Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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^hat Is Nerve Force? ERVE Force is an energy created by the nervous system. What it is, we do not know, just as we do not know what electricity is. We know this of Nerve Force: It is the dominant power of our existence. It governs our whole life. It Is Life; for, if we knew what nerve force were, we should know the secret of life. Nerve force is the basic force of the body ind mind. The power of every muscle, every organ; in fact, every cell is governed and re:eives its initial impulse through the nerves. Our vitality, strength and endurance are directly governed by the degree of our nerve brce. If an elephant had the same degree of nerve force as a flea, or an ant, he could jump over mountains and push down skyscrapers. If an ordinary man had the same degree of nerve force as a cat, he could break all athletic records without half trying. This is an example of Muscular Nerve Force. Mental Nerve Force is Indicated by force of character, personal magnetism, moral courage and mental power. Organic Nerve Force means health and long life. It is a well balanced combination of Physi:al. Mental and Organic Nerve Force that has made Thomas Edison, General Pershing and Charles Schwab and other great men, ivhat they are. 95% of mankind are led by the other 5%. It is Nerve Force that does the leading. In our nerves, therefore, lies our greatest strength; and there, also, our greatest weakaess — for when our nerve force becomes depleted, through worry, disease, overwork, abuse, every muscle loses its strength and indurance; every organ becomes partly paralyzed, and the mind becomes befogged. The noted British authority on the nerves, Mfred T. Schofield, says: “It is my belief that the greatest single factor in the maintenance of health is that the nerves should be in order.” Unfortunately, few people know that they waste :heir nerve force, or will admit that it has been more or less exhausted. So long as their hands and knees do not tremble, they cling to the belief hat their nerves are strong and sound, which is a dangerous assumption. How often do we hear of people running from doctor to doctor, seeking relief from a mysterious “something-the-matter” with them, though repeated examinations fail to indicate that any particular organ is weak or diseased. It is “nerves” or “you are run down,” the doctor tells the victim. Then a “tonic” is prescribed, which temporarily gives the nerves a swift kick, and speeds them up, just as a Fagged-out horse may be. made to speed up by towing him behind an automobile. The .symptoms of nerve exhaustion vary according to individual characteristics, but the development is usually as follows: First Stage: Lack of energy and endurance; that “tired feeling” especially in the back and knees. Second Stage: Nervousness; sleeplessness; irritability; decline in sex force; loss of hair; nervous indigestion; sour stomach; gas in bowels; constipation; irregular heart; poor memory; lack of mental endurance; dizziness; headache ; backache ; neuritis ; rheumatism, and other pains. Third Stage: Serious mental disturbances; fear; undue worry; melancholia; dangerous organic disturbances; suicidal tendencies, and in extreme cases, insanity. It is evident that nerve depletion leads to a long train of evils that torture the mind and body. It is no wonder neurasthenics (nerve bankrupts) become melancholy and do not care to live. If only a few of the symptoms mentioned apply to you, especially those indicating mental instability, you may be sure your nerves are at fault — that you have exhausted your Nerve Force. Nerve Force is the most precious gift of Nature. It means .everything — ^your happiness, your health, your success in life. You should know all there is to learn about your nerves; how to relax, calm and soothe your nerves, so that after a severe nerve strain you can rebuild your lost Nerve Force, and keep yourself physically and mentally fit. Paul von Boeckmann, the noted Nerve Culturist, who for 25 years has been the leading authority in America on Breathing, Nerve Culture and psycho-physics, has written a remarkable book (96 pages) on the Nerves, which teaches