Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1939)

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MOTION PICTURh DAI LY 4 Purely Personal ► 2 N.Y. Allied to Ask New Trade Code Negotiating Group Allied of New York will advocate the naming of a new negotiating committee to represent national Allied in whatever future negotiations on the industrv trade practice code may be initiated by either distributors or exhibitors, it "was stated yesterday at the organization's headquarters here. In all probability the matter will be aired at the New York unit's open forum on the trade practice^ code_ on May 25 in connection with New York Allied's convention at the Astor. Local Allied leaders point out the national organization will be without official representation if new negotiating sessions are initiated soon, a move which the distributors' committee recently indicated might be necessary in order to discuss final arbitration proposals or changes in the present code draft. The official status of the Allied negotiating committee expired March 1. Even though there may be no need for further negotiations, the local unit believes a new committee should be designated if only as evidence that national Allied holds the trade program in the same good faith as distributors who have offered to continue negotiations on it with exhibitors. Towne Becomes Producer at RKO Hollywood, May 8. — Gene Towne, screen writer, has signed an agreement with President George Schaefer of RKO by which he becomes an independent producer with four pictures scheduled annually. Production of his first film will start May 15. Graham Baker, former First National production head and Towne's writing partner for the past five years, will be vice-president of the new producing unit. The unit will be known as "The Play's the Thing Productions." Columbia Gets Writ In 'Island' Action N~ Y. Sunreme Court Justice Bernard L> Shientag has issued a temporary injunction pending trial which restrained International Road Shows, Inc. and "John" and Bert Goldberg from using the title "Escape from Devil's Island" for its picture previouslv called "Broken Melody." Columbia had filed suit, in which it applied for the injunction, claiming to have released a film of the same title in November, 1935, based on a story purchased from Fred DeGresac. Slesinger Returns "Stephen Slesinger, publisher's representative, has returned to New York. Slesinger has been in Hollywood for the past two months discussing with executives of M-G-M. Paramount, Sam Goldwyn and RKO, the sale of the film rights to Zane Grey's novel, "The Life of George 'Washington." Samuel Goldwyn was reported the highest bidder. HARRY M. WARNER, president of Warners, is due here tomorrow with Mrs. Wakxer. • J. Cheever Cowdix, Louis B. Mayer and Major Albert Warxer among those at the Kentucky Derby in Louisville Saturday. Also Dox Ameche, George Raft, Al Jolson, David Butler, Bill Conselman, Mary Briax, Edmund Lowe, John Hertz. Herbert Bayard Swope, Herbert M. Woolf of Kansas City, Charles E. McCarthy, Rodxey Bush, A. C. Blumenthal, Neil McCarthy and Mr. and Mrs. Johx Balabax of Chicago. • Mariox Axdersox. Negro singer who will participate in the "Young Mr. Lincoln" premiere at Springfield. 111., Memorial Day, will also be at the Hollywood premiere June 2. • Alfred N. Sack, general manager of Sack Amusement Enterprises, Dallas, has arrived on the coast for two weeks of conferences with producers. • Walter Damrosch will be interviewed today prior to his departure for Hollywood to appear in a Paramount film. • Ira Gexet is starting a new series of 10 short subjects, "Color Parades," here. Gerald J. Marfleet will be at the camera. National Legion of Decency approved 11 of 12 films reviewed and classified this week. Four were found unobjectionable for general patronage, seven unobjectionable for adults and one objectionable in part. The films and their classifications follow : Class A-l, Unobjectionable for General Patronage — "Code of the Secret Service," "Fixer Dugan," "Romance of the Redwoods," "Sororitv House." Class A-2. Unobjectionable for Adults — -"Boys' Reformatory," "Heroes of the Marne.'' "Outside These Walls," "Stolen Life," "Three Waltzes," "Torchy Blane Runs for Mayor," 'Wanted by Scotland Yard." Class B. Objectionable in Part — "The Curtain Rises." Beck Heads Eastern Office for Birdwell Myer P. Beck, formerly publicity manager for United Artists, has been appointed eastern representative for Russell Birdwell and Associates of Hollywood. He will open offices soon. Among talent handled by the firm are Norma Shearer, Douglas Fairbanks. Jr.. Loretta Young and Edmund Goulding. Monogram Men Return New York delegation to Monogram's Chicago convention returned yesterday with the exception of W. Ray Johnston, president, and George W. Weeks, vice-oresident in charge of sales. Weeks will stop at several midwestern exchanges and Johnston will spend several days at Waterloo, la., his home town. