Motion Picture Daily (Jan-Mar 1940)

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THE PUBLIC IS BEING TAUGHT TO DEMAND SiGHTiAVlNG VISION LIGHTING MORE LIGHT is the slogan of the day. From newspapers and magazines, the lecture platform and the school, the public is being taught the sight saving value of plenty of light. Put your theater in step with this upward trend in light intensity. It has popular appeal. People like to enter a theater in which they can see their way to their seats. And they can do just that in the many theaters Write for a free copy of the booklet, "The that are now equipped with high intensity projection. Think this over if you still have low intensity projection. Those first minutes of blindness result from the low level of general illumination necessitated by lack of light on the screen. Don't let poor lighting drive your patrons to other theaters. Install Simplified High Intensity projection and attract that growing body of theater-goers who appreciate plenty of light. Eternal Triangle in Picture Projection." SIMPLIFIED intwisitu MODERN ( PROJECTION D 0 0 □OODDDDD O □ lTT WITH NATIONAL SUPREX C /oooooooao"oooououuoouDuoaoaDDnnoC]oaoqj The words "National" and "Suprex" are trade-marks of National Carbon Company, Inc. NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. Unit of Union Carbide HIM and Carbon Corporation CARBON SALES DIVISION, CLEVELAND, OHIO General Offices: 30 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. BR48CH SALES. .ttf.EJ.CES: HEW TURK PUISiUttttH CJliClttA SilLEJUN CISCO..