Motion Picture Commission : hearings before the Committee on Education, House of Representatives, Sixty-third Congress, second session, on bills to establish a Federal Motion Picture Commission (1978)

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MOTION PICTURE COMMISSION. 225 !<r;c. f). That tlic cnmiiiissioii shall license overy film suhiiiitted to it and in- tended for entrance into interstate conuueive. unless it tinds that such lilin is obscene, indecent, innnoral, inhuman, or depicts a imll ti,^iit or a prize tij^hl. or is of such a character tliat its exhibition would tend to imiiair tlie liealth or corrupt the UKuals of cliildren or adults or incite to crime. Tlie comnnssion may license any tilni. subject to such excisions, ami)liticat ions, or alterations as the commission may <lirect and recpiire to be made. The conuiussion n\My, by unainmous vote, witlidiaw any license at any time for cause shown. Skc. (>. That the conunission shall adopt an appropriate seal, which shall be attixed. in such manner as the conunission may direct, to every film api)roved by it. Such seal shall not be attaclied to any film which has been ap])roved by tlie conunissiDU subjecr to revision until after the reipiired chaui^es have been made, a record of which shall be kept, and portions objected to shall be delivered into the possession of the conunissitin. Sec. 7. That when any film has been apjiroved the commission shall issue a certificate in the form adoi)ted by the conuiussion. These certificates shall describe the film and shall bear a serial number, and shall stale its title, the day upon which it was anproved by the conunission. and the number of linear feet contained theitMii. Sec. S. That the couunissicai may. if it has licensed a tilm. issue a and ( erlifii-;ite for each duplicate thereof without an examination of such duiilicate. upou the payment of the lictMise fee hereinafter provided. Sec. !). Tl'.at no cojiyriLdit shall be issued for any tilm whicii has not !)r<'vi- ously receixed the certificate and .seal of this commission. Sec. 1(1. That no person, firm, or corjioiation shall cany or tnuisporl any (iliii "i. ■.: ,! • "-■', :■■ '. i\'- : V ■'. State of the ruited States, or from any forei.iin country iuTo any State of the rnifcHl States unless such him has been licensed by the commission and a true copy of the certificate acconii)anies it: I'roride-d, That this section sh.-ilj nor auply to films consi;j:ned to commission. .'I., il. '.... [ :.,< ■;; ri' 11-1 ;> ii.iv fi^'" wliicli not been lic-ensed by the com- mission and which does not bear its seal and is not accompanied by its certifi- cate shall be e>liibiied in any licensed place of amusement for pay or in con- uection vitli any iii'.siness in the District of ("olumbia. oi' in :iny of the Terri- tories of tile ruited States, or ;inv place under the iurisdici ion of the rnite<l States. Si:c. 12. That a fee of !{;i shall be charged for the examin.-uion l)y the com- mission of (»ach tilm of one thousand feet or less, mid fifty ci'iits fcu' eacli film which is a duiilicate of any tilm which has been licensed. .\ny cliaii;ie or .-iltera- tion in any iiictnre on the film after it has been iicenst'd. except the elimiiuition of a part, shall be,;i vioLition of this act. and shall also void tli(^ certiHcate and seal of such tilm. Si'ic. ^'^. Tic't liic con'.H'issioi; shall anni'all.w mi or before llie first da.\' of .];iin!;ir,\- iii each year, subniir a written rei)ort lo the I'liited Statt>s (*ommis- sioner <ii I'idiicai ion. In this leport. and by other means, the commission shall UK.kc re-.'( !!n!ien'.ia! ;o!is lo iiiii;(>itei-s aiui proiiiicers of liliiis ;ind to I lie public ■i>'.^-,.i(ll!;,u- tb.e edi:cat ioii.-il anil i ecreational use of motion pictures. Si'c. 14. 'I'liat the ji'Vialiy for \iolation of this ;ict siial! be .-i \\]\t' of r.of nioi-e tlian %U*.)y) oi- imiirisoiinien! iioi more liian one year, or both, in the discretion of the court, .-ind liie lihns unl;iwfully chaiured. (>xliibit(>d. oi- transpoi-ted shall be confiscated. Skc. IT). TI:;i tl.e comiiiissiou .>,.]i,ill have |iower to <-har.i;t>. in addition to the fee for eai-li tilm. such ;i sum as is necessary to pay 11h> exicnse of manufactur- in.LT the si-a is. Skc. 1(>. That the fees receixed by the commission shall be jiaid tiionthly into the Treasury of the I nited States, except the money collected for the purpose of defi-ayin.L: the exiieiisc of manufacttirin.u' the si>al. whicli the commission shall retain ;ind expend in i aymeiit of such tnanufacluvinjj; expense. Si:c. IT. 'V\v.\\ three naailhs after the commission has bcLiun to license motion jrtctures. ;,nil al any lime I lieicafter. the commission shall ha\'e power to reduce the fees lo sii.h a sinn as will produc<» no lar.i^ei' income than is necessary to pay I lie eiitire cost of il.e i-oiumission, inclndin;:- salaries and all other e.\]H'iises. Si',. 1" T' ;i| ilo~ .--'I -liti'l t:ii.:e ( ffe'-i innnediately, except sections nine, ten, and (le-vcn, wliici. section- sli.-ill lake etfecj nine monlh.s after date oi' the ap- lu-oval of this act. ]M)'. SciiKciri'Kii. Mr. Chainiiiin. I think yon stated that yon would allow nie some time in which to [)i*e[)ari' ti l)i'iet". I want to get up all the facts in a scientitic wav.