Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1939)

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6 Motion Picture Daily Wednesday, September 6, 1939 6Oz' Grosses Good $15,000 In Twin Cities Minneapolis, Sept. 5.— "Elsa Maxwell's Hotel for Women" and Paul Whiteman, concluding a week^s engagement at the Orpheum. and "Coast Guard" showing for four days gave this theatre $12,000. "The Wizard of Oz" did a fine S9.000 at the State. In St. Paul, best business getter was "The Wizard of Oz" at the Paramount, drawing $6,000. Estimated takings for the week ending Aug. 30: Minneapolis : "The Hobby Family" (W. B.) "The Man They Could Not Hang (Col.) "The Forgotten Woman" (Univ.) "A Woman Is the Judge" (Col.) ASTER— (900) (15c-25c) 7 days. Gross: Sl.SOO. (Average. $1,500) "Stanley and Livingstone" (20th-Fox) CENTURY — (1.600) (25c-40c) 7 days, 2nd week. Gross: S4.600. (Average. $4,000) "These Glamour Girls" (M-G-M) „ GOPHER— (990) (25c) 7 days. Gross: 53,000. (Average, $2,500) "Should Husbands Work?" (Rep.) MINNESOTA— (4.200) (15c-30c) 7 days with stage show. Gross: $5,000. (Average, $6,000) "Hotel for Women" (20th-Fox) "Coast Guard" (Col.) ORPHEUM— (2,900) (35c-55c) "Women" and Paul Whiteman, 3 days, $10,000. (25c-40c) "Coast Guard," 4 days, $2,000. (Average, without stage show, $4,800) "The Wizard of Oz" (M-G-M) STATE— (2,300) (25c-40c) 7 days. Gross: $9,000. (Average. $4,400) "The Mikado" (Univ.) "Four Feathers" (U. A.) WORLD— (400) (25c-55c) "Mikado," 5 days, 4th week, "Feathers," two days. Gross: $2,000. (Average, $1,600) St. Paul: "Our Leading Citizen" (Para.) "Each Dawn I Die" (W. B.) ORPHEUM— (2,000) (25c-40c) "Citizen," four days, "Dawn," three days. Gross: $3,200. (Average, $3,200) "The Wizard of Oz" (M-G-M) PARAMOUNT— (2,500) (25c-40c) 7 days. Gross: $6,000. (Average, $4,000) "Stanley and Livingstone" (20th-Fox) RIVIERA— (1,000) (25c-40c) 7 days after week at Paramount. Gross: $2,500. (Average, $1,500) "Hell's Kitchen" (W. B.) "The Saint in London" (RKO) TOWER — (1,000) (25c) 7 davs. Gross: $1,500. (Average, $1,500) "The Mikado" (Univ.) WORLD— (400) (25c-55c) 6 days, 3rd week. Gross: $900. (Average, $700) 'Feathers' Scores $16,800 in Capital Washington, Sept. 5. — Glenn Miller and his band helped "Winter Carnival" in providing Loew's Capitol with an excellent $20,500 gross. "Four Feathers" scored heavily with $16,800 at Loew's Palace. Estimated takings for the week ending Aug. 31 : "Winter Carnival" (U. A.) LOEW'S CAPITOL— (3.434) (25c-66c) 7 days. Stage: Glen Miller & orch. Gross: $20,500. (Average, $16,500) "Hotel for Women" (20th-Fox) LOEW'S COLUMBIA -0,243) (25c-40c) 7 days, 2nd run. Gross: $3,400. Average, $4,500) "Four Feathers" (U. A.) LOEW'S PALACE-(2,370) (25c-55c) 7 days. Gross: $16,800. (Average, $12,000) "When Tomorrow Comes" (Univ.) RKO-KEITH'S -0,836) (2Sc-55c) 7 days. 2nd week. Gross: $6,200. (Average, $6,000) "The Old Maid" (W. B.) WARNERS' EARLE-(2,218) (25c-66c) 7 days. 2nd week. Stage: Rollini Trio and others. Gross: $14,000. (Average, $16,000) "Coast Guard" (Col.) WARNERS' METROPOLITAN — (1.591) f25c-40c) 7 days. Gross: $4,200. (Average, 54.000) ■ Feature Reviews "Everything's on Ice" (RKO-Sol Lesser) Hollywood, Sept. 5. — Duly acknowledging the contributions made to "Everything's on Ice" by the writers, director, musical composers, technical specialists and supporting actors, it must be said that tiny Irene Dare is the star of this Sol Lesser production and thus the focal objective of public attention and exploitation endeavor. An ice skating phenomenon in every one of her 46 inches, Miss Dare is given several opportunities to demonstrate her expertness in tuneful and picturesque settings. The preview audience recognized her ability each time she completed a number. The sustaining screen story, devised by Adrian Landis and Sherman Lowe, complemented by musical numbers composed by Victor Young, Paul Webster, Milton Drake and Frank Stryker, is a combination of farce comedy and romance. It has to do with the antics of airy-minded Roscoe Karn, who delights in spending other people's money in fostering the career of Miss Dare, meanwhile trying to promote a rich marriage for elder sister Lynne Roberts. The "millionaire," George Meeker, upon whom he concentrates, turns out to be a charlatan, but when it develops that "goof" Eric Linden is a veritable moneybag who would spend any amount to insure his and Miss Roberts' romantic future, father Edgar Kennedy is saved from ruin. . Competently produced by Lesser so that every dollar invested, is reflected on the screen, Erie C. Kenton's direction of story material, production effects and star and supporting players establishes the picture as satisfactory family entertainment. Running time, 65 minutes. "G."