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Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1934)

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MOTION PICTURE DAILY Friday, October 12, 1934 MOTION PICTURE DAILY (Registered U. S. Patent Office) Vol. 36 October 12, 1934 No. 87 Martin Quigley Editor-in-Chief and Publisher MAURICE KANN Editor JAMES A. CRON Adi'trtising Manager Published daily except Sunday and holidays by Motion Picture Daily, Inc., subsidiary of Quigley Publications, Inc., Martin Quigley, President; Colvin Brown, Vice-President and Treasurer. Publication Office: 1790 Broadway, New York. Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address "Quigpubco, New York.' All contents copyrighted 1934 by Motion Picture Daily, Inc. Address all correspondence to the New York Office. Other Quigley publicationsMOTION PICTURE HERALD BETTER THEATRES. THE MOTION PICTURE ALMANAC and THE CHI CAGOAN. „ , tt • T-f Hollywood Bureau: Postal Union Life Building, Vine and Yucca Streets, V^tor M. Shapiro, Manager; Chicago Bureau: 407 South Dearborn Street, Edwin S. Clifford Manager; London Bureau: Remo House, 310 Regent St., London, W. 1, Bruce Allan, Representative. Cable address: "Quigpubco, London"; Berlin Bureau: Berlin-Tempelhof, Kaiserin-Augustastrasse 28, Joachim K. Rutenberg, Representative; Paris Bureau: 19, Rue de la Cour-desNoues, Pierre Autre, Representative; Rome Bureau: Viale Gorizia, Vittorio Malpassuti, Representative; Sydney Bureau: 102 Sussex Street, Cliff Holt, Representative; Mexico City Bureau: Apartado 269, James Lockhart, Representative; Glasgow Bureau: 86 Dundrennan Road, G. Holmes, Representative; Budapest Bureau: 3, Kaplar-u, Budapest, II, Endrt Htvesi, Representative; Moscow Bureau: Civtzev Vrazhek, N. 25, Apart. 146, Moscow, U. S. S. R., Bella Kashin, Representative. Cable address: Samrod, Moscow. Entered as second class matter, January 4, 1926, at the Post Office at New York City, N. Y., under Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year; $6 in the Americas, except Canada $15 and foreign $12. Single copies: 10 cents. Film Men Leave for Golf, Variety Party A number of film men here are planning a busy week-end. They leave today for Philadelphia to take part in the annual handicap golf tournament of The Philadelphia Exhibitor at the Lulu Temple Country Club, which will be followed by a dinner. From Philadelphia the contingent will continue on to Pittsburgh for the annual Variety Club dinner and the Pitt football game. Some Close, Others Open Columbia, United Artists, Universal, Warners and Paramount home offices will close today at noon in celebration of Columbus Day. Fox will be closed all day. The Hays office will also be closed at noon. Major, Bertaro Leave Port Major, booker, and John Bertaro, attorney for Fox West Coast, have left for Los Angeles, and will arrive there tomorrow. They came east on the Los Angeles clearance and zoning schedule. Miller, Silverman Here Jack Miller and Edward Silverman of the Essaness circuit in Chicago are in town on product buys. They plan to leave next Tuesday. Ampa Members Give Comedians Big Hand Comedy was the order of the day at yesterday's Ampa meeting. Milton Berle, Eddie Lambert, Patsy Flick and Eddie Davis joined to keep the crowd in stitches. The honor guest of the occasion was Jeanette MacDonald, whose "Merry Widow" opened last night at the Astor. Other guests included George Weltner, assistant manager of Paramount International ; Gus Edwards ; Millard Ellison, a former district attorney, who is a candidate for Supreme Court judge in the Bronx; and N. L. Manheim, Universal foreign manager. Hal Home was guest chairman. Bert Adler will preside at next week's meeting, while Police Commissioner Valentine will be guest chairman on Oct. 25. President William R. Ferguson told the Ampa members yesterday that the Nov. 8 meeting will be a closed one and will be devoted wholly to consideration of the proposal to admit women to membership in the organization. Depinet, Zohbel to Coast Ned E. Depinet, president, and Herman Zohbel. treasurer of RKO Radio, whose planned departures for the coast were delayed a day, left yesterday. Depinet will remain at the studio about a week for production conferences, while Zohbel will establish temporary headquarters there for an extended stay. William Mallard, RKO Radio general counsel, may lease for the studio this week end, although definite arrangements for his departure had not been made up to late yesterday. Sign Product Deal Today Contracts between Fox, RKO, Skouras, Universal and Randforce involving transfer of Universal and Fox product to RKO houses are scheduled to be signed today by all parties interested in the agreement. Randforce will take over the Utica, Brooklyn, when the deal is signed and may keep the house closed. "Power" Gets $68,000 "Power" garnered $68,000 at the Music Hall for the week ending Wednesday night. Paramount to Show Eight French Films Paramount is readying eight French features, with native casts and dialogue, for release in America early next month. The pictures have been produced at the company's Joinville studios during the past 18 months. A special