how) to soothe, calm and care for the nerves. The cost of the book is only 25 cents (coin or stamps). Bound in elegant cloth and gold cover, SO cents. Address Paul von Boeckmann, Studio 110, World’s Tower Bldg., 110 West 40 St, New York City. You should order the book today. It will be a revelation to you and will teach you important facts that will give you greater Physical, Mental and Organic Nerve Force. If you do not agree that this book teaches you the most important lesson on Health and Mental Efficiency you have ever read, your money will be refunded by return mail, plus the outlay of postage you may have incurred. The author of Nerve Force has advertised his various books on Health and Nerve Culture in the standard magazines of America during the last twenty years, which is ample evidence of his responsibility and integrity. The following are extracts from letters written by grateful people who have read the book: “I have gained 12 pounds since reading your book, and I feel so energetic. I had about given up hope of ever finding the cause of my low weight.” “Your book did more for me for indigestion than two courses in dieting.” “My heart is now regular again and my nerves are fine. I thought I had heart trouble, but it was simply a case of abused nerves. I have re-read your book at least ten times.” “The advice given in your book on relaxation and calming' my nerves has cleared my brain. Before I was half dizzy all the time.” A physician says: “Your book shows you have a scientific and profound knowledge of the nerves and nervous people. I am recommending your book to my patients.” A prominent lawyer in Ansonia, Conn., says: “Your book saved me from a nervous collapse such as I had three years ago. I now sleep soundly and am gaining weight. I can again do a real day’s work.” Genuine Photographs The Stars^ Best Pictures Art Acord Viola Allen May Allison Mary Anderson Mignon Anderson The Three Andersons Macklyn Arbuckle Roscoe Arbuckle Edvkard A-nold Arthur Ashley Edwin August Helen Badgely King Baggot Leah Baird Theda Bara Bessie Barriscale Ethel Barrymore Lionel Barrymore Beverly Bayne George Beban Kingsley Benedict Harry Benham Belle Bennett Enid Bennett Dorothy Bernard Sam Bernard Sarah Bernhardt Francellia Billingtoo Carlyle Blackwell Holbrook Blinn True Boardman Mary Boland Hobart Bosworth Rowland Bottomley Alice Brady Sylvia Breamer Edmund Breese Donald Brian Gladys Brockwell Billie Burke Hattie Burks Charlotte Burton Mae Bush Francis X. Bushman Webster Campbell June Caprice Harry Carey Francis Carlyle Jewel Carmen Augustus Carney Nan Carter Mrs. Vernon Castle Barbara Castletoh Lina Cavaliere Riley Chamberlin Charles Chaplin Syd. Chaplin Mary Charlesoo Virginia Chester Naomi Childers Ina Claire Charles Clarey Marguerite Clark Ethel Clayton Marguerite Claytoo Kathlyn CItfTord Ruth Clifford Ivy Close George M. Cohan iose Collins .illian Concord Chester Conklin Guy Coombs Bigelow Cooper George Cooper Miriam Cooper Bobby Conrtelly Virginia Lee ^rbin ios. E. Corrigan >olores Costello Helen Costello Maurice Costello Wm. Courtleigh Marguerite Courtot Jane Cowl Edward Coxeo Nell Craig Sally Crute James Crure Irving Cummings Grace Cunard Florence Dagmar Dorothy. Dalton Arnold Daly Viola Dana Grace Darmond Marion Davies ' Hazel Dawn June Daye Julia Dean Eleanora De Cisnerot Adele De Gard Carter De Haven Flora De Haven Marie Doro Donna Drew Mrs. Sidney Drew Sidney Drew Nicholas Duneaw Wra. Duncan Jeanne Eagels ^ward Earle Julian Ettinge Julian Eltinge (as woman) June Elvidge Arthur Guy Empey’ Howard Estabrook Bessie Eyton Douglas Fairbanks Fairbanks Twins Dustin Famum Franklyn Famum William Famum Geraldine Farrar Frank Farrinrton Irene Fenwick Elsie Ferguson George Field Romaine Fielding Flora Finch Margarita Fischer Courtney Foote Francis Ford Allen Forest Tom Forman Harry Fox Pauline Frederick Betty Blythe Lottie Briscoe Catherine Calvert Ora Carew Helen Chadwick Marjorie Daw Bebe Daniels Grace Darling Priscilla Dean Madge Evans Eleanor Fields Elda Furry Mary Garden Kitty Gordon Mary Fuller Helen Gardner Grace Geofge Maud George Neva Gerber Margaret Gibson Dorothy Gish Lillian Gish Louise Glaum Agnes Glynn Myrtle Gonzales Edna Goodrich Huntly Gordon Ethel Grandin