Motion Picture Daily (Jan-Mar 1935)

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The Leading Motio Picture Industry MOTION PICTURE DAILY Alert, Intelligent the I in All Branches VOL. 37. NO. 11 NEW YORK, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1935 TEN CENTS Chain Booth Cuts Figured At $530,400 Small Houses Get Jumps In Booth Costs Estimated annual savings of the two major local circuits under the proposed basic wage scale set up by the NRA fact-finding committee are put at $530,400. The figure is unofficial because of the various changes through which the plan is now passing. Loew's, it is figured, will reduce its yearly booth operation costs by about $312,000, while RKO's saving is roughly seen as $218,400. Skouras, the only important independent viewed as benefiting by the revised operator scale, will probably slash projectionists' salaries about $52,000, or $1,000 a week. The Loew saving works out at $6,000 weekly, while RKO is put down for $4,200. Trio-Consolidated, Isle Theatres, Century and Prudential, important {Continued on page 6) Chicago Talks Upon Booth Pay Delayed Chicago, Jan. 13. — Discussions of a new working agreement between exhibitors and operators are being held up since the principals are appearing daily in Federal court where the grand jury is listening to testimony in the Government's investigation of the income tax of Tom Maloy and other union officials. The lid is on tight as far as any news concerning names of witnesses or the nature of the testimony is concerned. The local operators agreement expired Friday. In previous years a new schedule has usually been arrived at on the eve of expiration, but so far conferences have not even begun. Two to Hospital in Pawtucket Bombing Pawtucket, R. I., Jan. 13. — Two persons were in a hospital here yesterday as a result of injuries suffered in a bomb explosion Friday night in the Strand, local M. & P. Publix (Continued on page 6) Boynton for a New Kansas Sunday Law Topeka, Jan. 13. — The need of a more clearly defined Sunday closing law in the light of late developments involving Sunday shows was pointed (Continued on page 6) "Lancer" May Spear $65,000 on B'way Big noise on Broadway this week is "Lives of a Bengal Lancer" at the Paramount, which is heading for a $65,000 tally for the first seven days. The picture in all probability will be held three weeks and may go four. Production Slows; 36 Features Going Hollywood, Jan. 13. — Production for the week ending Jan. 12 showed a slight decrease under the preceding week with 36 features and five shorts before the cameras as against 41 and three the previous week. In addition, studios reported a total of 19 features and 12 shorts in the final stages of preparation with 29 features and 11 shorts in the cutting rooms. Paramount continues to lead with eight features in work, two preparing and none editing : Radio has five, four (Continued on page 8) Fourth Dual House Opens in Cleveland Cleveland, Jan. 13. — The Family, neighborhood house, closed for the past month, has reopened under the management of J. V. Wolcott, with a double feature policy. Wolcott also operates the Temple with duals. With the opening of the Family, Cleveland now has four double feature houses. The others are the Alhambra, operated by the owners, Sam Cowan and George Harvey, and the Metropolitan, operated by Stern Brothers. All were opened after the signing of the Cleveland single feature agreement. Virginia's Censors Report 334 Slashes Richmond, Jan. 13. — Virginia's censors made 334 cuts in 123 pictures last year. A total of 1,415 films, compared with 1,564 in 1933, was examined. Three pictures were rejected completely. One of these was a nudist film, "Children of the Sun." "Films have improved greatly," said Edwin S. Reid, director of the board, (Continued on page 6) Jolt British Effort To Control Building By BRUCE ALLAN London, Jan. 13. — For the second time within 10 days, opposition to a license for a new British theatre, on the ground of "redundancy," has failed. The Wiltshire County Council (Continued on page 8) DEAL MIGHT EASE ST. LOUIS STRAIN MPTOA Move On for Wide Code Changes M.P.T.O.A. is expected to go on record at its annual convention in New Orleans next month in favor of farreaching changes in the code, it was learned over the week-end as program committees working here scheduled the subject of improving the code as one of the first to be taken up. Code views held by the organization indicate that resolutions will probably be adopted by the convention calling for changes in the code to permit an unqualified cancellation privilege of 15 to 20 per cent and the adoption of effective machinery for establishing (Continued on page 6) Bank Nights Spread Around Kansas City Kansas City, Jan. 13. — Bank night continues a sizzling issue here, and despite opposition of the grievance board and Campi it seems to be spreading. The Dubinsky Bros, circuit has contracted for bank nights at Jefferson City, Mo., and Leavenworth, Kan., theatres. As a result of a grievance board hearing, Fox Midwest theatres in (Continued on page 6) Circuits Hit Code Vaudeville Changes Washington, Jan. 13. — A brief in opposition to the NRA proposed amendment to the film code requiring exhibitors to assure themselves that all vaudeville performers in their houses were receiving code wages was filed today with Deputy Administrator William P. Farnsworth by four producers having theatre affiliates. The brief was signed by Loew's, Fox, RKO and Paramount. Huffman Wins Writ Against Exchanges Denver, Jan. 13. — Pending a hearing, which will probably be held in Oklahoma City within three weeks, (Continued on page 6) Consent Decree Seen as Possible If Both Sides Agree By BERTRAM F. LINZ Washington, Jan. 13.— Having secured indictments, the future course of the Government with respect to the St. Louis anti-trust suit against Warners, Paramount and RKO and some of their officers may depend largely upon the attitude of the defendants, it was indicated here over the week-end. In the numerous instances in the past, concerns which have been indicted on charges of violating the anti-trust laws have conceded that they have committed the acts complained of and have negotiated an agreement with the Department of Justice to discontinue the allegedly offensive practices. That agreement has been submitted to the court for approval, and, when accepted, becomes what is known as a consent decree. If the distributors in St. Louis adopt a similar course, the department may accept their offer, thus saving all concerned considerable time and money. On the other hand, if the department (Continued on page b) "U" Plans Four for New Serial Program Universal will make four serials next year and has one to go to complete its schedule for this year. Those set for next year are "The Roaring West," starring Buck Jones, and done in 15 episodes ; "Flash Gordon," based on the newspaper comic strip ; "The Adventures of Frank Merriwell," based on the famous novels by Burt L. Standish, and "New Exploits of Tailspin Tommy." "Call of the Savage" is still to be completed for this year's lineup. File Huge Theatre Suit Against Fox Boston, Jan. 13— A $750,000 suit against Fox Film was filed in Superior Court here yesterday by Adolphus M. Burroughs and Louis M. Boas to (Continued on page 6) Montreal Worrying About New Taxation Montreal, Jan. 13. — Exhibitors are watching the legislative trend of the New Year. The city has a $7,000,000 deficit and the civic fathers want more (Continued on page 6)