department is planned at the home office to handle the films, which will not be released nationally, but only in French speaking localities such as those states bordering Canada and in Louisiana. Release will be general in Canada, however. The eight pictures are as follows : "Une Faible Femme," "Un Foir de Reveillon," "Cagnasse," "La Pouponniere," "Les Asuturs," "Topaze," "Chasseur de Chez Maxim" and "Etoile de Disparait." Laemmle, Jr., Delays Trip Hollywood, Oct. 11. — Carl Laemmle, Jr., who was set to leave for the east via the Panama Canal on Oct. 20, is postponing his departure until a later date in order to have additional time for conferences with James Grainger, who is scheduled to arrive here late next week. From New York Laemmle will proceed to Europe about the end of November. Grainger will visit Universal's southern exchanges on his return trip to New York. Velez Awarded $7,500 Hollywood, Oct. 11. — The Academy adjustment committee last night awarded Lupe Velez a claim of $7,500 against William Rowland Prod, for alleged failure of the company to employ her after she had signed a contract with a minimum three-week guarantee. The case had been before the committee for the past month. The defendant can appeal the decision to the Academy's conciliation machinery or take it to the courts, which is held unlikely. Hungarian Film Opens "Mindent a Noert" ("Everything for the Woman"), produced by Danubia Pictures in Hungary, opens at the Tobis Theatre today. Joe Cooper in Town Joe Cooper. Publix affiliate in Denver, Arizona and other western points is in town. Big Board Stocks in Sharp Rise Net High Low Close Change Columbia Pictures, vtc... 39 3714 3854 +154 Consolidated Film Industries 354 354 354 + 54 Consolidated Film Industries, pfd 15 1454 1454 + 54 Eastman Kodak 102M 10154 10254 +154 Fox Film "A" 1354 125^ 1354 +154 Loew's. Inc 31 28?4 3054 +15* Paramount Publix 45-2 45^ 456 — 54 Pathe Exchange Ws 154 +54 Pathe Exchange "A" 1454 1354 14 +1 RKO 254 2H 254 +54 Warner Bros 554 5 S^g + V% Technicolor Only Curb Stock Net High Low Close Change Technicolor 1354 1254 13 + Ji Para. F. L. Bonds Advance 7% Points Net High Low Close Change General Theatre Equipment 6s '40 754 7 754 +54 General Theatre Equipment 6s '40, ctf 7 6?4 7 +54 Loew's 6s '41. ww deb rights 10254 102 10234 — 54 Paramount Broadway 554s '51 40 3954 40 — 54 Paramount F. L. 6s '47 59 57'/, 59 +154 Paramount Publix 554s '50 59 5754 59 +154 Warner Bros. 6s '39, wd 6154 60 60 + $4 Sales 3,400 1.000 1,900 1.900 4,400 31.700 19,800 5.600 3.000 5,300 12,100 Sales 2,800 Sales 11 Big Para. Claims Go Into New Setup {Continued from page 1) 000,000. A reorganization plan for this property has been completed and is awaiting creditor and court approval. In the same category are Paramount Properties, a claim based on the bonds of which has been filed in the amount of $2,750,000 ; the Prudence Co., with claims of $786,255 on a Jacksonville, Fla., theatre property, and of |602,113 on a St. Petersburg theatre property, and the Samuel and Nathan Goldstein Chicopee Theatre mortgage of $127,500. Among claims under investigation on their merits by Paramount Publix trustees are those of Sam Katz for $265,498, and of John Balaban for $8,263. The claims of Jesse Lasky for $282,000 will be heard by a special master, while those of Sidnev Kent for $65,000 and of John D. Clark for $16,033 may be submitted to settlement negotiations. Quittner Suit Is Settled By Para. (Continued from page 1) court, it is understood that the settlement will not be for a large amount and is not considered by the plaintiff. Joseph Quittner, to be a satisfactory one. Quittner is approving the terms, however, as it is his desire to end the litigation. His father, the late Edward Quittner, was the original plaintiff. Paramount is also negotiating settlements of two other anti-trust suits pending against it, one of which, that filed by E. M. Loew of Boston for triple damages of $5,099,000, may involve a large amount. A special master assigned to hear testimony in the case last year reported a recommendation in favor of Loew of more than $200,000 damages. Final judgments in anti-trust cases are trebled. "Widow" Gets Start Before a Big Crowd M-G-M started "The Merry Widow" last night at the Astor with one of those Hollywood openings that required the aid of police to hold back the crowds. Flood lights were numerous. Mounted police had to ride on the sidewalk to keep the crowd from blocking traffic. Major Edward Bowes greeted the celebrities as they arrived in the lobby in front of a WHN microphone and introduced Jeanette MacDonald, who co-stars in the picture with Maurice Chevalier; Ernst Lubitsch, the director; Douglas Fairbanks, Adolph Zukor, Harold B. Franklin, Helen Hayes and many others. The broadcasting started at 8:30 and continued for an hour. "The Merry Widow" was reviewed in the Motion Pictuke Daily on Sept. 4. Stern Finds N. Y. Pickup Returning from a short trip to Buffalo, Charles Stern, assistant to Al Lichtman, general sales manager and vice-president of United Artists, states business in upstate New York is picking up. All houses are open and theatres doing business, he said.