Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1928)

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OPPORTUNITY MARKET AGENTS WANTED AGENTS— WE START VOL IN BLSINESS and help you succeed. N'o capital or experience needed. Spare or full time. Vou can easily earn JoO-SlUO weekly. Write Madison Products. 5<J4 Broadway. New York. Get our Free out lit offer. Wonderful line 330 fast-selling Household Necessities. Every Home buys; SIS a day sure: car furnished. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO.. 2186. MONMOUTH. CINCINNATI, OHIO. GAMES '•HOLLYWOOD BURLESQUE." famous "lafl" game. ha.s societj' in convulsions. Mo\ie stars represented. Ideal card gante: easy — no figurine. Great relaxation. Entertainment for all occasions. $1 postpaid. Hollj'wood Game Publishers. Hollywood California. HELP WANTED— FEMALE We Pay $1.20 Dozen, sewin? bungalow aprons at home. Spare time. Thread furnished. No button holes. Send stamp. Cedar Garment Factory, Amsterdam. New York. HELP WANTED— MALE MEN — Interested obtaining Information about work, romantic, wealthy t>outh America, write for free list. Good pay. South American Service Bureau. 14.tj00 Alma. Detroit. Mich. Men. set Forest Ranger Job: $12.>-$200 mo. and home furnished: hunt. tish. trap. For details, write Norton Inst.. 1579 Temple Court. Denver, Colo. Forest Raniiers, Park Raniters. Sl.3.5 month. Cabin: Hunt. Trap. Patrol. Get details lmniediatel\ . Rayson Inst.. T-l!i, Denver. Colorado. HELP WANTED— MALE— FEMALE M ik< $20 per 100. stamping names on key check.s. sex. A spare time t)usiness of >"Our own. .send _ :.ts for saniple and Inst ructions. Good for $5 daily . li. Ke>tag Co.. Ft. Worth. Te.xas. HOW TO ENTERTAIN Pla.vs. Musical comedies and revnjes. minstrels, comedy anrl talking songs, blackface skits, vaudeville acts, mono 'llalogs. recitations, eniertainmeots. musical read ■ ake-up goods. Catalog free, T. S. Denlson A Co., . Wabash. Dept. 03 Chicago. INTEREST TO WOMEN '.inteed Her:. IV sen lug I: < . O. 1). u., Dept. IS. .;, _ , PATENTS Inventors: .send details of ;our Invention or patent at once, or write for Information. In business .30 jears. Complete faclllt lei.. References, .\dain Fisher Mffc. Co., 512 i:nrlght. St. Louis, Mo. PHOTOPLAYS $1 JfiO for a pli*»topl J % st(>r\ li , .iii iilikttow ri w r |r * REDUCE A BOOKLET II. I NSMORE 3n Ust rtflucil.. :ir\' will Ik I ■. ut charge uintii niiuest to Dept 'K' CJarlield Tea Company Street Urooklyn. New York LXAKN ART AT HOME Portraits. EARN MONEY Our amazing new method of Oil Paintinflf Portraits. Land.^oape.a. Miniatures, etc., ice. PAINTING OUTFIT an.l Employ' Wnte for booklet. PICTORIAL ART Dent, *M 2926 Broadway, Chicago. life's Secrets? Amazinir new b.M.k, •■*«## Counsel." V ..,„ .,„T. trM. T.m fV,« .^-M-r^ V -1 r.-. • . \ Send No Wlonev rRANKLIN PUBLISHING CO. D«pt. S60I. «00 W. Clark St.. C><ic»»o Hollywood's Police Record {Continued from page Sj) "Jack Gilbert was in jail," I put in. "Not here," said the Captain (rather proudly I thought), "Mr. Gilbert's little disturbance took place in the Beverly Hills station. And I don't know as I would go so far as to say that there was any great disturbance. He was probably more excited than dangerous. They locked him up and he slept it off — and went home the next day. Sometimes police stations have to serv-e the purpose of nurseries as well as lock-ups," he chuckled. Didn't I say he was a sympathetic man? Neither did the Tom Mix-Will Morrisey prize-fight, which landed Morrisey in jail because he got pugilistic without a license, happen in Captain McCaleb's precinct. The Santa Monica station handled that big event. " If a person is prominent, the papers make a lot of these things that would otherwise pass unnoticed. Policing the Premieres "O ID SMITH is the only movie name we »3 have recorded in this station in some time," he went on. "And that was a death case. They called for us one night down at one of the receiving hospitals. I sent a couple of men down there and they found Smith dead. Bad liquor had killed him. Not any particular batch, however. "Our dealing with the movie p)eople is usually at the time of some celebration of a picture premiere. I detail squads of men to handle the crowds at ever> Hollywood