Valentine Grant Evelyn Greeley Dorothy Green Jane Grey Corinne Griffith Texas Guinan Creighton Hale Ella Hall Carol Halloway Harry Ham Elaine Hammerstein Genevieve Hamper Octavia Handwortb Kenneth Harlan Gladys Hanson Junita Hanson Alma Hanlon Mildred Harris Robert Harron Neal Hart Wm. S. Hart Sessue Hayawaka Martha Hedman Baby Helen Hobart Henley Violet Heming George HernandeS Geo. Hollister, Jr. Helen Holmes Stuart Holmes Taylor Holmes Donald Holt Gloria Hope Arthur Housmaa Lbuise Huff Gladys Hulette Ilean Hume Irene Hunt Peggy Hyland Margaret Illingtoo Arthur Johnson Tefft Johnson Rita Jolivet Alice Joyce Rupert Julian Bertha Kalish Gail Kane Darwin Karr Frank Keenan Ralph Kellard Annette Kellerman Dorothy.Kelly Harry Kelly Madge Kennedy Doris Kenyon Jack W. Kerrigan Anita King Henry King Mollie King Winifred Kingston Ollie Kirby Henry Kolker Florence La Badie Frank Lanning Jane Lee Katherine Les Bob Leonard Ralph Lewis ^ Sheldon Lewis E. K. Lincoln Max, Linder Anna Little Harold Lloyd Harold Lockwood Lillian Lorraine Montague Love Louise Lovely Rogers L. Lytton Gertrude McCoy Bruce McRae Marc MacDermott Fred Mace Mary MacLaren Duncan MacRae Cleo Madison Mntlie Malone Mildred Manning Enid Markey Fania Marrinoff Mae Marsh Boyd Marshall Maiy Martin Vivian Martin Shirley Mason Mrs. Mary Maurice Edna Mayo Frank Mayo Lois Meredith Violet Mersereau Earl Metcalfe Frank Mills Mary Miles Mintcf Rhea Mitchell Tom Mix Owen Moore Tom Moore Victor Moore Polly Moran Lee Moran Antonio Moreno Tames Morrison Harry L. Morey Carmel Myers Harry Myers Jack Mulhall Audrey Munson Ann Murdock Mae Murray Charles Murray Mary Nash Nazimova Frances Nelson Anna Q. Nilsson Mabel Normand Robert Gordon Henry Gsell Hale Hamilton Mahlon Hamilton Raymond W. Hatton Wanda Hawley Clara Horton Anna Luther Bessie Love Gladys Leslie Lila Lee Bert. L^ell Mary McAlister Katherine McDonald William Norris Harry Northrup May Noudatn Wheeler Oakman Eugene O’Brien Kathleen O’Connor Patrick O’Malley Marie Osborne Muriel Ostriche George Ovey Alfred Paget Virginia Pearson Ann Pennington Ethel Pepprell (}eorge Periolat Mme. Petrova Larry Peyton Dorothy Phillips iack Pickford lary Pickford Eddie Polo Harry Pollard David Powell Tyrone Powers Arline Pretty Geo. Probert Margaret Prussine Edna Purviance Billie Quirk Zoe Rae Marjorie Rambeaot Herbert Rawliosos Charles Ray Joseph Ray Billie Reaves Kittens Reicber Wallace Reid Hamilton Reveller Billie Rhodes Vivian Rich Jack Richardsoft Cleo Ridgeley Blanche Ring Billy Ritchie Edith Roberts Theodore Roberts Florence RockwelB William Rogers Ruth Roland Alma Ruben William Russell Gordon SackviUs Marin Sais Monroe Salisbury Teddy Sampson Thelma Salter Jackie Saunders Cyril Scott Gertrude Selby Betty Shade Barney J. Sherry Ernest Shields Marie Shotwell Pearl Sindelar Vera Sissons Audrey Smith Mar^erite Snow Marion Sonshtne Geo. Soule Spencer Herbert Standing Tack Standing Frances Starr Marshall Stedmao Myrtle Stedman Vernon Steele Ford Sterling Emily Stevens Anita Stewart Lucille Lee Stewar* Roy Stewart Ruth StonebottSe Edith Storey Wm. Stowell Valeska Suratt Blanche Sweet George Sydney Mabel Taliaferro Constance Talmadgo Norma Talmadge Rose Tapley * Ethel Teare Lou Tellegen Barbara Tennant Rosemary Theby Olive Thomas Dave Thompson Mary Thurman Fay Tincher Harry Todd Ernest Truex Mabel Trunello Lenore Ulrich Louise Vale Valkyrien Wally Van Brownie Vemom Alfred Vosbur^ Marie Walcamp Charlotte Walker Lillian Walker Lewis Waller George Walsh Henry Walthall Florence Walton Fannie Ward Helen Ware Robert Warwick Bryapt Washbure Lucile Watson Lois Weber Emmy Wehlen -Niles Welch Billie West Winifred Westovtf Glen White Pearl White Walker Whitesido Alfred Whitman Velma Whitman Claire Whitney Crane Wilbur Clara Williams Earle Williams Kathivn Williams Ben Wilson Marjorie Wilson Tom Wise Eleanor Woodruff Clara K. Young Marguerite Marsh Lady Tsen Mei Joe Moore Jane Novak House Peters Norma Phillips Pauline Starke Gloria Swanson Jane Vance Olive Tell Florence Reed Florence Vidor Lois Wilson and others Large Size 5x7, 10c each, 6 for 50c, 13 for $1.00 Hand Colored 20c each, 3 for 50c ROBERT K. STANBURY, Inc., Dept. M. D. 164 Fifth Ayenue New York City Send Stamp for List of Players (EigJity-flve)