Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Jun 1929)

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Looking Them Over {Continued jrom page 6j) For the benefit of those who just must see r,loria Swanson or Marion Davies in the flesh I would recommend Tuesdays and Fridays as a more favorable time to spot them at the Montmartre. And Then What? WHEN Clara Bow was in Xew York she disguised herself on a hotel register as Stella Ames, which was her cast-name in "The Wild Party." Holly'..ood is still wondering if that was a hint, or .;n incognito. (Jreta Garbo pulled the same ?tunt but there is no doubt but what Greta .anted privacy and plenty of it. With Lupe Velez it was different. An eye itness to Lupe's arrival in the big city tscribed it as follows: Lupe descended from the train like Sheba in all her glory. She spotted the eager pressmen with one blink of her Spanish eyes. "This is Lupe," she yelled gleefully. "This is Loopee!" The Mixes Mended MRS. TOM MIX made a flying and unexpected trip from Paris to Hollywood and remained but a week. Accompanied by only one maid and a beautiful Collie dog, she threw Hollywood into a panic of rumors by re-opening the Mixmansion and scoffing at marital difficulties l>etween herself and Tom. " I spent five days with Tom when I came through New York," she told reporters, "and I am expecting him to join me in Europe this fall." Lloyd's National Park THE other day I took a two-hour tour over Harold Lloyd 's estate and then I didn 't get to see everything. I was too fagged out to see the sunken desert garden, or the natural waterfall. It reminds me more of a national park than any thing I have ever seen. The estate features everyhing from a golf course to a babbling brook here one may canoe for an hour or so .ithout seeing the same landmarks twice. Even more imposing than the grounds is the castle-like residence, with its elevators, living-rooms, assistant living-rooms, drawing-'/(jms, sub-drawing-rooms, dens, indoor and itfloor, and five-room master suites. I 'd be afraid to l»e invited to a party there. 1 'm afraid I would get in play room A when they were entertaining in play room ' up on the third floor. No More Babies THERE are rumors that there won't be any more Wampas Baby Star selections. The idea was all right the first coufile of years, but lately the girls, the frolic and the enthusiasm have taken terrific slumps. There is a little bit too much politics in•olved in the choosing to satisfy either the andidates or the dear old public, who has ^■en choosing Baby Stars ever since the ovies began. And, Oh, Yes PH KEU up from here and there: Constance Talmadge is back in HollywockI to marry Townsend Netcher. Viola Dana has gone to San Francisco to make a stage production. May MrAvoy will be married by the time you read this. Alice White gets her feelings hurt easily and cries when fjeople aren't nice to her. Lina Basfiuette always thanks critics and writers for saying ni(e things a})Out her. Norma Talmadge never pays any attention to what '■s sairl abxjut her, one way or the other, 'label Normand is very ill. Sue Carol is :iiriking of buying a house way up on a hill. And that's all there is. J^ose Unsightly FAT This Easy (/ People used to think that excess '| fat all came from over-eating or under -exercise. So some people starved, but with slight effect. Some became very active, still the fat remained. Then medical research began the study of obesity. It was found that the thyroid gland largely controlled nutrition. One of its purposes is to turn food into fuel and energy. Fat people, it was found, ^■enerally suffered from an underactive thyroid. Then experiments were made c-n animals — on thousands of them. Over-fat animals were fed thyroid in small amounts. Countless reports showed that excess fat quite promptly disappeared. Then thyroid.taken from cattle 'Ml and sheep, was fed to human M^ beings with like results. Science C then realized that a way had been >p^ found to combat a great cause of obesity. Since then, this method has been employed by doctors, the world over, in a very extensive way. Next Came Marmola Then a great medical laborator>perfected a tablet based on this principle. It was called Marmola prescription. Marmola was perfected 22 years ago. Since then it has been used in an enormous way — millions of boxes of it. Users told others about it. They told how it not only banished fat but increased Pleasant Way health and vigor. That is one great reason — perhaps a major reason — why excess fat is nowhere near as common as it was. No Secrecy Marmola is not a secret prescription. The complete formula appears in every box. Also an explanation of the results which so delight its users. No abnormal exercise or diet is required, but moderation helps. One simply takes four tablets daily until weight comes down to normal. Correct the cause; with lessened weight comes new vitality and many other benefits. Do the Right Thing ' This is to people whose excess fat " robs them of beauty, youth, j^ i^ health and vitality. Reduce that • fat — combat the cause — in this ' scientific way. Do what so many people, for 22 years, have found * amazingly effective. Try a couple of boxes and be , convinced. Watch the results. !^ __ Then, if you like the results, com' plete them. Get a box of Marmola k today. Sold by all druggists at 31 a box. .'\ny druggist who is out will order from his jobber. / -^ !Prescriptionjahlets JkePleasani Way toJiedwe WIN AIRPLANE iPcssengermpT^AcimlKhis Eym Gnirse! HS74500'«CASH/ ^\J^^^\J»Vjyj IF YOU PREFER / t'TZZLD FANS! Last year «p awarded to over MO people automobiles and other valuable prizes, and In neit fiw months will award between 300 and 40(1 more prizes through rtur puzzles just to advertise and e:tpand our business! Mrs. .Tohn Olllles. Mrs. Nellie C. Walters, Jliss Leola Markus. C. F. WeitInit, Charles VoKtmann. J. C. I/Ohr. A. F. Holt, eneh won automobiles or eash prizes from to $3.r>'i0.00 throuKh our last puzzles. We spend over $150,000.00 on ilicse offers laih year. Here's a big new one for you. Find the T'wln Airplanes Here are ten pictures of the 1929 90-h. p Waco Alri.Iane whieh. together with free fiying instruction, we arc RlvInK free In our "friendship campaign." (You can have the cash. If you prefer. lierlde after you are announced as winner.) No, these pictures are not all alike, even though they look alike. Ttu dlfferente may be In the markings on the wings, bodies or tails of the airplanes. Only two airr'lanes are exartly alike. Can Vnu fin'l them? .Tust .^' tid the two Dumtj'TS of liie twin airplanes on a por^l card or letter — today. Certineate for Csoo.oo to Add to Largest Prize Sent at Once aa Belo'w if Yen Find T'wln Airplanes Quick aclioni Find ita twin airplanes and we will send, as soon as correct answer Is reeeltcd. C'ertiticale fer $.".(10.00 to add to first Grand Prize. If you are prompt and win first prize, or a total of $4.a4.').00 (cash If preferred) and dlrc'lions for getting combined prize. First Grand Prize is a brand new Waco Airplane and actual flying Instrurllons by exi>erlenced air mall pilots, all fully raid for by us. Twenty-four other prizes, valued aa high aa $1,000.00 and including five other free aviation courses. In fase of ties, <liiplicate prizes will be paid to persons tying. NO MOUE PUZZLE.'' TO SOLVE. No cost or otdigatlon. Nothing to buy, now, later or ever, .lust send the numbers of the twin airplanes in a letter or on a post card. TLat's all. S'end no money but BE rilO.MPT. 8. RENO, Room 99 S4 W. ILUNOIS ST.,CHICAGO, ILL. 91