Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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.ASSIC P)ened it and read the few curt lines (■ithin ; I' “Dear Rita— The wind was the wrong way I is afternoon, and I heard what you said to iaat man. I guess I’ve had my answer, whether it’s the one you intended to give me not. Maybe it seems queer, but it wasn’t just '-^)u I wanted — but your love, too. Good-by. j. , H. C.” li T. J. Olverson, Junior, flabby, faintly impurpled, as ever, found her staring I'own at a crumpled sheet of paper, a arious, mirthless smile twisting the jeautiful scarlet mouth. “I’m in luck !’’ 'e wheezed. “Never dreamed of finding ou here. What d’you say to a little ide and a bite of supper at a nice place j know, eh, girlie? How’s that listen b you ?” _ I She looked up at him with sudden 'jecklessness, tho her eyes did not match i[er laugh. “Why not?” she cried deliantly. “After all, what’s the odds? I’ll •et what I can out of life anyw^ay!” It was late the next afternoon when )octor Varian knocked at the door of drs. Potts’ third-floor-back room and, vithout waiting for an answer, opened it, tepped inside and closed it behind him. The limp huddle on the bed stirred and lifted a face that brought a shock'ed exclamation to his lips. I “Rita ! My poor girl ” Rita Charles dragged herself to her feet and faced him, pushing back her lisheveled hair with a sickly, hopeless ^’■esture. Her face was ghastly, blotched with weeping, twisted and drawn out of [ill semblance of its old nonchalant beauty. “Wait!” she told him, harshly; “wait! you may not have seen the evening bapers, so I’ll tell you. Last night — the man I said I was going to marry turned me down — and I went to a roadhouse with another man. We — were dining in la — a private room and there was a — a raid. It seems his — his wife had been trying to get evidence for a divorce for some time, so she hired detectives ” She began to laugh monotonously. “It was rather — horrid ! And so you — see — I’m not going to be married after all — I’m going to be a co-respondent ” She staggered, and would have fallen but for his arm about her. “Dont, Rita !” begged the doctor. “Listen, dear, I know all about it! I didn’t come home yesterday afternoon. I — well, I sort of hung around in case you should need me. And about midnight I saw that befuddled scoundrel tumble out of his car with your coat across his arm. I got the whole story out of him — as well as he could tell it — and the upshot of it was I persuaded him” — she felt the muscles of his arm tauten under her close-x)ressed cheek, but his tone was cheerfully matter-of-fact — “I persuaded him to keep your name out of the case. So you see no one will ever know anything about it ” She spoke in a .small, smothered voice. “But — you know ” “Oh, I !” said Doctor Varian. “I dont {Continued on page 79) ( Sixty pxc) "'I hav3 watched the proarress of the International (Correspond once Sciiools almost from thy very beginning. To me their rapid growth is easily undersUxKl, because I realize the practical value that is back gf* them and know sometlilng too of the succt'ss attaine<l by many ambitioua men throughout the country who have taken their courses. “May your splendid Institution continue to so grow and flourish that the world will come to appreciate tlie actual worth of the I, C. S. trained man.'" —Thomas A. Edison. “I nm fomdliar with the teocthooks and method of instruction used by the International Correspondence Schools in their Courses in Electrical Engineering, and I also know of a number of young men who have taken tiiese Courses with great beneflt. 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Well, here is their advice, based on years of familiarity with the instruction given by the International Correspondence Schools and on personal knowledge of I. C. S. trained men in their employ: “I know of the success attained by men who have taken your Courses,” says Edison. “It is a practical and economical way to acquire a knowledge of the profession,” says Dr. Steinmetz. I Read their full statements above. ’ • For 27 years the I. C. S. have been training men at home in their spare time for success in ' Electricity and 280 other subjects. It is training I over 100,000 men and women right now. It is ' ready and anxious to prepare you for advancement in Electrical Engineering or any special branch of it — or in any other line that appeals to you. I’i*ck the position you want in the work you like best, then put it up to us to prove how we can help you. Here is all we ask— without cost, without obligation, mark and mail tliis coupon. INTERNATIONlf CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 6760. 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