Motion Picture Daily (July–Sept 1938)

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MOTION PICTURE DAILY Thursday, August 25, I Practice Committee Still Marking Time The distributors' trade practice committee is still marking time awaiting the decision of company lawyers on the effect of the Government's antitrust suit on the industry's move for self-regulation, it was said vesterdav by William F. Rodgers, M-G-M distribution chief, a member of the committee. Mr. Rodgers said he earnestly hoped that the committee will proceed with its work as he feels that a program is urgently needed. S. R. Kent, committee chairman, recently said that a decision will be announced after Labor Day, when the attorneys will have had an opportunity to study the situation irr the light of the Government's action. The M-G-M sales head returned yesterday from a three-week trip which took him to Chicago, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago again. In Kansas City and Los Angeles he addressed the Xational Theatres conventions and outlined M-G-M's "yardstick" policy of picture rental designations. In Detroit he closed a new season deal with Cooperative Theatres, buying cooperative of about 80 theatres headed by Ray Moon. "U" Loses Point in Suit N. Y. Supreme Court Justice Kenneth O'Brien yesterday overruled the objections of Universal Pictures Corp., the defendant in a $650,000 breach of contract suit brought by John D. Tippett, Inc., to the procedure adopted by the plaintiff in conducting an examin ation before trial of Universal and ordered the latter to produce 'all books and records which refer to the al leged contract, and to allow them to be introduced into evidence. Justice O'Brien further ordered Universal to answer all questions bearing upon its alleged refusal to carry out the terms of the contract. Ad. Libs Ritz Brothers Are Sued Suit for $150,000 damages was filed against Harry, Al and Jimmy Ritz yesterday in the N. Y. Supreme Court by Arthur Silber. The plaintiff, who sued the defendants under their original name, Joachim, charged breach of an alleged contract made on March 12, 1936, whereby he was appointed exclusive agent for the Ritz Brothers in booking motion picture roles and other engagements on the coast at a 10 per cent commission. Silber claimed that several days after the contract was made he was wrongfully discharged and that his damages for loss of earnings amounted to $150,000. Tomasino Files Appeal New Haven, Aug. 24. — M i c h a e 1 Tomasino, operator of the White Way, has filed an appeal in the Court of Common Pleas from his conviction in City Court on a charge of violating the lottery law in operating a grabbag giveaway in his lobby. Carillo, Ritter Colonels Oklahoma City, Aug. 24. — Acting Governor James E. Berry of Oklahoma went far afield recently in naming honorary colonels, signing a commission for Leo Carillo, and another for Tex Ritter. Dietz Thumbnailed Howard Dietz, M-G-M ad chief, was the subject of one of Hal Eaton's recent "Going to Town" columns, a feature syndicated in the Newark Ledger, Long Island Daily Press and other papers. Mr. Eaton traces Mr. Dietz's career and accomplishments. He also relates that when Simon & Schuster, the publishers, sent Mr. Dietz a copy of "Wake Up and Live," the enclosed note said: "You are the only person we know who doesn't need the advice in this book." Scout Donald With Donald Duck and his three nephews starring in Disney's "Good Scouts," national promotion has been arranged between RKO and the _ Boy Scouts of America. A highlight is the presentation to 1,000 Scout executives of the reproduction of a drawing showing Donald and his nephews saluting a typical Boy Scout. This is intended for framing at Scout offices and for newspaper use. Jack Level of Rutgers Neilson's staff rates credit. Harmonica Club The indefatigable Leon J. Bamberger, who sales promotes for RKO, has a good idea in the Bobby Breen Harmonica Club, with harmonicas and "club membership" cards going out to the recipients, for "Breaking the Ice" exploitation. Repetetive Value There is the value of repetition in the idea of Lynn Farnol, U.A. ad and publicity boss, in running the line, "Motion Pictures Are Your Best Entertainment," across the top of every sheet of all publicity releases. Time Tieup The March of Time organization is well known for its enterprising exploitation, but Al Sindlinger, publicity manager, really went to town on the current issue, "The Man at the Wheel." Tieups with numerous traffic safety, engineering and civic groups and local organizations have been effected, as well as the wide distribution of a pamphlet to motorists, called "Save a Life in 1938." A Lot in Shorts Charles E. McCarthy's advertising and publicity department at 20th Century-Fox has turned out a smart press book on the company's next season's shorts, with a volume of salable suggestions, and featured by caricatures of the principal people involved. Arch Reeve, advertising manager, supervised the job. 1,500th Issue The Loewdown, the not so lowly