You'll Be a He-Man From Now Ont And It's no temporary layer of muscle I put on you. It's there to stay! With those newly broadened shoulders: that perfect neck and Rreat. manly chest, you can maintain your self respect in any society. I-.very woman will know that you are what every man should be — a forceful, red-blooded he-man. I Want You For 90 Days If at the end of 30 days you think you have Improved, wait till you see jourself at the end of i'O days. Then the friends you thousht were stroiu: will seem like children by comparison. I'm not called the Muscle Huilder for nolhing. My system scientilically builds real muscle taster than you ever Imagined. Watch Them Turn Around Xotlce how every woman prefers the fellow who carries himself with head up. Notice how the broad shouldered man always gets their eye. They want a dependable when they make their choice — one who can protect them. And you can t e that mnn. Remember. I not only promise it. I GU.\R.*N'Ti:E IT. Now don't put it off a minute. Get going to new happiness and real matihiHid today. Send for my New Booh Muscular Development S4 pa;e> and^lT IS FREE It contains forty-eleht full-paee photographs of myself and some of the many prize-winninE pupils I have tralne<l. Some of these came to tne as pitiful weaklings. Imploring tne to help them. This book will prove an impetus and a real Inspiration to you. This will not obligate you at all. but for the sake of your future health ana happiness do not put II olT. Send tmlay — right now before you turn this page. EARLE LIEDERMAN Dept. 3212 305 Broadway, New York ' Dept. 3212, 305 Broadway, New York City ■ I Dear Sir: — Please send me. without any obligation [ Ion my part whatever, a copy of your latest book, | "Muscular Development." (Please write or print • I plainly.) j I Name ! I Address. I City.... 79