Motion Picture Daily (July–Sept 1938)

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v ,/ednesday, August 10. 1938 MOTION PICTURE DAILY i Purely Personal ► ;T J J. HUTCHINSON, foreign W ."distribution head for 20th Cen n t ! t ■ury-Fox, is en route to Peru on the econd leg of his South American surHe plans to sail from Rio de iro Sept. 26 for South Africa, reg here about Dec. 20. Uii Charles Ballance, Paramount manager for India, sails for the Far Last today on the Manhattan. He has >een here several weeks conferring with John W. Hicks. Jr., Paramount ice-president in charge of the foreign department. Kate Cameron, film critic for the Vrti'j and Clay Morgan, NBC pubic relations director, will return on the Zhamplain today from European vacations. Others arriving are John Hoysradt, actor, and Lotte LehIimann, singer. E. L. Rutledge, 20th Century-Fox managing director in New Zealand, 'has arrived on the coast from New York and will sail next Wednesday on "the Monterey for his headquarters. William Wyler. Goldwyn director, will leave for the coast this week. •He recently returned from England where he filmed Yorkshire back■ grounds for "Wuthering Heights." • [ Joseph Fisher, operator of a Ma• layan theatre circuit, plans to sail for "London on the Queen Mary today en route back to Singapore after a New York and Hollywood visit. B • . , , Stanton Griffis, chairman of the Paramount executive committee, will sail for England on the Queen Mary ' today, to be gone about a month. • Bill Bacher, who produced the ! "Alexander's Ragtime Band" broadcast, left for Los Angeles last night on an American Airlines plane. d • Alan F. Cummings, in charge of M-G-M exchange operations, will return today from a checkup at the Charlotte branch. • Louis Phillips of the Paramount DVERNIGHT TO LOS ANGELES iig, luxurious Flagship Skysleepers. No ;hange of planes. Air-conditioned at airports —nature-cooled en route. The Southern Alliear route. Complimentary meals. To Los Angeles or San Francisco, S149.95. 10% saving )n round-trip flights. The MERCURY The SOUTHERNER Lv. Newark . . 5:10 p.m. Lv. Newark . .9:00 p.m. FOR RESERVATIONS Call your travel agent or VAnderbilt 3-2580. Ticket Offices: 45 Vanderbilt Avenue and Rockefeller Center, 18 W. 49th St. AMERICAN AIRLINES ^ The Newsreel Parade President Roosevelt in the Panama Canal Zone, that Chicago golfer who played 144 holes in one day to win $2,500 and a half interest in a Virginia plantation, girls tobogganning into a Maine lake, the launching of the new Mauretania and otlier assorted events, including Douglas Corrigan and the wedding of the Carnegie heiress in Scotland, are included in the various issues of the newsreels. The contents of the reels follow : Movietone News: President in Panama. Maharajah of Bhavnagar on visit here. Lord Runciman leaves London to mediate Czech dispute. Sonja Henie in Paris. Vyvyan Donner's style section offers cocktail hats. The Queen Mary arrives after record breaking crossing. New Mauretania is launched. Lew Lehr with elephants in a beer garden. Reaping record wheat crop in northwest. Aquaplane race. Chicago golfer. Girls tobogganning into Maine lake. News of the Day: Roosevelt in Panama. Corrigan in Boston. Mauretania launching. Famous paintings come to life at Masquer's pageant, Laguna Beach, Cal. Duke of Kent attends Cardiff fair. Carnegie heiress weds in Scotland. Doll hat fashions. Girls sliding into Maine lake. Chicago marathon golfer. Catalina aquaplaning. Paramount News: Hank Greenberg after home run record. Sandlot playing youngster in Philadelphia has two no-hit, no-run games to his credit. Rites for air crash victims in Bogota, Colombia. Carnegie heiress weds. Earthquake in Greece. Danish girl swimmer completes 28-mile crossing. Corrigan in Boston. A. W. Barkley wins Kentucky Senate nomination. Queen Mary regains Atlantic blue ribbon. New Mauretania launched. Water toboganning on Maine lake. RKO Pathe News: Barkley-Chandler Senatorial nomination campaign in Kentucky. Forest fire in Bremerton, Wash. Mexican political societies meet to pledge support to President Cardenas. Chicago marathon golfer. Scenic views of the Grand Canyon. New air base in Sacramento. Model T Ford "jalopie" race. Launching in England of the new steamship, Mauretania. Catalina-California quaplane race. Universal Newsreel: Corrigan in Boston, New York and Peekskill. Corrigan plane arriving. Senator Barkley and Kentucky Senatorial race. Workers demonstrate in Mexico City. F. D. R., Jr.'s, baby leaves hospital with parents. Carnegie heiress weds. Army maneuvers in Mississippi. Louisiana bishop blesses shrimp fleet. Water toboganning in Maine. Chicago's marathon golfer. Aquaplane race. legal department will return this weekend from a vacation