Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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CARMEN Powder Even the wonder:^* ful eye of the camera\ cannot detect the difference between a delicate, petal-like skin and one protected by the magical touch of I CARMEN COMPLE^CION POWDER The'favorite of the “stars” because everywhere — under the glare of the electric light, in the broad sunshine, under the lamplight, in wind — everywhere — Carmen gives to the complexion an enhancing beauty. White, Pink, Flesh, Cream and the new CarmenBrunette Shade 50c Everywhere 1 M I AtOTION PICTURl! Those Shelby Girls j {Continued from page 35) old finery and frocks was used by Mar recently and sent to a little girl in Louisi ana, the old home state of the Shelbysf There are more requests for these beautii' ful outfits than the girls can grant. And, “no foolin’,” April first was Mar Miles Minter's natal day — a day o j which the Shelby girls gave a big hous party with a dinner dance and lots oi “April Fool’s Day” conceits and joke:J This will be the last opportunity to givF a birthday feast in Santa Barbara, :! seems, for Mary has definitely refused tl sign another contract with the America! Film Company. She thinks that thre^« years of hard work in a small town ougfii to be followed by a lot of travel, with ilJ educational advantages and possibilitie| for foreign shopping, its freedom frori the aggravating Kliegs, and rest froij eye-strain. i So this year of peace is destined to bi an eventful one for the fascinating Shelbj Sisters, and on their return next fal: quien sabef [ The Gown Quest {Continued from page 68) tion, the same number of hats, glov(^^ — lots of fans, and with all these jj never have enough, for no directci could permit a gown which has bee worn in one picture to be used agaj for another. Motion picture fai would detect the economy at one Of course, we may wear a screen gov in private life, but most of us dor I never would feel quite comfortab in it, for I would fancy that everyboe I knew would say, ‘You remember tfi gown — she wore it in “Two Gi Betty.” ’ Then, too, I know I couldij help feeling that the eye of the direct was on me.” “But isn’t all this very extrav^ gant?” I asked. The lovely blonde lady shrugged hi shoulders in the most approved Paf sian style. 4 “Oh, I beg pardon!” I exclaimed, forgot, that expense, like distance, J a mere nothing to you children of t|i screen !” “Oh, I am not as extravagant as that,” answered Miss Barriscale, “or when I am not working in the stu( or on a location, I like to feel that! am a nice, sensible, domestic pers who wouldn’t know the smell of yell and lavender paint if they were rig before my eyes. “I am leaving for Los Angeles ir| few days, all tired out from going shops and fittings and trying on lov Parisian gowns and hats, but I had a perfectly wonderful time a wouldn’t have missed it for the won I am coming back, too, the first chai I have between pictures.” “Not to get more gowns?” I ask “Of course,” said Miss BarriscaT| (Seventy-four)