Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Jun 1929)

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>^i c^. J", ;fu. .i ^ ^^.:~W\''^ m V\ 0^ > \' ,^ \' \N •\ # ^ \; M^\-^ V >*:'. <s^ ^^ \' . , ^ \ ^A ;'\~ / ;\-: ^ '^^^1 ^ / J i A^ '%^k)y \j v^ s'\ r r/ U!^< '■'/' **^^ i*. ,_/ V 0XJD through Ihf Magic of Fox IMovit-tone, Broad>^^ way's greatest song and danee cntertainnient comes to the screen of vour nearest theatre. T^iiLMMFox ,, FOX MOVIETONE FOLLIES •1 /lorfimiin rttrain/ianza, ilazzlinp irith henutifill f;irlx nnti a briltiant ennemhlr of 200. <a,.t .,/ >»orv — JOHN BRF.F.DF.N, I.OLA LANE. DEWITT JF.NMNGS. SHARON LY.N.N, ARIHI K STONE. WARREN IIYMER, STEPI.N FF.TCHIT, ARCHIE CO'ITLER, AKTHl R KAY. frinripalt in Son* nnd Danrr \iim(.rr»: — SI E <:\ROE. KAMI) PERCY. SHARON LYNN. I)\MI> ROLLINS. DIXIE LEE. Ml RIKI. (,\RnNER. J\<;h WAI»E, MELVA CORNELL, PAL LA LAN(,LEN. CAROLYNNE SNOVtDEN. JEANETTE DANCEY. HENRY M. MOLLANDIN, FRANK LAMONT. >r>/s anil \rrliii' f.f.nlrr Oifl r!<inrti<l and Sid Miflw II Story and Direction h^ I>u>id Riilirr IHnlog h\ «,|llu,„ K. \l,.|N /(/•111. Uirirled by Murrrl Silver Ensf-nthtrs bv LiUnrd Rom. tr.hi.. (;.,lll,.'r ,1,1./ I iin. S. Mur. .. •« 93