Motion Picture Daily (July–Sept 1938)

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T — — : — 7 the Horse Show ;Viirlev Temple Steals uic ^ „5v WestchesterEsJ pgram heaj tent „ celebrate. A few per vncd out. -• • • .?. Roosevelt and Shirley Te Swap Yarns on Fish an 1 MeV Temple Pers°n Up to ve Notices By The vitcd Prest WASHINGTON, June 24.— President Roosevelt and Shirley Temple had a heart-to-heart talk, chiefly about teeth, in -he White Hou-* ,oday. "I told him I lost a tooth," Shirley said. "It fell out last night while 1 was eating a sandwich." •He told me about Sistie and Buzzle [his grandchildren] losing .heir teeth," she added, "and then [ told him I had caught a salmon at Vancouver Island Shirley, who is nine years old, wis ;companied by her parents, Tern 'What else did yd dent?" correspond^ 'I was so excit talk," she said, her autograph bi In it was lnscj from her old Roosevelt." •This Is now," Shirley "Did you 11] "Oh, very told us to co Shirley wif a red ribbon tied Mr I curls. She called on Mr. J'J^tion Actuate Z A' ( hi H »'ondor 'Pa p"ft7 at the Wa/r?n t pes w New Yorti and h<"r b' Wo,, hi Wor/<J fhesl 'o 'aneous Shirley's Got Date with 'Bill The Waldorf-Astoria last nigMas^heJalKeo^ Shirll "Here is my autograph book.-* ^ great]y mterested. It's now a very important book, | he fishes. too. He wante oecause — " and proudly she pointed to the la "To . "■**• so f ct>armi i nt'eth rl I Jea n?...Cent ""spoil, Party 'o tf ^■^Jard i^^rz^— it* » 7 "tug?*-* ie ubig doze" . tired. ».,„„rv tot t-hou' ^1 during . lvov\i. Snir Of „,°'o* ?J° -' the o1" then 1 be •Oh. "and *tnJU"Vd \sn * -< x she