house organ of the Loew circuit, today is celebrating its 1,500th issue. One of the few daily house organs known to man, it was founded by Oscar A. Doob, Loew circuit advertising director, way back in 1932. Strictly business, mimeographed, it's a hardy perennial. "Happy New Year" Exhibitors in various cities are wishing their patrons "Happy New Year," and, moreover, are promising a new year's wealth of film entertainment. M-G-M, incidentally, has gotten up a four-page throwaway built around the "Happy New Year" idea, which lists the company's forthcoming releases, casts, etc. They're selling 'em to exhibitors by the thousands. Four M-G-M Features Edited into Shorts Four M-G-M features are being reedited and cut into shorts for experimental purposes. Three shorts have been made from "The Devil Is a Sissy" and three or four will be made from "Captains Courageous." "Fury" and "Men in White" are also being cut. The editing is being completed by Joseph Losey of the Progressive Education Association, the entire experiment being financed by a $69,000 Rockefeller Foundation grant for educational glms to be used in courses on human relations. British Exports Increase London, Aug. 24. — The total of exposed positive film exported from England during July amounted to 1,866,792 feet, according to the Board of Trade figures just released, an increase of 152,269 feet over July of last year. The July total this year was valued at £14,448. The imports of exposed positive film totaled 1,324,840 feet, a decrease from Julv, 1937, of 380,325 feet. The July, 1938, imports were valued at £12,158. Cable Greetings to Australian Meeting Greetings from Monogram and Republic were cabled yesterday to the convention of British Empire Films and Greater Union Theatres in Sydney, Australia, which will end today. Monogram cabled messages from W. Ray Johnston, Norton V. Ritchey, Scott Dunlap, Jackie Cooper and John Carroll. From Republic went greetings cabled by H. J. Yates, Morris Goodman, Gene Autry, James, Lucille and Russell Gleason, John Wayne, Ray Corrigan and Rov Rogers. There was also a message from Capt. Harold Auten, American representative of the Australian organization. Warner Units Take G.B. Warner theatres in the Albany and Buffalo territories will play G. B. new season product in accordance with a deal signed with Arthur Greenblatt, G.B. eastern division manager, who has just returned from upstate. Warner theatres in Cleveland and Cincinnati have already contracted for the list. The territorial arrangement between G. B. and Warners was made at the Warner home office here. A. F, L. Withdraws* From TMAT-IA Ro Atlantic City, Aug. 24— ConfD between the Theatrical Managers, A sistants and Treasurers union and | I.A.T.S.E. were aired here today the A. F. of L. Executive Coui meeting in the Hotel Ambassad William Green, A. F. of L. preside later stated that the matter has b withdrawn from the council and tun back to the two theatrical lal groups for further conferences i New York, indicating a belief t they can settle the differences betw themselves. Lodewick Vroom, T.M.A.T. pre dent, and Gustave A. Gerber, coun: later declared George E. Brow I.A.T.S.E. president, and Joseph Weber, president of the Amerk Federation of Musicians, were reasd able and cooperative. Mr. Vroom < clared that "the principal elements the theatre are getting together : the good of the theatre," and that joint central council of all theatri. crafts is hoped for. The dispute was on jurisdicti over box-office and front-of-the-hoi men in film theatres. Mr. Browne taking tentative compromise pla back to his members. /. A. District Meet Is Held in Buffai Buffalo, Aug. 24. — The anm meeting of the 10th district of t I.A.T.S.E. is under way here coi cidentally with the New York St; Federation of Labor convention. T district comprises New York and t New England states. Legislati matters are highlighting the session. Among those attending are D, Walsh and James Brennan, I.A.J S.E. vice-presidents ; Tom Murtn business agent of Local 4, Brookh and John Gatelee, New England c ganizer. "Illusion" Opens Sept. 1 "Grand Illusion," importation, w| have its American premiere at tl Filmarte on Sept. 12 under the auj pices of the Hamilton House, wi opening tickets priced from $3.30 $1.10. Wall Street G.T.E. Best Board Gain Net Open High Low Close Chani Col. .. im 1354 1354 1354 Tj Cons .. 854 854 854 854 E. K. ... ..176 176J4 174 174 11? G. T. E. . 1444 1554 1454 1554 + * Loew . 4954 4954 49 49 + H Para. ■ 1054 1054 105-6 1054 + : Fara. 2 . 1054 1054 10/8 1054 + K Pathe 9 954 9 954 + * RKO ■ 2V& 254 254 254 — H 20th Fox ■ 2554 25Vs 2554 2554 20th pfd. . 3354 3354 3354 654 3334 + 54 + »f W. B. .. ■ 654 6J4 Little Change on Curb Net Open High Low Close Chang G. N 54 9/16 V2 54 Sonotone . . 1§4 154 154 154 Tech 2354 2354 23 2354 Trans -Lux 254 254 254 254 Univ. Corp. 354 354 354 354 Warner Bonds Advance Net High Low Close Chang Loew 354s '46 101 101 101 Para. Pict. 6s '55 9554 9554 9554 « W. B. 6s '39 7754 77 7754 +1 (Quotations at close of Aug. 24)