Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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East OT West — North or South Jap Rose Talcum Powder Is the choice of women of the most refined taste. There is a subtle fascination in its delicate lodor— like the gentle breath of a rose. And it is so refreshing and soothing to the most tender skin. Trial Offer: Send 20c for an attractive Week> end Package containing four Jap Rose minia* Cures, consisting of one each of Talcum Powder, Soap, Cold Cream and Toilet Water. JAMES S. KIRK & COMPANY 1245 W. North Ave., Chicago © Copy this Sketch and let me see what you can do with it. If you like to draw, my practical system of personal individual lessons by mail will develop your ability. A large proportion of the newspaper artists who are gaining success to-day were trained by this course. Cartoonists and illustrators earn $25 to $125 or more per week, and new opportunities are constantly opening up. rANDON PICTCBE CHARTS teach Original Drawing in the simplest way. Every step is explained clearly by pictures. You learn to draw as easily as you learned to write. Send sketch of Uncle Sam with 6c. in stamps for sample Chart, full information about the course, list of successful pupils, examples of their work, and evidence of what you too can accomplish. Please state your age. The Landon School f„dcL“toS 1403 Schofield Bldg. Clevelsnd, Ohio Play Piano in One Hour— iOc No teacher needed. Complete self-instructor. In one hour you can play an accompaniment to any song written This chart is invaluable to anyone wishing to quickly become a piano player. After using a few times you can dispense with chart. Mailed with catalog of novelties for 10c, 2c postage. ROYAL CHART CO., Dept. D., So. Norwalk, Coim. CARBO-HYDROGEN CO. 7% PREFERRED STOCK Par Value $5.00 P • I $4,871/2 and Accrued Dividend rrice | bonus 25% Common Stock Standard Gas for Cutting Iron and Steel. Established Company, rive plants in operation. Dividends paid on preferred since organi/.ation. Common Stock now earning at rate of over 0 per cent. Send for Circular P.C.-G Farson, Son & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange. 115 Broadway, New York City. This department is for information of general interest only. Those who desire answers by mail, or a list of the film manufacturers, with addresses, must enclose a stamped, addressed envelope. Address all inquiries to The Answer Man, using separate sheets for matters intended for other departments ot this magazine. Each inquiry must contain the correct name and address of the inquirer at the end of the letter, which will not be printed. At the top of the letter write the name you wish to appear Those desiring immediate replies or information requinng research, should enclose additional stamp or other small fee; otherwise all inquiries must await their turn. Monsieur Le Southland. — So you have missed me. Yes, the editor tried to keep a large part of me out again this month, but I fooled him. I leave it to you— aren’t these answers more important than advertisements? Niles Welch in “Reclaimed” (Paramount). “The Death Dance” was taken in the East. John Bowers was born in Indiana. He is six feet and weighs 180 pounds. _ Leslie H. S. — I agree with you when you say knowledge is power — that is, if you know it about the right person ! You’ll be a famous photoplaywright some day if you keep^ on. Robert Gordon in “Blue Blazes Rawden.” Douglas Fairbanks Fan. — Why, Audrey Berry was in to see the Answer Man, and she is prettier than ever. You refer to Jack Mower as Graham in “Jilted Jane.” Wanda Hawley in “Border Wireless.” Mary W. — You say you want the December 1918 Motion Picture Magazine, which _we are out of, and you will be glad to pay for it — Mary Wasaha, 659 Oak Street, Bethlehem, Pa. You’re going to get a raft of magazines, Mary, when our readers know that you are so nice and good-looking. Dimples. — So you are physically down and out, and medicine does not help you. Nonsense ! I dont believe you are anywhere near out, but you may be down temporarily. Get out in the sun. Remember that where the sun does not go, doctors do. Nature is the only real doctor we have. All that medicines and physicians can do is to assist Dr. Nature. That will be about $1.50 for the advice. _ And you want an interview with Thomas Meighan. Look up the February 1917 Maga^ne issue. Interested. — After seeing Corinne GrifBtn in “The Girl Question, you think it would be a matter of the question of clothes, r^^th Avenue was scoured for those gowns, and they look it, dont they? You want an interview with Carl vie Blackwell. Very well, you shall have it. But I certainly cannot here give you the biographies of the ten players you mention. . Chick.