Motion Picture Daily (July–Sept 1938)

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12 RADIO MOTION PICTURE DAILY Friday, July 15, 1933 ► Radio Personals i CHESTER LAUCK, the "Lum" of "Lum and Abner," will make radio history when he engages in a two-way radio conversational broadcast from London with his partner, Norris Goff, in Chicago, next Thursday from 6 :45 to 7 P.M. It will be heard over a coast-to-coast CBS hookup. . . . Hal Kemp has won in the swing division of the poll conducted by Metronome. He will receive his award on the Tuesday program. . . . Marion Claire, actress and radio star, and wife of Henry Weber, musical director of WGN, will appear at Jones Beach musicals. Margery Mayer has been added to the vocal staff of WGN-MutuaL . . . Vincent Lopez will be guest artist on the Benav Venuta program over WOR on Sunday. . . . Gilbert McDonald, WOV-WBIL control engineer, was married to Beatrice Elberfeld the other day and the couple are touring New England. Waring to Return to Air on Grove's Show Fred return gram tories. The urdays go out New a inclule Skiles. Waring and his troupe will to the air on Oct. 8 on a prosponsored by Grove Labora program will be heard on Satfrom 8 :30 to 9 P.M. and will over the NBC-Red network, dditions to the Waring troupe Donna Dae and Dude and Jack Radio Receptor Co. Sues Radio Receptor Co., Inc., manufacturer of radio beacons, filed a $365,000 damage suit yesterday in the U. S. District Court against General Motors Corp., Bendix Radio Corp. and Bendix Aviation Corp. The plaintiff charged that a conspiracy took place among the defendants in 1936 and 1937 in the United States and Canada, to unlawfully ruin the plaintiff's business. As a result of which, the plaintiff continued, the plaintiff allegedly sustained damages of $365,000. Plan Operatic Series WOR will offer a new operatic program sponsored by V. La Rosa & Sons for 32 weeks beginning Oct. 12. Featured talent set to appear on the programs includes Bruna Castagna, Caro Morelli and Armand Tokatyan of the Metropolitan Opera Company. The sponsor recently finished a series with this station. KSFO Gets "Mysteries" San Francisco, July 14. — Transcribed "True Detective Mysteries" have been placed on KSFO, local CBS outlet, for 52 weeks, by Lambert Pharn acal Co., for Listerine. Other new accounts include Chris Hanson Laboratories, for Junket ; Santa Fe Railroad, for streamliner service, and Certifi<d Auto Service, Inc. Campana Show Over CBS "First Nighter," series sponsored by Campana, will broadcast over the CBS network beginning Sept. 2. CBC Gets Air Right To O. Henry, Kipling Montreal, July 14. — The Canadian Broadcasting Corp., has cornered a valuable bit of entertainment — the first radio rights ever issued on some works of Rudyard Kipling and O. Henry. Peter Aylen, manager of the 500-kilowatt CBL at Toronto has announced that permission has been granted by the estate of Rudyard Kipling through English agents and by Doubleday Doran and Co., O. Henry's publishers, to adapt a series of the best known stories of each. John Macdonell and James Harvey, dramatic producers of the CBC drama department have been assigned to the job, and the air shows, featuring well known Toronto actors, will go over the national network of the corporation this season. "A Midsummer Knight's Dream," from the "Trimmed Lamp" cycle by O. Henry, will open the series when it is broadcast for the first time July 21 at 8:30 P.M., E.D.S.T. The first of Rudyard Kipling's stories ever to be presented over the air will be heard July 28 when James Harvey produces "Gloriana" on the CBC Summer Theatre. R. E. Sneyd is handling adaptation. Other plays from the stories of these two authors will be heard during CBC drama hours. Hit U. So, Canadian Radio Price Spread Ottawa, July 14. — George Sedgewick, chairman of the Tariff Board now sitting on the radio industry probe, yesterday, along with Major W. D. Herridge, counsel for the Philco Co. of Philadelphia, leaned toward the belief that the spread between American and Canadian prices needed some explanation. "I have great difficulty in persuading myself that the price spread on radio sets should be greater than the spread on automobile prices in the two countries," Mr. Sedgewick said. In the automobile field it is 25 per cent, he said, while in radio it is 30 to 70 per cent. "I mention the question in this extreme way because there are probably 10,000,000 people in this country who don't understand why these spreads should be." President A. L. Brown of the Radio Manufacturers' Association of Canada declared that royalty paying firms in Canada were just as anxious as Philco to reduce costs to users. Mr. Brown called Mr. Herridge's suggestion to stimulate the Canadian radio business by drastic price reductions a "dream rainbow." Streibert Cruise a Gift The 16-day, South American cruise on which Theodore C. Streibert and Mrs. Streibert embark today was presented to the WOR sales manager at the Junior League "Ball of Tomorrow" held last April in the Administration Building on the grounds of the coming World's Fair. He is a Mutual executive. Jack Foster Joins WCKY Cincinnati, July 14. — Jack Foster, who has been continuity director and chief announcer at WCHS, Charleston, W. Va., has