Motion Picture Classic (Jan-Aug 1919)

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Many people spoil their nails by the wrong kind of care What causes rough cuticle and hangnails How to have smooth, even cuticle, perfect nails NLY a bit of cuticle onetwelfth of an inch wide covers each delicate nail root. You can see from the diagram what a tiny protection this is. Yet the nail root is very sensitive. When it is injured, the nail which grows from it, and the cuticle which covers it, are spoiled. Some people actually cut the fine rim of cuticle which protects the nail root! Sometime, see for yourself the injury cuticle cutting does:-— Look through a magnifying glass at a cuticle that has been manicured with scissors or knife. What the magnifying glass reveals You will see that there are many little raw places where more than the dead skin has been cut. The live cuticle itself, the real protection of the nail root has been actually cut away. In the little places where it has been cut, this live skin grows especially fast. It grows up much faster than the rest of the cuticle. In this way an uneven edge is formed. This ragged edge splits and forms rough places and hangnails. When cuticle is neglected, it sticks tight to the nail. The growing nail pulls it up unevenly to form an ugly line. The cuticle dies, dries up and becomes a Well kept nails depend on faithful, gentle care. Easily you can keep your nails so charming that your friends cons ide r them one of your special beauties homy white rim. Then it splits in places and forms rough edges and hard hangnails that catch on things. A smooth oval margin to each nail Diagram It is easy to keep your nails always in exquisite condition without cutting or over-rough pushing back. It is only a matter of a few minutes’ care. In the Cutex package you will find an orange stick and a quantity of absorbent cotton. Wrap some of the cotton around the end of the orange stick, dip it into the bottle and work it around the base of your nails. The surplus cuticle is softened, removed. Then carefully wash the hands with soap and water, pushing the cuticle back when drying them. By this method, in only a few minutes you can keep your nails in perfect condition. Give your hands this care regularly and you will never again blush for their ragged, uncouth appearance. A complete manicure get for only 20c For only two dimes you can j:et a complete manicure set containmg the Cutex Cuticle Remover, NaU White, Paste Polish, Cake Polish and emery board, orange stick and absorbent cotton. There is enough of each product to give you six complete manicures. Send for it today. It will give you a new idea of how lovely your hands can look. Address Northam Warren, Dept. 908, 114 West 17th Street, New York City. If you live in Canada, address Northam Warren, Dept. SOS, 200 Mountain Street, Montreal, Canada. FOR THIS MANICURE SET, MAIL THIS COUPON AND 2 DIMES TODAY NORTHAM WARREN Dept. 908, 114 West 17th Street New\York City Name. Street. City. . . State . Cutex, the cuticle remover, comeg in 3Sc and 6Sc bottles. Cutex Nail Polish, Cuticle Comfort and Nail White are each 3Sc. At drag and department stores, or send for trial set.