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, SR., his wife, are scheduled to sail on the Queen Mary tomorrow. Also Constance Bennett and Frederick Lonsdale, playwright. • Frank Donovan, RKO Pathe production manager, is back from Livingston Manor where he arranged a Sportscope featuring skeets champions. • J. J. Nolan, assistant secretary of RKO studios in charge of commitments, arrived yesterday for a twoweek vacation. At one time he was at the home office. • Robert Florey, Paramount director, arrives on the lie de Frame tomorrow. Also Duke Ellington and his orchestra and Flora Mahieu, actress. • John Payne, Warner player who has been making personal appearances in the east and midwest, left New York yesterday for the studio. • Henry Fonda, having finished "Young Air. Lincoln," is in New York on first leg of vacation to Europe. • Edmund Goulding, Warner director, will leave the coast in a few days for a New York vacation. • Dalies Frantz, concert pianist, has been signed to a contract by M-G-M. Film Carriers Unit Has Election Today Annual report and a discussion of rates and tariffs by Harold Schertz. attorney, occupied the opening day of the sixth annual convention of Film Carriers, Inc., national organization of film shippers, at the Park Central Hotel yesterday. A number of committees were appointed. Today's morning session will consider routine matters and will be followed by the annual luncheon. Elections will be held in the afternoon and the convention will wind up Wednesday morning. Bernie Resigns from NY Selznick Agency Herman Bernie has resigned as head of the New York office of Myron Selznick agency. He will remain in charge a week or two to dispose of pending matters and then plans a long rest. His future plans are not definite, but he may return to the agency business on his own. Bernie operated his own agency before joining Selznick. Report to AAAA Board of Associated Actors & Artistes of America met yesterday to hear a report of a committee investigating conditions in American Federation of Actors. No statement was made after the meeting. Calgary Leads Drive RKO Radio's Detroit branch has relinquished its leadership among the 38 exchanges in the George Schaefer drive to the Calgary branch under the management of H. F. Taylor. Tuesday, May 9, K 41 New Pictures Before Cameras; Editors Cutting 5 Hollywood, May 8. — Forty-one pi tures were before the cameras tl week as eight started and seven fj ished. Twenty-two are being /g! pared, and 57 are in the cutting roH Started were : "The Wome j M-G-M ; "Timber Stampede." RK I "Mickey the Kid," "In Old Calient Republic ; "Nancy Drew and the H I den Staircase," "Dead or Alive," Wl ners; "Modern Cinderella." Univers "Miracle of Alain Street," Arcadj Grand National. In addition to these, shooting wei "Good Girls Go to Paris, Too," "?J Smith Goes to Washington," "Gold Boy," "Coast Guard," "Parents | Trial," Columbia; "Alusic Schocl "The Real Glory," Goldwyn; "Tj Cat and the Canary," "Heaven on Shoestring." "The Star Alake "Homework." "Disputed Passag "Our Leading Citizen," Paramoui "Way Down South," Principal-RK "Alemory of Love," "Career," RK< "Mountain Rhythm." Republic; "Gc with the Wind," Selznick-U..J] "Charlie Chan at Treasure Islan^ "The Rains Came," "The Jones Fa ily at Grand Canyon," "Elsa AIe well's Hotel for Women," 20th G tury-Fox ; "In Old California," "T| Phantom Creeps," Universal ; "YV ter Carnival." Wanger-U.A. ; "Tj Old Alaid." "Dust Be My Destin; "The Hobby Family," "Not Wante' Warners. Finished were : "The Alan irt. Sundown." Columbia ; "Andy Har Gets Spring Fever." AI-G-M; "Gj from Nowhere." Alonogram ; "Gere imo," Paramount ; "Second Fiddl 20th Century-Fox ; "The Sun Ne^| Sets." "Inside Information," Univers AI-G-AI started one short subje and RKO and Warners each finish one. Four are being prepared, ai 14 being edited. Exhibit Preview A press preview will be held t day of the exhibition, "Art in 0 Time," in the new building of t Aluseum of Alodern Art, 11 W. 53 St. Films are represented in the ei nibit. MOTION PICTURE DAILY (Registered U. S. Patent Office) MARTIN QUIGLEY. Editor-in-Chief a Publisher; SAM SHAIN. Editor; JAMI A. CRON, Advertising Manager. Published daily except Saturday, Sund and holidays by Quigley Publishing Co pany. Inc., Martin Quigley, preside! Colvin Brown, vice-president and treasuri Publication office: 1270 Sixth Avenue Rockefeller Center. New York. Telephor Circle 7-3100. Cable address: "Quignuhi New York." All contents copyrighted 19 by Quigley Publishing Company, Ii Address all correspondence to the New Yo. office. Other Quigley publications: Moti Picture Heralp. Better Theatres. Teat al Dia, International Motion Pictc, Almanac and Fame. BUREAUS: — Hollywood: Postal Uni Life Building, Vine and Yucca Sts. : Boo Mancall, manager; William R. Weave editor. Chicago: 624 S. Michigan Ave., C. O'Neill, manager. London: 4 Golden Squa: W. 1 : cable address, Quigpubco, Londo Hope Williams, manager. Entered as second class matter Sept. 2 1938, at the post office at New York. N. 1 under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year $6 in t Americas and S12 foreign. Single copies II Legion Approves 11 j Of 12 New Pictures