Motion Picture Daily (July–Sept 1938)

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MOTION PICTURE DAILY Tuesday, August 2, 1938 4 Detailed Work Assigned for Big Ad Drive {Continued from page 1) in the prize contest will be distributed to theatres by Sept. 1. The preparation of this booklet is already under way, as is the newspaper advertising campaign, which also will start Sept. 1. The campaign will be augmented by a huge press book, newspaper size, and in three sections, namely, publicity, advertising and exploitation. Howard Dietz, chairman of the advertising committee, will be responsible for the advertising section, S. Barret McCormick the publicity section, and Monroe Greenthal the exploitation. Al Wilkie of Paramount will be in charge of stills and will head the committee in charge of promotion in monthly and weekly magazines. Promotional work on the campaign in individual cities and theatres will be in charge of a committee headed by Oscar Doob, with Harry Goldberg and John Dowd as members. The committee will be assisted by publicity directors of a number of independent circuits throughout the country. Country-wide Meets Set The first of 18 regional exhibitor meetings to aid in the drive for the final $175,000 of campaign funds from independent exhibitors, who are asked to contribute at the rate of 10 cents per seat, will be held this week. The Detroit meeting is scheduled for Wednesday at the Statler and will be in charge of H. M. Richey and David Palfreyman. The Cleveland meeting will be held Thursday with M. B. Horowitz and Gradwell L. Sears presiding. Mr. Sears and Edwin Silverman will conduct the Chicago meeting Friday. Monogram, Republic and G. B. have been invited to submit titles of their releases from Aug. 1 to Oct. 31 for inclusion in the movie quiz contest. Following is a list of exhibitors who have pledged the standard theatre contribution to the campaign : S. J. Switow, 13 theatres ; Elmore Heins, four; John Danz, 28; Ed Dubinsky, 12; A. P. Archer, seven; W. S. Wilder, six ; Lewen Pizor, nine ;■ J. M. Seider, 31 ; Edwin Silverman, 27 ; Arthur Schoenstadt, 16; Jack Kirsh (Villa Theatre, Chicago), one; Van Xomikos, 10; M. Manos, eight; Frisch & Rinzler, 44; John Harris, nine; R. E. & L. C. Griffith, 166; S. H. Fabian, 23; George Skouras, 64; Walter Vincent, 19: C. A. Schultz, 28; J. Von Herberg, four; Sam Dembow, Jr., (Fanchon & Marco), 12; Ben Amsterdam, nine; Alex Manta, 27; L. F. Gran, 11 ; H. B. Robb, 91 ; Fred Wehrenberg, five ; M. B. Horowitz, six; Sidney Lust, eight; Nathan Yamins, five; D. J. Chatkin, 10; Glen W. Dickinson, 24; A. R. Boyd, seven. Total, 744. Chicago Regional Friday Chicaco, Aug. 1. — Independent theatre operators from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin on Friday will meet with Gradwell L. Sears at the Stevens Hotel to discuss the industry's national advertising campaign and business drive. Studios* Campaign Plans Put in Action (Continued from page 1) short subject and trailer material met tonight at the M-G-M commissary to outline the start of its work. The members are: George Dickson, Disney ; Herbert Moulton, Paramount ; Edward Selzer, Warners ; Dave Lipton, Universal ; Jim Pollack, RKO ; Troy Orr, 20th Century-Fox; Charles Leonard, United Artists, and Walter Temple, Columbia. Muto Gets Movietone Post in Washington (Continued from page 1) eign countries as reporter, war correspondent and special writer. Mr. De Titta, a former cameraman for both Fox and Paramount, has been in charge of the Washington Movietone office since 1928. He was given a farewell party by the Washington Variety Club last Saturday night. Pledge Fairness in Pictures on Mexico Mexico City, Aug. 1. — Films on Mexican themes, whether made at home or abroad, must uphold the dignity and prestige of Mexico, it was decided at a meeting of the American distributors, representative Mexican producers and delegates of film workers' unions. The conferees adopted a resolution to the effect that each interest represented at the meeting would do its utmost to bring about the production of honest and fair Mexican pictures. Saying that Mexico had been harmed abroad, particularly in the United States, by distorted films, Vicente Lombardo Toledando, secretary general of the Confederation of Mexican Workers, this country's strongest labor organization, declared that the full weight of his party would be brought to bear to assure films that are fair to Mexico. "Wings" Series Started Paramount's transcribed radio program, "Men With Wings," designed to exploit the motion picture of the same name, was inaugurated the past weekend over 53 stations of the Mutual network. The programs will run for 12 weeks, and theatre operators scheduled to play the picture are now negotiating with local station managers for radio time preceding and immediately following the presentations. To Make Charity Short Hollywood, Aug. 1. — Twentieth Century-Fox will make a one-reeler starring Jane Withers for the use of the National Mobilization for Human Needs. Golden State to Expand San Franciisco, Aug. 1. — A deal is pending here whereby the Golden State circuit will purchase three Oakland theatres — Uptown, Strand, and Lorin — from