joined the announcing staff of WCKY here. He formerly was at WJW, Akron and WSAZ, Huntington, W. Va. CBS Claims Beat CBS yesterday reported that it had a five-minute scoop on broadcasting the arrival of Howard Hughes at Floyd Bennett Airport. Observers at CBS's amateur station in Wayne, N. J., said to be the only transmitter in a direct line with St. Paul, heard the sound of the ship's motors and flashed word to the ground crew in Brooklyn. Hughes' manager was being interviewed at the field when the ship came out of a cloud bank and almost immediately afterward the word of the landing was broadcast over a CBS coast-to-coast hookup. Zenith Wins Permit For Television Work Washington, July 14. — The Federal Communications Commission today granted the application of the. Zenith Radio Corp., Chicago, for authority to construct a television broadcast station to operate in the 42,000-56,000 and 60,000-86,000-kilocycle channels with 1,000 watts power. In its opinion, the commission held that the company had shown that it had a definite program of research and experimentation from which substantial contribution may be made to the development of television, which involves studies of television transmitters and antennas, the frequencies assigned to television, and television receivers and antennas. Appoint Saudek as Nelson Aide at NBC Pittsburgh, July 14. — Robert Saudek has been named assistant to A. E. Nelson, KDKA manager, who was recently appointed sales manager of the NBC-Blue network in New York. Saudek was formerly continuity chief at KDKA. Derby Sproul and Bill Beal, the latter an announcer, also will join Nelson in his new post. The pair will handle continuity. Nelson will leave for New York July 25. The KDKA staff recently gave a buffet supper party for the men and presented Nelson a set of golf clubs. Two Join Transamerican J. Wythe Walker and Harold A. Holman have been added to the Chicago sales staff of the Transamerican Broadcasting & Television Corp. Mr. Walker formerly was with WBBM and WIND, Chicago, while Mr. Holman comes from the newspaper and magazine field, where he was with Paul Block Associates, the Farm Journal and Printers' Ink. Plan New WOV Program Medaglia D'Oro Coffee Co. will sponsor a new variety show over WOV called "Stars in the Making," beginning this Sunday. It is a halfhour broadcast and will start at 1 P.M., E.D.S.T. "Busters" Back Aug. 17 "Gang Busters," Phillips H. Lord's CBS program sponsored by Palmolive-Peet, will return Aug. 17 from an eight-week vacation on a new time schedule— from 8 to 8:30 P. M., E.D.S.T. WOR Caught Hughes Ship at Minneapolis WOR-Mutual claimed an exclusive broadcast yesterday morning, direct from Minneapolis, of an interview between a Mutual announcer and James Thurlow, a member of Howard Hughes' globe-circling crew. The program was heard locally at 9 :47 A. M., E.D.S.T. For this morning, the same network has made elaborate arrangements jto cover the city's welcome to the mk ers. Dave Driscoll, Tom Slater ana Henry Morgan, who have been covering the Hughes flight since the takeoff last Sunday, will be stationed at various vantage points to describe the parade from the Battery to City Hall. Tonight, from 10:30 to 11 P. M., Mutual will broadcast a series of recorded excerpts of the flight's progress it has covered during the past four days. Approve High Power Station for Canada Ottawa, July 14. — Approval has been given by the cabinet for the erection of a 50, 000watt radio station in Saskatchewan to serve the three prairie provinces. Three or four sites have been under discussion and though nothing has been definitely settled yet it is probable the town of Watrous will be selected. This will be CBC's third move to improve Canadian radio by the building of high powered stations. One is already in operation at Toronto, another at Montreal next fall, and steps probably will be taken towards the establishment of a similar station for the Maritimes. The scheme is to give Canadians their own programs with less interference from strong American stations. Manufacturer Group Concludes Meeting A discussion of cross-modulation between stations in Seattle yesterday was the chief topic of the last of the sessions held this week at the Hotel New Yorker by a committee of the Radio Manufacturers Association. Wednesday's session was given over to the revision of papers and material pertaining to standards in the manufacture of television equipment prior to submission to the Federal Communications Commission. Members of the committee left for their respective homes last night. No further meetings are scheduled for the near future. Plan Lorillard Program The P. Lorillard Co., beginning July 26, will sponsor a new program called "Don't You Believe It," over! 19 stations of the Mutual network. The contract is for 52 weeks. Prod-i ucts involved are Sensation cigarettes and Muriel cigars. The program will be heard on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 :45 to 8 P. M, E. D. S. T., with two repeat airings. The agency is Lennen and Mitchell. Burns to Join KXOK Kansas City, July 14. — Jerry Burns, formerly sports announcer for KXBY (now KITE), will join KXOK, Star-'' Times station in St. Louis, in midAugust to handle sports and special events.