Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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1 CLASSIC j f. He laughed. “What I wanted in ' I lombay — yourself. Oh I know I have j . rival — the landlady at the inn was ii loquacious, but I fancy I have cards that j v'ill beat his.” [ She laid her hands on her breast. "You . vould — tell — him ?” “If you force me to by your obstinacy.” J ie came closer, laid his hand on her ji.leeve. “But after all, why spoil things? i^eave his illusions and come up to Lon!lon with me tomorrow. The season is ust beginning on the Riviera, there are i nany places — a whole world full where ^ ve may go without recognition and be lappy !” Stella Ballentyne shook his hand from . ‘ler with a gesture of repugnance. Her ! ace held a strange light behind its pallor I “No!” she cried in a ringing voice, "1 hall not go with you, and you shall not ell him. I will tell him my.self— tell h'^erybody. There is no happiness that ‘lan come of dishonesty, I have not drawn In easy breath in months, but tomorrovc I hall be a free woman again before all he world!” “.\nd you imagine that a rising young nember of Parliament will be willing to barrv a self-confessed murderess?” i [aieered Thresk. “My dear girl, when he j mows of vour notoriety he will flee you | IS if you had the plague !” . . I t; “I would not let him marry me if he vanted to.” Stella said slowly, that is )ast and done with. But I shall live the hst of mv life without concealment. \fter all it is better for the body to be in arisen than the spirit . . . .” “Perhaps,” another voice said (luietly, 'you will let me decide for myself what ;.’will do with my future.” They turned, startled to meet Dick lazelwood’s level, tranquil gaze. “Stella,” le said, and there was actually a little i ^augh running thru the words, “I know ^ ill about that affair in Bombay — have | mown it all the time, but it means nothng more to me than that — he held up j 'lis hand. Stella, eyes like blue stars, j noved toward her lover. ' “You love me enough to believe me ! vhen I say it was not my fault ■" ■ “I love you so much.” said Dick Plazel I \'Ood very simply, “that T know that you i ■ould do nothing wrong. ’ j Wrapped in their own joy, they did not lotice when the figure of the other man | lipped like a discomfited shadow out of he room and out of their lives into the larkness where all shadows go. Eugene Pallette is back from Kelly j Sield and is assigned to support Emmy j Yehlen at Metro. He was always a re | iable actor, and we’re glad to welconie j !he man with the name suggestive of oillaints rather than grease-paints back to | he silverscreen. i , Rhea Mitchell is leading with Monroe | ‘Salisbury. Vera Stedman is keeping j ihe family name alive at Universal now, j iVlarie MHlcamp is doing terrible stunts | 'n the "steenth instalment of “The Red ; Hove,” and Truman Van Dyke, her ; jleading man, has just annexed a car. || (Sixty seven) I “Here’s Where We Got Our Start” i «M.TeAn OUT HeRE«M MM MMi mmm mmm mm mm riNTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS “Look, Nell — this coupon! Remember the night you urged me to send it in to Scranton? Then how happy we were when I came home with the news of my first promotion? We owe it all, Nell, my place as Manager, our home, our comforts — to this coupon.” Thousands upon thousands of men now know the joy of happy, i)rosperous homes because they let the International Correspondence Schools prepare them in their s[)are time for bigger work. You will find them in city, town and country — in office, factory, sho]), store, mine and mill, on farms and on railroads. There are clerks w'no became Advertising Managers, .Salesmen and Executives; carpenters who became Architects and Contractors; mechanics who became Engineers and Electrical Experts; men and boys who rose from nothing at all to