in Mexico. • Bob Whitman, Paramount managing director, was in Philadelphia yesterday to look over some acts. • Y. Frank Freeman is expected back from a brief vacation in Atlanta the first of next week. • Irving Berlin leaves for Boston today via American Airlines. . . . Cleveland Charles Gottlob of the Sunbeam Theatre sails Wednesday on the Battory for a trip through central Europe, including Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, France and Holland. Stuart Cagney, one-time local exhibitor and now with the Schine circuit in Norwich, N. Y., is vacationing here. J. S. Jossey, who recently sold his interest in the Ohio Republic franchise to Nat L. Lefton, to devote his time entirely to Bank Night, is operating at 503 Film Bldg., under the name of Modern Enterprises, Inc. • . . . Denver A P. Archer vacationing in the Jac' :on Hole country in Wyoming. Bernard Newman and Mrs. Newman are spending two weeks in New York and vicinity. Also vacationing are: L. J. Finske on a three-week business and pleasure trip to New York; Ross Agren at Troutdale, Col, and Ross Bluck. • . . . Oklahoma City C. O. Fulgham, division manager for the Griffith Amusement Co., was married Aug. 6 in Tulsa to Ella Lindsey of Oklahoma City. They went to Chicago for a short honeymoon. W. J. Kupper, 20th Century-Fox western division manager, and Ward E. Scott, district manager at Kansas City were here for conferences with Griffith buyers. Ora Louise Murfin, cashier at the State, recently became Mrs. Quentin Philpott. • . . . Washington L. Stoddard Taylor, manager of the Belasco, is vacationing on Cape Cod. Eddie Plohn of the National says he has been unable to get "Marie Antoinette" for an advanced priced showing and that it probably will open around Labor Day. Margaret Sullavan paid a flying visit here. Hardie Meakin's birthday was observed with the presentation of a cake at the 20th Century-Fox exchange following a screening of "Letter of Introduction" in honor of the occasion. C. B. Moss Is Engaged Charles B. Moss, son of B. S. Moss, has become engaged to Paula Mendelsohn of New York. The wedding is scheduled for late fall. Mr. Moss is general manager of the Criterion and other Moss theatres. Sabu Coming to America London, Aug. 9. — Sabu, the Indian native boy who is featured in "Drums," will make his first visit to America next month. He will attend the opening of the film at the Radio City Music Hall. Rush Pre-Releases On "Ragtime Band Following up the record-breaking opening of "Alexander's Ragtime Band" at the Roxy and the attendant extensive publicity, 20th CenturyFox has scheduled a number of prerelease engagements in key cities as a means of further extending the nationwide buildup. Prior to general release Aug. 19, opening dates set are as follows : Aug. 11, Metropolitan, Boston, and Alvin, Pittsburgh ; Aug. 12, Stanley, Philadelphia, and Apollo, Atlantic City; Aug. 13, Pitt, Cleveland; Aug. 17, Olympic, Utica, and State, New Bedford ; Aug. 18, Poli, Springfield, Mass., and State, Byrd and Capitol, Richmond. Auto Consent Decree Interests Film Men Washington, Aug. 9. — Considerable interest has been stirred in the film industry by the Department of Justice agreement to a consent decree settling the anti-trust action against the tord Motor Co. and Chrysler Corp. because of their control of financing of retail sales. The decree will establish a code of business ethics for manufactureraffiliated automobile finance companies and will be subject to approval by the U. S. District Court at South Bend. In general the decree would provide that the Government drop its charges and the companies involved abolish certain financial practices. "New Year's" Stunt To Open New Season Des Moines, Aug. 9. — TriStates theatres in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Sioux City, the Tri-Cities and in Nebraska are inaugurating their new season attractions with "New Year's Eve" premieres. In Des Moines the Des Moines and Roosevelt theatres will close their box-offices at 5 P.M. Aug. 11. Special decorations and lighting will be put up and the "New Year's Eve" show will open at 8 P.M. with no seat reserved, no advance in prices and only capacity of the theatre sold. Aug. 12 the same procedure will be staged at the Paramount and Orpheum. LOS ANGELES The Best Air Service FOR YOU • Only United Air Lines' famous "Continental" lets you have the full business day in New York, with 8:55 a.m. arrival in Los Angeles. Only United offers a deluxe, limited-stop Sleeper leaving New York at midnight. Famous Mainliners, Sleepers and Skylounges . . . finest personalized passenger service . . . the most experienced airline. Low round-trip fares! UNITED AIR LINES TICKETS: 58 E. 42nd St., MU 2-7300 Also travel bureaus, hotels