opening. When 'White Shadows in the South Seas' opened at Grauman's Chinese Theater, it took thirty of my men to handle the sidewalk crowd. I guess there must have been twelve or fifteen thousand people there to watch the stars come in. They start lining up about lunch time and most of them bring little camp chairs and box lunches to help them o\-er the long tedious wait. Now, strictly speaking, (jeople aren't supposed to be picnicing on Hollywood Boulevard, but I know how anxious the tourists are to see the movie folk and so I tip my men off not to be too observing. The crowd is always orderly and friendly." " Does Sid Grauman, or an\ of the picture producers, ever break out with a lot of passes for the police?" I wanted to know. " It's easy enough for a policeman to get a pass to the theaters," said the Captain. "But I discourage that as much as I can. Naturally I can't stop managers from giving my men passes to their shows, but I do stipulate that they aren't to usk for them. The police cannot afford to be obligated to the movie people, the theater people, or any other group." That brought up the idea of the favorasking business working just the other way .around. Did the picture people ask any sp)ecial favors of the police? The Captain shook his head. "The police are not here to grant special favors. \\'e are no more lenient with the picture people than any other class. They pay their traffic fines just like others. Tom Mix, I believe, has been granted the use of a police siren on his automobile. That gives Tom the courtesy of right-of-way through all the streets of Los Angeles. "This little special attention was awarded Tom in appreciation of the fwlice benefits he had so often helloed to put over and make successful. 1 think there are one or two others who have been [permitted the use of sirens also. But these special favors are awarded by the Chief of Police of Los Angeles and only in rare cases." Such is Hollywood — on the police blotter. ^JWQLMRffr FRO/1 ilAIDEN lANI W^#i|d<ENTER OF THE W( NEWEST STYLES! LOWER PRICES Jewelers everywhere come to Maideu Lane to buy. Save "middlemen's*' protit&l Buy DIRtCT-^at Maiden Lane prices. AU you need is ^^1 Send $1.00 with order — give ue a few pet^H Bonal tacts — age — occupatioD. etc.— if possible ^B one or two refer«nce^•. RELATIONS ^^^^ STRICTLY CO.NflUENTIAL— NO DI^^^^ RECT LNQCIRLES MADE. We ship PTompU.v for M DAYS TRIAL. If satisfied pay iiiiill smoont statird month I \ — other\^ise return and we re* fund deposit. AVOID THE XMAS RUSH! OUUEK ^OW! Me. •1--18 kt. Ha.«3-I8lit.»hit< »bite«old.exquis cold dinaer rlns. 3 itelypierced.htoe. rine blue white d^s Blue wliit* dia moDOS. 4 blue ^ao mond. 2 Marquis phires $42.50. emeralds S47. 50 t3.7S monthly. $4,33 montlily. No. SS-lSlit.whiu cold beautiful dealco.Fioe blue whic« aidmona. $SV.75. S3. S3 Rionthly. tecord siniihin; XMAS Sale price on this ns Iv advertised W.tK^lCK (ieut s wrin waict. ed moremeot. latest model while cose, compieie ' wita mesb bracelet. >1.40 monthly. GET OUR BIG FREE CATALOGUL' efore .vou buvjewelrv anvuht-re. iil.\ .MO.ND?. W.VrcHES". Jtl^LLKi■. ML VtMW ARE. PERCOLATE KS. CL <CKS. CA.MEKAS. etc. Rockbottiin .Muiden L«oe f ricesI-AVASVOL-I'l.tASErEK.Vs —your own arraniremeQts (wjihjn reason' Seal t REE toaiir aauii O.F.BALE 6.CO. esTABLisMEO isse 2/'EB Maiden Lane '//etuYork "I rPD K nC" MAKE SHAPELY LIMBS LLVJIAUO —DEFY DETECTION Also, Uatty r.,-,l,;<-iruj Rubb.-r llamienU: Mairio Rubber Hait Curlers; Llpera ii-ni .<etvic-,' Weitlht .-^ Hose Witf?» and Ctiarm Braids ;Cusmetics:TiebU:Impersotiators' Out fiu-.Theatricxi Supplies. S. K. CAMP, 235 Fifth Ave., New York Any PHOTO kMiim Slza 16x20 Inches SauM price far full ^^^^ lencthor bust form, ■■■■i KToopfi, landscapes, ^^| vr pet aaimala, etc., or ^^|^^k enlmrsome:it9of a-i? ^^U part of BTo op pi- ^r^^ ture. Sue return of your <.Ava oririnal pboto ruara' * *. SEND NO MOMY JustmaO pbotooranap."!. uzOmndwiUiiD awctit n ^^ receive your beautiful liie-UKO Fay poftinan We plus poatsure or aend $1.00 with order Bodwe pay postage. SpedalFree Offer ?:i?f doctionof phot.»iwnt. Tak'-ad▼antaire m-yuj of this ainazitur ofler--aend your ph)ta today, _ ^„_^^ _ UNITED PORTRAIT COMPANY 10S2 Ocdon Avo. l>opt,2S9 a CMcaso, M, 85