splendid responsible ])ositions. d'here are such men as Jesse G. Afincent, who advanced from toolmaker’s apprentice to Ahce President of Engineering of the Packard Motor Car Company. Such men as H. E. Gardner, -who won through I. C. S. spare time study the training that equipped h i m to build the great Equitable Building. These are but examples, ddiey have ])ro\’ed what men wdth ambition can do. More than a million men and women in the last 26 A'cars have advanced themselves in position and salary through 1. C. S. help. Over 100, OtX) are studying right now. You can join them and get in line for promotion. 'I'he first -Step to success in the I. C. S. way is to choose your career from this list and mark aiul mail thi.s coupon here and now. BOX 6762, SCRANTON, PA. Ejcplaln, without obligating me, how 1 can qualify for the position, or In the subject, before which 1 mark X, SALESMANSHIP ADVERTISING ^ Window Trimmer Railroad Trainman ILLUSTRATING Cartooning BOOKKEEPER Stenographer and Typist Cert. Public Accountant TRAFFIC MANAGER Railway Accountant Commercial Law GOOD ENGUSH Teacher Common School Subjects Math ematlcs CIVIL SERVICE Railway Mail Clerk AUTOMOnn.E OPERiTlNd into Rcpalriag: NavliratioD ^ ■ AGRIOUr/rUlfE ELEOTRIOAL F.^RI^EER Electric Lighting and Railways Electric Wiring Telegraph Engineer Telephone Work ; UEOIIAMICAL ENGmERR Mechanical Draftsman Machine Shop Practice p Toolmaker ** Gas Engine Operating OlYIh ENBLNEEK t Surveying and Mapping UINE FOREMAN OR ENGINEER STATIONARY ENGINEER as Marine Engineer = Ship Draftsman ARCHITECT Contractor and Builder ” Architectural Draf^man Concrete Builder Structural Engineer = PLCURING AND HEATIRQ Sheet Metal Worker Textile Overseer or Supt. CHEMIST □ Spankb Freneb □ Italian Name Present Occupation^ Street and No. zl Clty_ 48 Photos of Movie Stars : produced in half-tone. On cardhoard, suitable for framing. Ar-j luicklc, Bara, Chaplin, Bickfords, .Anita Stewart, Pearl White, etc. Until male and female STARS are all here in CLASSY POSES. By 'Mail postpaid 15 cents. Stamps or tioin. ARDEE PUBLISHING CO. Dept. 150 Stamford, Conn. !• MCLi t. I.l' I lilt.MAN Tht! icsuilt.H t f n.y uroahown ttu my own person and Hint ia rocomnioiiiiation enough. G'T SATISFIED WITH YOUR APPEARANCE? A well developed body will give you 1 strong ]>ersonality and bring you success, ^ly system has made thousands of men and women healthy and strong. W hv not you ? ^l> h.iiKlsomcl.v illustrated book “Muscular Development” will benefit and interest, .^Au Rn-nHy. Send for a copy New— Today— vthile it ia on your mind. (Enclose 10c to cover pt>stage. eU*.) EARLE E. LIEDERMAN Dept. 403, 203 Broadway NEW YORK CITY Stories Wanted for Publication FREE EXAMINATION A fine opportunity for beginners Booklet on request NEW YORK LITERARY BUREAU, 143 W 36 Street, New York City Learn How to WRESTLE la Yoor Own Hooie ^By Mail Yes, learn to become an expert wiestler riffbt in your own heme, by mml, from the greateet wrestlers the world has ever known. Be an athlete, be strong, be healthy. Learn how to throw and handle bi^ men with ease. Learn to defend youreelf. All tau)?h.t in our course of leeeons, and illustrated with hondreds of cb&rta and aetual phetognipha by Farmer Burns and Frank Gotcli Farmer Bums, "the errand old man of the mat,"taDght Frank Gotch, the World's Champion, all he knew about wreatline, ao Gutcb said. He will now teacb.vouScientfficWreatling— Physical Culture^ -Jlu-JItsw^Setf Defense. Elvery and boy in America, no 41f< / feronco what affc, needs this wondortui coarse of leasona. Write /|y. today— your name, age and address on a postcard or letter brings * * you our fmo OOOK absolutely tree, it' you send •ic m stamps to help pay postage— no obligation of any kind. A splendid book OD and pbyeical cultore. Write today atathog your ago, F^erBnnis^hoolofWresIliiigA-155 BamgeBldg-.Omalia