Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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CLASSIC The Patrician of the Photoplay {Continued from page 19) living of the character. On the stage you play a character straight thru for many nights. It grows, expands, mellows— and you develop with it. “I find myself absolutely dependent upon my audience. That is why the lure of the stage never leaves me. There is something electrical in the way thoughts flash back and forth between a player and the playgoer.” Miss Ferguson’s eyes glowed with interest. She snapped her fingers to express the electric spark as it crackled across the footlights. “The studio’s loss of an audience at first seemed insurmountable. However, I soon found my audience in my director. But, if he cannot feel with me, react to my emotions, then I am lost. That is why, it seems to me, that a great director must be a man of infinite, delicately strung feelings.” Miss Ferguson misses the use of her voice, of course. “One thing does seem to hurt,” she admits. “It is the way subtitles are flashed upon the screen. One works up to a big scene and, just at its height, a subtitle of spoken words is flashed. Then the scene resumes just where you stopped speaking the words, frequently with the biggest bit of your playing cut out and cast into oblivion. “I shall return to the stage this fall,” continued Miss Ferguson. “I want to go on developing. The stage, as I have said, gives expansion of character thru the very living of a character. But it gives more than that — it gives opportunity to meet and study people, to read and to think. “There is nothing so restful as having time to be introspective,” smiled the ■ actress. “That is, time to sort and arrange my impressions and their reactions upon me. “When I return from the studio I am infinitely tired. I used to laugh at the idea of the tired business man and his ; love of light entertainment of the chorusgirl type. But after my months in the studios, I can understand his mood. My eyes are too tired to permit night reading and, when I do feel able to go out in the evening, I want to go to something frothy, something that will rest my numbed nerves. Yes, I am a tired business i woman these days.” 1 The mere thought seemed preposterously amusing. The fragile Miss Ferguson, at the moment daintily studying her cigaret, seemed far removed from exhaustive work. She was every inch the delicate aristocrat. But Miss Ferguson smiled. “It is true, nevertheless. But that is not the real reason for my return to the stage, since, like everybody else, I suppose I shall keep up my screen work. It is the lure of the footlights. The mere smell of the theater stirs me.” Miss Ferguson’s sensitive nostrils quivered. There was a far-away look in her eyes. “That musty, grease-painty odor of an old dressing-room !” she sighed. {Continued on page 89) (Eighty -seven) I Woxildl THe Law , Let YOU Mari-v ? WHEN will the people of this country finally wake up to the fact that only by taking care of posterity can it become the greatest of all world forces? There is much agitation all over the United States over the law of Eugenics, and some States have been wise enough to insist upon a medical examination of the two contracting parties to a marriage before a license is issued, and although the propaganda of those at the head of this movement is, perhaps, not fully understood or appreciated, there is no one who can conscientiously deny their sincerity or the ultimate good that would result. Through the adoption of a law whereby the physically unfit were barred from marriage in every .State of the Union, there would, indeed, be a relatively small percentage of the population who would measure up to the standard. Would You Be One of Those who were doomed to go through life alone, without the joys and happiness that go hand in hand with a loving wife and strong, healthy children? Would the fact that you have neglected your body, ignored the fundamental principles of health and right living, and failed to make the most of Nature’s supreme gift, doom you to a life of single wretchedness and unhappiness? Our first duty is to posterity. We are not put here by an all-wise Providence merely to live out our lives and then go out, like a snuffed candle. We are entrusted with the sacred duty of perpetuating the species, a duty which is as sacred and immutable as anything might well be. LIKE BEGETS LIKE is a saying handed down from time immemorial, and no truer maxim has ever fallen from the lips of man. A thin, scraggy, under-developed body, soaked and saturated with poisons which are denied their proper outlet because of functional inefficiency cannot hope to produce strong, healthy children. A man who is torn and wrecked by physical ailments, organic disorders and excesses of all kinds, will some day be treated to the spectacle of his children in a like condition. On the other hand, the strong, healthy, virile man, with a body and constitution that is a replica of Nature’s own design, and who jealously safeguards that body and that health, and takes the proper measures to gain and keep them, will some day revel in the sight of offspring that are but a duplicate of himself — a picture of joyous, bubbling, care-free health and strength. So you see, it is not only yourself to whom YOU OWE A DEBT but TO ALL MANKIND. And You Owe It Most to That Girl The sweetest, purest, dearest girl in all the world, whom you would call wife. Is your body clean, strong and healthy? Do you realize the terrible consequences of the youthful follies that are wrecking your body? Remember, then, that STRONGFORTISM will restore to you the vitality of MANHOOD. Strongfortism will make you become more active, more hardy, more pure blooded, more healthy. It will make you shake off indlgesHon, constipation, nervousness, headache, rheumatism, results of early vices and other ills. It will make you regain your snap, vim, vigor, energy. It will make you enjoy every minute of your life, every act you do, eating, sleeping, walking, talking, working, seeing people, greeting people. If you have any of the troubles mentioned on the consultation coupon below, check up the subject in which you are interested and mail it to me today with your name and address written plainly thereon. YOU have the same right to the splendid Health, Virile Manhood, and superb Body shown in the picture to the left, that I have, if you will obey Nature. If you will do the things I shall ask you to do, you can make your body like mine. I will show you HOW to obtain it. In order to help you attain that degree of bodily strength and efficiency that is yours by gift of Nature, I invite you to write me regarding your present condition. Do not hesitate to state your case plainly and fully, and no matter whether it is merely lack of proper development, simple indigestion, constipation or the result of youthful excesses, I shall be glad to give you a personal information that will prove of inestimable value. I have prepared a little book, entitled “PROMOTION AND CONSERVATION OF HEALTH, STRENGTH AND MENTAL ENERGY,” which should be read by everyone sufBciently interested in themselves to wish for the best in life. You wiil find it interesting; and it points the way to better health, a cleaner and happier life, and a splendid physique. Three 2 cent stamps trill pay for the postage, etc., on the book. Send for it now. You will be pleased and surprised with its contents. LIONEL STRONGFORT *‘Dr. Sargent, of Harvard, declared that Strongfort Is unquestionably the finest specimen of physical develo-pment ever seen.” LIONEL STRONGFORT Physical and Health Specialist 919 Strongfort Institute Newark, N. J. I FREE CONSULTATION COUPON Mr. Lionel Strongfort, Newark, N. J. — Please send me your book, “PROMOTION AND CONSERVATION OF HEALTH, STRENGTH AND MENTAL ENERGY,” for postage of which I enclose three 2-cent stamps. I have marked (X) before the subject In which I am (919) . .Insomnia . .Short Wind ..Flat Feet , .Stomach Disorders . .Constipatfon . . Biliousness ..Torpid Liver . .Indigestion . . Nervousness ..Poor Memory . . Rheumatism , .Youthful Errors interested. . .Colds . . Catarrh . .Asthma . .Obesity . . Headache . .Thinness . . Rupture . .Lumbago . . Neuritis . . Neuralgia ..Flat Chest . .Deformity (describe) ..Vital Losses . . I mpotency . .Gastritis . . Heartweakness ..Poor Circulation ..Skin Disorders . . Despondency ..Round Shoulders . .Lung Trouble ..Increased Height ..Stoop Shoulders . . Muscular Development Age . . . Street. • Occupation. City State. Write Plainly