Louis Kaliski. "Torchy" Film Retitled Hollywood, Aug. 1. — "Torchy Gets Her Man" will be the release title of Warners' next in the series hitherto called "Torchy Finds Out." Wilcox May Join U.A. as Producer (Continued from page 1) profit sharing setup offered to affiliated producers. Dr. Giannini said he has no plans for the immediate future beyond returning to the coast in about a week. He said that while president of U. A. he continued his financing of producers through the Bank of America National Association, and indicated that he will continue this activity. He was accompanied by Mrs. Giannini and their son, Bernard. Gabriel L. Pascal, independent British producer, arrived with Dr. Giannini from London and will accompany the latter to the coast after screening his film, "Pygmalion," based on the George Bernard Shaw play. Mr. Pascal will offer the picture for major company distribution. He said he plans to make another Shaw play, "The Devil's Disciple," in Hollywood, since it has an American background, and also has scheduled "Caesar and Cleopatra" and "Nelson," to star Leslie Howard, who is featured in "Pygmalion." Mr. Pascal said the latter film cost $625,000. Dr. Giannini is advising him on the American market and will represent him in the negotiations. Ericksen in W anger Post Hollywood, Aug. 1. — C. E. Ericksen has been appointed business manager and treasurer of Walter Wanger Prod., Inc. Mr. Ericksen has long been connected with studio financing and business management. He has been Douglas Fairbanks' business manager for several years and will continue in that capacity. House Policy Changed Cincinnati, Aug. 1. — The RKO Family, which has been playing three changes a week, has gone to a two-aweek basis, with program changes Sundays and Wednesdays. The scale of 15 and 25 cents remains the same. Wall Street Gains Sprinkle Board Net Open High Low Close Chang Col. 13^4, 1354 1354 1354 54 Cons. 154 154 154 154 E. K. ....177 177 177 177 E. K. pfd.,171 171 171 171 +2 G. T. E... 1454 1454 1454 1454 + 54 Loew 4m 4854 4854 48=4 — H Para. 1054 1054 1054 1054 + Vt Fara. 1 9oy2 9054 9054, 9054 + 54 Para. 2 10J4 1054 1054 1054 % Pathe 954 954 9Vs 9Vs 54 RKO 2% 2% m 2% 20th Fox .. 2454 245£ 2454 2454 54 W. B. .... 654 654 653 m Vs W. B. pfd. 36 36 36 36 Little Change on Curb Net Open High Low Close Change G. N 54 % ys Tech 2534, 2554 2454 25 — 54 Trans-Lux 254 254 254 254 + 54 Bonds Have Fair Increases Net High Low Close Change Keith 6s '46 ...89 89 89 —1 Loew 354s '46. ...100 100 100 + Vs Para. B'way 3s '55 ...63 63 63 Para. Pict. 6s '55 .. . 83 83 83 + v* W. B. 6s '39 77 7654 77 +1 (Quotations at close of Aug. i) Silverstone Says Chaplin In Agreement (Continued from page 1) differences of opinion between Ml. Chaplin and the other company owifr ers, had been in existence. His com-2 ment on the subject was confined to the single statement. Mr. Silverstone intimated that discussions of a renewal of the Selznick International distribution deal would be resumed here this week with John Hay Whitney. He reported the negotiations to be "unchanged" as a result of his coast conferences. The Selznick International contract with United Artists does not expire until the end of the year, Mr. Silverstone said. Asked whether there was any possibility of United Artists distributing "Gone with the Wind," Mr. Silverstone observed that no releasing deal for the picture has been closed yet and added, "Whoever gets it will be lucky." He said there was a possibility that pictures made by the Myron Selznick-Ernst Lubitsch combine might be distributed by United Artists but added that no deal had been made. Board Meets This Week Although stating that George J. Schaefer's new contract with United Artists is "all agreed on," Mr. Silverstone was non-committal when asked if it would be signed this week. A meeting of the United Artists board of directors will be held Thursday or Friday. The executive committee chairman said that nothing "important" was scheduled for action and that none of the company owners was expected at the meeting. Mr. Silverstone was in Hollywood for two weeks. James Mulvey, vicepresident of Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., returned to New York with him. The two were a day late arriving as a result of having missed the Century out of Chicago Sunday. At the station to meet them were Charles Schwartz of Schwartz & Frohlich, a member of the United Artists board and attorney for Mr. Chaplin; Arthur Schwartz of the same law firm, and Emanuel Silverstone, brother of Murray and American representative for Alexander Korda. Shearer Refuses to Appear as Scarlett (Continued from page 1) not play this kind of character on the screen are right and I appreciate tremendously the interest they have shown. I have advised Mr. Mayer and Mr. Selznick of my feelings in the matter so that they would not consider me for the part." Indications are that Clark Gable will continue as the choice for the part of Rhett Butler, provided M-G-M distributes the film. Added to "Citadel" London, Aug. 1 . — Penelope Dudley-Ward, Cecil Parker, Elliot Makeham and Francis L. Sullivan have been added to the cast of M-G-M's "The Citadel," now in production.