— So you want to register a kick. Go ahead. You dont care for Norma Talmadge in Chinese or Indian parts, but want her as her real self. We shall get in touch with Norma immediately, if not sooner. Arthur M. — Say, what do you think I am. How am I going to get a list of all the Greek motion picture players? It cant be done. Merci Monsieur. — Avec plaisir.^ Thomas Meighan and Bobby Connelly in Out of a Clear Sky.” So you think Marguerite Clark “hogs” the screen. I have no influence when it comes to getting Norma Talmadge and Eugene O’Brien to play together. Perhaps you have. CoRP. H. I. S.— You think I am very funny, do you? Alas, alack! I haven’t a funny bone in my body — not even a funny-bone. But I have a large wish-bone. You bet I would like to get better acquainted, so dont forget to call. Jean Keller. — Yours about husbands was interesting, but remember that a lover has all the virtues and all the defects that a husband has not. Pauline Frederick and Tom Wise are to play together in a stage play in Sep i tember. Send for a list of correspondent tj! clubs. Oh, yes, I remember beautiful Octavi; Handworth. Lillian Concord in “The Trou Y ble Maker” as the mother. J Jaguar. — I agree with you when you sa; « never take advantage' of another man’s igno ranee, but it’s often done. No, G. M. AnderU 4 son is in New York, connected with theatri x cals. Well, if it contains fires, wrecks .q murders, kidnappings, etc., I should call i i melodrama of the rankest kind. But tha i governor who refused to pardon the lady wh } murdered her husband probably believes r $. Volts for Women. Turn off the current; it’ f getting warm. Kathleen H. — Thanks for the fee. Mon 1 roe Salisbury was born in New York and i t with Universal. Mollie Pearson and August t Haviland in “Passing of the Third Floe , Back.” Pretty ancient, but No, I hav I never had the pleasure of kissing the Blame f stone. Mae Murray will return to the stag ■ They say Mae Marsh is no longer wit Goldwyn. Mrs. George N. M.— No, I wont print yoi r address. Oh, yes ; why, I arise every mornir » at 6:30. I missed it only twice, once when i woke up and found my watch was not goin and once when I awoke and found my wat< gone. Oh, boy! No, no admittance to studii > when they are taking pictures. You expect n ; to be nice to you when you call me a womai » Zounds and gadzooks ! Dakota Bill. — Howdy ! Ho hum ! such i life. You Westerners are made of great stu Certainly I admire Taft. He is now mo i often toasted than roasted. He usually mak a big impression — particularly on a feath^ bed. L. C. Shumway is going to be Lilli" : Walker’s leading man, and remember Herb* 1 Pryor, of Edison? He’s the heavy. j Edith H. — Pardonne.'z vioi. Wh}-, brandy ; called cognac, after the French town of tl_ j name in the brandy-making region of Angc^ . leme. William Gillette, who is playing i “Dear Brutus,” is 65. Nat Goodwin was ' ; when he died recently. De Wolf Hopper is ' ; and E. H. Sothern 59. Why, I happened ' I pass Caruso and his bride the other day, ai ^ she certainly is a beauty. Classic D. D. — So you thought I'f'ss C • i ford was “a chickenly queen” in “Who ifc Number 1 ? Prenea garde. Karenina. — That’s up to you. Every '• traordinary man has a certain mission wh i > he is called upon to accomplish. I am so/ ; to say that I know of no corn cure. The 1 1 thing is to grin and bear it. A good, stu I f swear often helps a little — great oaths fr ' ■ little aching corns grow. . i Phone Operator. — Hello! No, this wi s i not busy. Liane Held Carrera was the t in “The Liar.” Harold Lockwood died Oct ^ 1 1918. The other player you mention is j. il formed. You know a man of refined ira 9 but of physical deformity somewhat resem ■ an oyster; the shell is not pleasing to the ^ 1 but its contents are exquisite to the h, ■ j Ring off, please. 'I | (Eighty -four) •