* G. McC. *"G" denotes general classification. "Riders of the Frontier" {Monogram) Hollywood, Sept. 5. — A western with three songs, "Riders of the Frontier" is a bit of a letdown for the Tex Ritter average, due principally to dilatory story development and an over-stretching of plausibility toward the finish. This is the more regrettable because the film contains a cattle stampede and some mountain fighting of better than common kind. Possibly the juvenile trade will not care too much about weaknesses unlikely to escape adults' notice. The original screenplay by Jesse Duffy and Joseph Levering, directed by Spencer Gordon Bennett, has to do with the usual villainous foreman's attempt to steal his employer's live stock and, ultimately, by the aged rancheress, the premises. Ritter puts over the usual masquerade as a bad man joining the outfit and again brings the genuine bad men to justice. Meanwhile he finds spots for three songs, one shared with Mantan Moreland, the colored comedian lately figuring divertingly in Monogram pictures. Marin Sais is briefly in the film for an inconsequential romantic touch. Running time, 59 minutes. "G."* Roscoe Williams *"G" denotes general classification. "Heartbeat" (French Motion Picture Corp.) "Heartbeat" is a tale of a young peasant girl who is seduced by a fellow from the big city, Marseilles, and who returns home with her son to an angry father. Its strength lies not in the story but in the characterizations portrayed. Outstanding is the work of Fernandel, who plays the role of the simpleminded but good hearted farm laborer who helps Orane Demazis out of her difficulties. Henri Poupon, as the stern father; Toinon, as the fond and forgiving mother, and Edouard Delmont, as a migratory farm laborer, perform with refreshing simplicity. No effort is made to have the English subtitles offer a verbatim translation of the French dialogue, but the titles are sufficient to carry the story. Marcel Pagnol directed and wrote the screenplav from the novel, "Un de Baumugnes," by Jean Giono. By its nature the film has limited audience appeal, but it should please those who seek the unusual in character portrayals. Running time, 90 minutes. "A."* ed Greif *"./" designates adult classification. Seattle Gives Wizard' Big $8,200 Lead Seattle, Sept. 5. — "The Wizard of Oz" scored well, with $8,200 at the Fifth Avenue. "Stanley and Livingstone" and "Quick Millions" at Paramount were good for $6, 100. weather was cool and rainy. Estimated takings for the week ending Sept. 1 : "Bachelor Mother" (RKO) "On Borrowed Time" (M-G-M) BLUE MOUSE— (950) (25c-30c-40c-55c) 7 days, 3rd week. Gross: $3,400. (Average. $4,000) "Wizard of Gz" (M-G-M) FIFTH AVENUE— (2.500) (25c-30c-40c55c) 7 davs. Gross: $8,200. (Average. $7,000) "The Eagle and the Hawk" (Para.) "Five Little Peppers" (Col.) LIBERTY — (1,800) (25c-30c-40c-55c) 7 days. Gross: $3,700. (Average, $5,000) "Stolen Life" (Para.) MUSIC BOX— (950) (25c-30c-40c-55c) 7 days. Gross: $3,200. (Average, $5,000) "Our Leading Citizen" (Para.) "Million Dollar Legs" (Para.) ORPHEUM— (2,450) (25c-30c-40c) 7 days. Gross: $5,100. (Average, $6,000) "You Can't Get Away with Murder" (W. B.) "The Girl from Rio" (Mono.) PALOMAR — (1,500) (15c-25c-30c-40c) days. Vaudeville headed by Conway Dale. Gross: $4,900. (Ayerage, $5,000) "Stanley and Livingstone" (ZOth-Fox) "Quick Millions" (20th-Fox) PARAMOUNT — (3.050) (25c-30c-40c) ', davs. 2nd week. Gross: $6,100. (Average $6,000) & 'Oz' Is Cleveland Winner at $6,000 Cleveland, Sept. 5. — "Wizard of Oz" at Loew's Stillman led the town with $6,000. "The Star Maker" at Loew's State drew $12,000. Estimated takings for the week ending Aug. 30 : "Stanley and Livingstone" (20th-Fox) ALLEN — (3,000) (30c-35c-42c) 7 days. Gross: $5,000. (Average, $4,000) "When Tomorrow Comes" (Univ.) WARNER'S HIPPODROME — (30c-35c-42c) 7 days. Gross: $9,000. age, $11,000) "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (ZOth-Fox) RKO PALACE — (3,100) (30c-35c-42c) 7 days. Gross: $5,000. (Average, $8,000) "The Star Maker" (Para.) LOEW'S STATE— (3.500) (30c-35c-42c) 7 days. Gross: $12,000. (Average. $11,000) "Wizard of Oz" (M-G-M) LOEW'S STILLMAN— (1.900) (30c-35c42c) 7 days. Gross: $6,000. (Average. $4,000) (3,800) (Aver Ben Washer Takes New Post on Friday Ben Washer winds up his tenure as press representative for Samuel Goldwyn on Friday. On Monday he assumes his new post at Donahue & Coe, advertising agency, in charge of the legitimate theatre advertising department of that firm. Washer is a former staff member and columnist of the World-Telegram and was advertising and publicity manager for George Abbott, Broadway producer, before joining Goldwyn this year. Confer on Sales Drive Spokane, Wash., Sept. 5. — Nine independent managers conferred with C. L. Theuerkauf, Seattle branch manager for Universal, on the details of the Universal exhibitor sales drive.