Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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WRITERS’ BOOK FREE for 5 days* examination — read about it! STARTLING new easy method of writing Stories and Photoplays. The wonderful new Irving System, just published. Simplest, easiest, surest known. Many old obstacles of writing readily overcome for those who thought they needed special Knack, previous Experience or ■'a grand education" to be able to write for the movies or magazines. This new book offers an amazing opportunity to thousands of eager, ambitious people who can make money writing, but never believed they could. This New System not only shows how to write stories and plays, but also how to get ideas for them, and how to sell them. Countless bright men and women may learn to turn their spare hours into cash. Hundreds who don’t dream they can write may now become successful through this simple new Easy System. You can continue your present employment and develop your ability to write stories and plays during odd hours. The movie and magazine ofBces call for an endless stream of material! The demand increases every 24 hours! This amazing book, called ‘‘HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER,” tells how, by simply learning the correct principles, people learn to build stories and photoplays in thrilling, entertaining, fascinating form. Who knows — you may have ability you can promptly TURN INTO CASH — TIME THAT YOU ARE WASTING NOW. This fascinating work will delight and profit you, and astonish your friends. SEND NO MONEY — simply fill out coupon below, examine the New Irving System for 5 days, and pay for it only if you are gratified and happy with this new-found Guide to Success. Don’t be one of Life’s wishers and hopers. GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITY. YOU’VE EVERYTHING TO GAIN, NOTHING TO RISK. YOUR COPY IS WAITING. SIMPLY FILL OUT THIS COUPON — MAIL TO-DAY. The Authors’ Press, Dept. 6, Auburn, New York Without obligating me in any way, you may send for 5 days’ free examination. ”HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL WKITER,” I wUi return book or remit $3 within 5 days. Name Street City and State WRITE A SONG Love, Mother, home, childhood, patriotic or any subject. I compose music and guarantee publication. Send Words Today. THOMAS MERLIN, 269 Reaper Block, Chicago Every Investor or intending purchaser of Securities should send today for free copy of this interesting booklet. It describes one of the most attractive methods of purchasing securities yet devised. Ask for Booklet “M” 3B WALL STREET NEW YORK Write the Words For a Song Write the words for a song. We revise song-poems, compose music for them, and guarantee to secure publication on a royalty basis by a New York music publisher. Our Lyric Editor and Chief Composer is a song-writer of national reputation and has written many big song-hits. Mail your song-poem on love, peace, victory or any other subject to us today. Poems submitted are examined free. BROADWAY COMPOSING STUDIOS 107-F Fitzgerald Bldg., Broadway at Times Square, NEW YORK Don Gonzalvo, and Pedro de Cordoba feels that in him flows not only the blood of the Captain of Spain, but also something of the same spirit, something of the same sympathies. Enough, at least, for him to revive the long-ago Captain and make him live for us, an epitome of the romance of Spain, vivid, swarthy, colorful . . . To make this even more than a mere probability, there were plays written about the arresting figure of Don Conzaivo de Cordoba and these plays, in the original Spanish, are even now in the Boston library. Don Pedro has seen them, has even gone into them a bit. These plays, this Don Conzalvo, this bringing to America something of Spain that is of it in truth, is what de Cordoba desires to do. But . . . “One grows so lazy in New York,” said Don Pedro. “I should be doing these things now ... at thirty-seven ... I should be at least beginning them. I simply do not get at it. I suppose it is largely a matter of the will growing flabby, the line of least resistance. Inertia. Something of that kind. One is moved along so rapidly from one thing to another . . . but plans . . . “Some day, tho, I shall simply pack my trunks and take my wife and go to Spain and linger there a while, drinking in the old atmosphere, weeding out the old legends, delving into the more intimate records of this great captain of Spain. If I do this I shall feel that I have