Motion Picture Classic (Jul-Dec 1930)

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Vivacious, beautiful — Alice White knows, as a charming film star, the vondrous beauty of Sllowing Princess Pat Rouge. Into your cheeks there comes a new mysterious GLOW Into cheeks touched with almost magical Princess Pat rouge, there comes mysterious new beauty — color that is vibrant, intense, glorious, yet suffused with a soft, mystical underglow that makes brilliancy natural! No woman ever used Princess Pat rouge for the first time without being amazed. Accustomed to ordinary rouges of one flat, shallow tone, the youthful, glowing naturalness of Princess Pat gives beauty that actually bewilders, that thrills beyond words to describe. The Life Principle of All Color Is Glow The mysterious fire of rubies, the opalescence of opals, the fascinating loveliness of pearls depend upon glow. Flowers possess velvety depths of color glow. In a naturally beautiful complexion there is the most subtle, beautiful glow of all, the luminous color showing through the skin from beneath. Now then! All ordinary rouge blots out glow. On the contrary Princess Pat rouge imparts glow — even to palest complexions. The wonderful color you achieve seems actually to come from vnthin the skin. It is sparkling, as youth is sparkling. It is suffused, modulated. It blends as a natural blush blends, with out definition, merging with skin tones so subtly that only beauty is seen — "painty" effects never. Only The "Duo-Tone" Secret Can Give This Magic of Lifelike Color No other rouge can possibly beautify like Princess Pat "duo-tone." Why? Because no other rouge in all the world is composed of two distinct toyies, perfectly blended into one by a very secret process. Thus each shade of Princess Pat rouge possesses a mystical underglow to harmonize with the skin, and an orertone to give forth vibrant color. Moreover Princess Pat rouge changes on the skin, adjusting its intensity to your individual need. Every Princess Pat Shade Matches Any Skin Whether you are blonde or brunette, or any type in between, any shade bf Princess Pat you select will harmonize with your skin. The duo-tone secret gives this unheard of adaptability. And what a marvelous advantage; for variations of your coloring are unlimited. There are shades of Princess Pat for sparkle and intensity when mood, gown or occasion dictate brilliance; shades for rich healthful tints; shades that make P r I n cess Pat CHICAGO, U. 8. A. (l.N CANADA, 93 CHURCH BT., TOBONTO) Pnnee» Pat Lip Roui/e a new sensation — nothin( Icn. For it does what no ether lip ruufre has ever done. Pnnceaa Put Lip Rouge colors that loaido cheeks demure; a shade for wondrous tan; an exotic, glowing shade for night — under artificial lights. So thrillingly beautiful is this fashionable use of just the right shade for the occasion, that you will undoubtedly want to possess at least a shade for day — and wonderful NITE for evening use. The cost? No more — because each shade lasts its accustomed time. Be Beautiful Today as You Never Were Before Princess Pat's thrilling new beauty is too precious to defer. And words cannot adequately picture the effect upon your cheeks. Only when you try Princess Pat duo-tone rouge will you realize its wonders. Today, then, secure Princess Pat and discover how gloriously beautiful you can be. moist surface of lips as well as outside. You'll lovo Ihi-t new beauty Keeps lips soft and free of chap and dryness. I'ermanent. Dainty enameled metal box. Tba vnry DopuUr Pni>c«aa Pat Week End Set it ofiared for alinuUNl time for THIS coopoN and 2So (ootn). Only ooe to a customer. Set contAins eaaily a month'a supply of almood tiase powderand FIVEotber delightful PrinceM Pat preparationa. Packed in a beautihiUy decorated boudoir box. Please act promptly. SPECIAL Ptii>c<«Pat.2709a WeU9St.,Chica<o. Dept. A-I0I9 Encloeed Bad 26a for which Mad bm tba Prinoaas Pat Week Bind Sat, I (print). Stnet. City and Stato