Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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MOTION PICTURE CLASSIC Olga A. J. — Yes, I wonder what the governor of North Carolina will say to the governor of South Carolina on July 1st. That is the question. The picture is too old to be fictionized. Marge. — Sophocles said “A fool cannot be an actor, altho an actor may play the fool’s part. I dont agree with Sophocles, if he will pardon me, for I know several fools who are actors. Miriam Cooper with Fox, New York. Doris Kenyon with De Luxe Pictures, New York. L. R. — Dont you worry about finding your station in life. Someone will sure tell you where to get off. William Scott — great Scott! Fox last. Wallace MacDonald is 28 years; Montagu Love 42; Wallace Reid 27; and Earle Williams 38. Earle is in Los Angeles. Eleanor. — You say there is nothing you wish for. Well, an absence of desire is the greatest wealth. Yes, I know Tom Edison, and Hy Ford, and Ed Hurley and John Burroughs, and I know that these four old boys went on a camping and fishing vacation last August. Tom was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847 ; John was born in Roxbury, N. Y., in 1837. They are both about my age. Those other youngsters, Hy and Ed refuse^ to tell their ages. Most companies accept just the synopsis. PiCKFORDS Forever.— Last reports of Valeska Suratt is that she will hark to the call of orange blossoms and “Lohengri.i,” and settle down in the country and marry. What could be sweeter, Valeska, and you have my best wishes. Margaret Marsh was Eva in “Master Mystery.” Florence Billings is with Rothapfel. “Captain Kidd” released April, 1919. Thanks, and do come again. An Expectant Reader. — Dont expect too much. “The Red Lantern” was never published by us. Dorothy C. W. — Joseph Jefferson, the comedian, and Edwin Forrest, the tragedian, were celebrated American actors born in Philadelphia. Consider yourself lucky. Mary Miles Minter Forever. — Kathlyn Williams and Mitchel Lewis are playing opposite. Eileen Percy and Bill Russell are playing together. His mistake, but there are men who never err — those who are asleep. Some men never wake up. Cedric A. — Muriel Ostriche was with World last. Madge Evans, Niles Welch and Gerda Holmes in “Gates of Gladness.” Ben Alexander was the little chap in “Broken Threads.” Yes, it is reported that Miriam Cooper and her husband, Raoul Walsh, have adopted a little boy, an orphan by the Halifax disaster. Aphrodite. — You’re right, but I would rather be the best of friends to my dog than hail fellow well met to a community. Rosemary Theby, Bessie Barriscale and Nigel Barrie in “Broken Threads.” Alma Rubens is with Pathe and Frank Mayo with Anita Stewart last. Jimmie. — Write direct to the company. Pot Boiler Jim. — So you are satisfied with your position. Well, you have heard it said that superabundant prosperity tends to involve the human mind in darkness; it takes away the greatest stimulus to exertion, represses activity, renders us idle, and inclines us to vice. And thereby hangs the tale. Witnesseth, my $9.50 per. I agree with you absolutely. Jay Dee Sec. — Je pense, according to the last census, Washington contains a larger negro population than any other American city. And now you want Mabel Normand on the cover. It shall be did — sometime. L. W. H. — I dont know who said “Affinity is powder, proximity is the match and you are the fool.” Yes, Fannie Ward is 45 years old. It seems that Marguerite Marsh is now the head of her own company with Herbert Rawlinson opposite her. Speed. — That’s the way to shoot them in. It is true Irene Castle was married to Captain Robert Treman on May 3d. God bless her! Him too. And many happy returns of the day. Betty Blythe and Guy Empey in “Hell on Earth.” Irving Cummings with Famous Players-Lasky. Curios. — ^Why, Mary Pickford is about 26 (Eighty-five ) A Stradivarius of the Screen {Continued from page 51) never really a blessing!” Then there came a quick reaction from the serious tone our conversation had taken. She laughed, and then, abruptly, “What will I look like when I am 60? Will I keep my youth? Will I be happy, I wonder?” She chafes under any kind of restraint or monotony. “I hate to play the same types over and over again. I wonder if you remember my early work with the Vitagraph ? I played rowdy characters — the tough gum-chewing girl of the slums. I enjoyed it ; every moment of it. And then I played barefooted back-tonature types. I liked them, too. The first praise I ever got from a director was for my work in that sort of character in ‘The Wood Violet.’ My salary was $25 a week at the time. “One day there came a note from J. Stuart Blackton complimenting me and telling me that my salary would be $30 from then on. The funny -thing about it was that I had just broken a lookingglass and I was in tears over it when the note arrived — my sister had been insisting that it would bring such terribly bad luck. “I have noticed,” she went on, “that since then, every time I have broken a mirror some stroke of good luck has followed.” Anita Stewart was born in Brooklyn and educated at Erasmus Hall. Her entrance into the films was not attended by any unusual incident. Her people had not been connected with the stage or screen in any way. Her sister married Ralph Ince of the Vitagraph Company. “I used to visit the studio a great deal,” she said, “and so just naturally worked in ; doing small parts, at first, and gradually working up to large ones.” Miss Stewart was off the screen for more than a year as the result of an unfortunate legal tangle with the Vitagraph Company. The excitement of the lawsuit caused a nervous breakdown. After so long a time away from the studios, she said, it was a joy just to be in one again. “Until a few months ago, I had never seen an open air studio. After the solid, comfortable studios of the East, fixed up with hot and cold showers, big comfortable steam-heated rooms — oh, everything for convenience, these places open to the sky struck me at first view as just shacks. I’ve shocked lots of Californians by saying this. Perhaps that’s why I say it. I love anything dramatic.” now, and she has been in pictures the last 9 years. J. Water. — Collector of coins? I should say so, I collect anything I get my hands on. Never allow your energies to stagnate, keep going. Jack Mulhall opposite Emmy Wehlen, (Metro). Benjamin Wilson and Neva Gerber in one-reel comedies. Wanda Hawley and Wallace Reid are playing opposite. Margaret S. — You’re all wrong. None of the players you mention is dead. New lease of life for you. Jeanne Jacques. — Richard Barthelmess is 24 years old and Eugene O’Brien is about 35 years old. No, you had some good stuff in your letter. Thanks, drop in again. Who Is the Greatest ;iVampire of the Screen??? ^ Can you ffuess 7 Wouldn't you like to have her favorite portrait? We have it. And YOU may have it— size 7x11, mounted in a heavy folder--f or S5c. Yes. ana 6 other rich photos of the bit^sest and best beloved Movie Stars--aU for ?2.00. Here they are : Make Your Selection From This List: Theda Bara Blanche Sweet Carlyle Blackwell Marguerite Snow Beverly Bayne Anita Stewart Francis X. Bushman Norma Talmadge Alice Joyce Jack Kerrigan Mary Miles Minter Mabel Normand Olga Petrova Mary Pickford 35c Each. Pearl White Ben. F. Wilson Earle Williams Crane Wilbur Lillian Walker Clara K. Young and 100 others Special Offer— -7 for S2 Check those you want and enclose money covering your purchase together with this advertisement, with your Dame address written plainly thereon and mail TODAY S. BRAM, Dept. A-52, 209 West 48th St. Stamp for Descriptive List crchoice of 44 styles, colors andsizes m the famous Ranger line of bicycles for you to keep and use a month as your own, Vam agree to show your bicycle to WWVttmu a VH ten or more of your friends and tell them the ridiculously low factory price, easy terms, unusual conditionsandexceptional offers I wouldmake,aII of which I yrill explain to you if within ten days of seeing this you will say m a letter or on a postal, "Send particulars of Bicycle Offer” and address your postal card or letter; i Personal for Om Lm LEWIS, ManagGP SUEAD CYCLiE; CO;, ISO Mead Block, Chicaeo THERE'S ONliY ONE WAY TO SECURE A SATt N S K I N APPLY SATIN SKIN CREAM, ,,THEN SATIN SKIN POWDER. Set fn Solid Gold Set In Solid Gold Send Your Name and YYe*U Send You a Lachnite >ON*T send a penny. Send your name and finger size and eay, **9end me a Lachnite mounted In a solid gold ring on 10 days’ free trial. We will send it prepaid right to your homo.. When It coines merely de 76 with the postman and then wear the ring for 10 full days. If VO' M any ol your friends can telMt^lrom a diamond, send it back. But if you decide to buy It— send $2.60 amontb until $18.7^ basbeenoaid. MTaaSAA Send your name now. Tell ca wh^ of the solid IfVniw AUUetjr gold nogs illustrated above yoa wish (ladiea or men’s). Be aure to send your finger size. Harold Lachman Co. 12 N. Michigan Ave.. Chicago $3a\lS$4WILL BUY A Beautifully Reconstructed TYPEWRITER With Every Modem Writing Convenience WRITE TODAY FOB ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR Explaining Try-Before-You-Buy Plan HARRY A. SMITH, 325-218 North Wells St., Chicago, III.. Freeman’s is a most exquisite powder wi fragrance of charming delicacp. Gives the skin a soft velvetj) feel and delicious flesh tint. Does not rub off. At all toilet counters. ~QQ7nans^ ^ACE f>OWf>£R, All tints 50 cents, tax paid, (double quantity) — 4 cents for miniature box. The Freeman Perfume Co* Dept. 104 Cincinnati, O. Buy U.S. War Savings Stamps