something to give — that I am ripe — that I am ready. Spain is vivid. It should be made so. It has a wealth of beauty . . . Of course, they will need not only translating, the plays, they will need adapting. They are very old. In the meantime” — ^he gave his light smile — “I must make a name popular enough to attract. To attract the crowd. They will come, I know, to scoff ; they will remain, I hope, because they will like it.” The glamor persisted. It was a wrench to come back to the studio, to the insistence of the telephone, to the raucous yells of “Lights !” One found one’s self asking why. Don Pedro admitted a greater liking for the speaking stage. Admitted, too, the artistic possibilities of the screen . . . deplored its great existing commercialism, which will not pass away in his day or ours . . . Pictures have been kind to him, he admits. He has been fortunate in his leading women, or rather the women he has played the leads to. He has had, no doubt, the best of them in every way. He loves the outof-doors part of them, the traveling about. Past and beyond all these things, he is devoted to his home ; to his wife, who is little more than a bride ; to the inner things which go to the making of life when life is earnest and real and worth while. One left the Talmadge studio feeling the contact of a personality quite detached from all outer considerations, murmuring to one’s self over and over again that “soft, meandering Spanish name ...” **Finer Than a Diamond^* R. H. G. of Carlisle, Pa. , ^writes: **1 like my Lachnlte riogr better ever# time 1 look at it*. 1 tbiok it is finer thana genuine diamond." fipttfl AIa IUaiiav Bend yoor name and finger eize. we’U i^dttK i«V ITAVltC^ Bend a Lachnite nng. Bet in solid sola, prepaid, right to yonr borne; when it comes deposit S4.76 with the postman, and wear the ring for tea full days. If you, or any Of your friends can tell it from a diamond, send it back. If you return the ring in ten days we will return your deposit immediately. But if you decide to keep it, eend $2.60 a month until $18.75 has been paid. WritA VnHav Send your name now. Tell as which of the solid vvEssv mvMO/ gold rings illustrated above you wish (ladies’ or men’s] . Be sure to send your finger size. HaroIdLaclimanCo.,l2N.MidiiganAve., Dept. AI5S, Chicaao Free Book CoQtaininjf complete. Story of the origrin and history of that wonderful iustrament— the This book tells you when to use Saxophone — singly, in quartettes, in sextettes, or in regular band;how to transpose from orchestral parts and many other things you would like to know. You can loam to play the scale In one hour's * practice, and Boon be playingpopular airs. You can doable your Income, your pleasure, and your . popularity. Easy to pay by our easy payment plan. O MAKES AN IDEAL PRESENT q Send for free Saxophone book and catalog of TrueTone Band Instruments. RIIESCIIFR band instrument co. 273 Jackson street, Elkhart. Ind. Kc 2iHbfu1 b ouicklv sxcoutrcd. bAirtoinc-tte Tou, too, can make your skin beautiful. Use Marie Antoinette Skin Bleach — a new, absolutely harmless Skin. Food, Does wonders. Gives ma^iflcent glow of healthful beauty. Bleaches skin immediately, without flaking or rubbing off. Softens and whitens, leaving skin velvety and radiant. Removes Blackheads^ Tan and freckles disappear. Far superior to vanishing and other creams. Does not irritate. No grease. Removes blemishes and redness on either hands, face or neck. Ladies enthused. One trial convinces. Send $1.00 for liberal sized bottle. Using Marie Antoinette Flesh Builder builds up hollow cheeks and neck bones, and develops Ann busts. A night cream with real food v^ue for tissue building. Same price. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. RUSSEUL-Z^AJER LABORATORV AO I GWAMERCY PLACE LO^ ANCELEJ*. CAL. RESURRECTONE TRADE fl\A«K REGISTERED Get Rid of that Nasal Twang on YOUR Phonograph This remarkable reproducer gives sounds their proper expression and rhythm. Its naturalness and warmth of color makes the sound a true "resurrection" of the original. Applicable to any machine. iou'U be delighted with it. Send $10 if nickel plated, or $12.50 if gold plated, and the KESURRBCTONK will be sent postage paid. State make of instrument. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Hoffay Talking Machine Co., Dept. 106, 3 W. 29th SL, New York City THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO SECURE A SATIN SKIN APPLY SATIN SKIN CREAM, THEN SATIN SKIN POWDER. (Seventy-eight)