Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1930)

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\mU\i o o AN ANTISEPTIC LIQUID mi SdmieA^ TW^O man or woman should *^\^ permit armpit perspiration with its disagreeable, offensive odor and ruinous, discoloring stains to embarrass them personally nor destroy their clothing. You can rid yourself of armpit perspiration. A few drops of NONSPl (an antiseptic liquid) applied to the underarms will keep them dry, odorless and sweet and protect your clothing. NONSPf destroys iKe odor and diverts the underarm perspiration to parts o{ the body u here there IS better evaporation — and need be used on an average of but tifo nights each week. NONSPl is an old. tried and proven, dependable preparation— used, endorsed and recommended by physicians and nurses. More than a million men and women use NONSPl the year around — spring, summer, fall, and winter — to keep their armpits dry and odorless and protect their clothing. Get a bottle of NONSPl today. Use it tonight. Your Toilet Goods Dealer and Druggist has it at 50c (several months' supply) or if you prefer Accept our 10c trial offer (several weeks' supply). The Nonspi Company 2640 Walnut Street Kansas City, Mo. Name Address' City For the enclosed toe (coin or stamps) send me a trial size boiile of N'ONSP/ mm 98 size 16x20 Inches Same price for full !eaf;thor bunt form, KToupn, tantlxcapeft, P«t animala, etc.or entarKemt-TitMof any part of KFoup iiiclure. Safe return of your own orininal photo fruaranttpd. SEND NO MONEY Jiwt mail photo or anappbotf any ■UeJandwilliiQ Bw<-«'k youwill teceiwe your beautiful lifelike CDUrtr<fmentBizeltix20iD.fniarant«ea fadc'leHS. Pay t>oi>tmao 98c plus poHtaice or send $1.00 with order aad we pay postage. Special Free Offer ^LrJ? fnlartfi-mentwe will «f nd FkkB aband-tifitr.l rnininturc r*-productirm of photo npnt . Tak<' advaptatcu nnw i>f thiirt jiirii»zin*r odEer'-teud your pli'.to totJay. UNITED PORTRAIT COMPANY SOO W. Lake Street Dept. H-690, Chicago, III. RARN MONEY AT HOME YOU can make $15 to $50 weekly in spare or full time at home oil painting photographs, snapshots, enlargements and miniatures. No experience needed. No canvassing. We instruct you by our new simple Photo-Color process, and supply you with working outfit end employment service. Write for particulars and beautiful Free Book to-day . The IRVING VANCE COMPANY Ltd. 1 14 Hart Building, Toronto. Can. A pool player: Charles E. Mack of the Two Black ^Crows, on the brink of his popular private pool — a better place to plunge, Hollywood avers, than Wall Street In Private, A Bluebird (Continued from page 52) He's immensely pleased with himself. But at the same time he has his tongue in his cheek, or I'm very much mistaken. And why shouldn't he be proud? He's not only the author and Head Man of the Two Black Crows. At Paramount he has one of the shrewdest and most amazing contracts e\'er written. He's a real estate magnate, the owner of a prosperous trunk factory, and the inventor of a mar\'elous paintremover that can clean fourteen yellow taxicabs in one day, and verj' likely a number of other colors. He is still inventing, and his own house is full of gadgets that he originated — very smart and practical ones, too. He's inordinately fond of his house. He took me on a tour of inspection which neglected no nook or cranny. It's a house done in the modern manner by Mr. Mack's special decorators. "\'ou know," he said, "some people expected we were going to do it in a \'ery extreme style, with those low beds that you look funny in, and everything." In Charley's own room is a full-length mirror equipped with footlights that you turn on with the toe of your shoe. There are two Schipperke dogs on the place, and in aildition he has a little private bulldog, who li\ es in one of his clothes-closets and growls menacingly at anyone who attempts to come near the .Mack suits. He Owns His Designs MR. Mack was anxious to' have me see that everything in his house was practical and meant to be used. He only knows one piece, but he played it on all the pianos. He executed a few shots on the billiard table, turned the electric lights on and off, and e\'ery time we looked at a bathroom I fully expected him to take a shower. " I own the design for every' piece of furniture in this house," he announced with childlike pride, and added, "but anyone can copy them just the same." Hand in hand, we descended into the bowels of the swimming pool. It is deeper than any other pool in Beverly, or the tiles are brighter, or the -floodlight is stronger, or something. We examined the designs of starfish and dolphins that have been laid in the bottom for the benefit of those who can keep their eyes open under water. We even invaded the brightly checkered kitchen, where Mr. Mack's three shiny Oriental boys were eating their lunch with chopsticks. "They're good boys," said Charley benevolently. In addition to his boys and his attractive secretary, Mr. Mack has in his emplox a doctor, a lawyer, and a couple of black-face comedians who help him with gags. " Yes," he said. " I always carry a doctor with me. I hire him by the year. The one I have now is a cancer specialist." I was going to be sympathetic when he announced blandly, "I've never been sick in my life. But if you go to a doctor four or five times a year, you might as well hire him by the year; it doesn't cost much more." The $10,000 Lawyer MRS. Mack's health is just as perfect as her husband's. She is one of the decorations of his house. She is pretty and blonde but not very obtrusive. He also has a lawyer by the year, at, and I've no doubt he engages a flock of architects on the same basis. ■'One person can only look after one thing at a time," he said in defense of his extravagance, "and if you can afford it, you might as well give yourself the comfort of having all those things done for you. \ou can't take your money when you die. " Vou can only eat three meals a day," he said, "and what's the use of being mean with petty people, hoarding your money and not getting any pleasure from it. As I say, you only have one pleased heir, and that's the best you can expect." 92