Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1940)

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2 Motion Picture Daily Monday, July 15, 1940 Breakfast and All Memphis, July 14. — A local theatre yesterday offered a Saturday shoiv, starting at 6 A.M. with breakfast, a feature at 6:30, and patrons able to leave the house by 8 A.M., at a regular admission price. Newsreels Ready For Democrats' Meet The five newsreels have set the stage for complete coverage of the Democratic National Convention opening today in Chicago. The proceedings will be given the same treatment as the Republican convention in Philadelphia. Edmund Reek, general manager of Movietone News, left last night to direct his company's crew. Anthony Muto, Movietone's Washington representative, handled arrangements for the reel. William P. Montague will direct the Paramount crew and J. C. Brown will have charge of News of the Day's five cameramen. RKO Pathe will have two sound and one silent crews with George Dorsey, Washington manager, directing. James Lyons of Washington with a crew of five will be on hand for Universal. Movietone News Men Here from Europe Russell Muth, European manager for Movietone News, formerly with headquarters in Paris, accompanied by Arthur De Titta, his assistant, Mrs. De Titta and Herman Blumenfeld, arrived here by Clipper late last week. Muth said he came over to report to Truman Talley, head of the newsreel, and that he plans to return to Europe. Personal Mention FRANK C. WALKER left last night for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. • Leonard Goldenson and Sam Dembow, Jr., of the Paramount theatre department, returned over the weekend from the Paramount theatre partner's meeting in Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. John Moroney are in town from Dallas. • Laudy Laurence, M-G-M head in Continental Europe, with his wife and child, now are due on the Clipper from Lisbon today. They were left behind when the Clipper which left Lisbon on Friday had to be lightened at the last moment on orders from the U. S. Edward Greenberg of the Warner home office advertising staff is vacationing at a dude ranch. • Jack Rosenzweig, manager of the Manchester, St. Louis, is in town. • Phil Dugan of the Warner Theatre contact office, New Haven, is at the National Guard camp at Fisher's Island. • James Casey of the Colonial, Canaan, Conn., is vacationing in Boston. ALEXANDER KORDA and Basil Bleck, his attorney, returned to the Coast by plane on Friday night. Vincent Korda, art director of his brother's Hollywood organization, left for the Coast by train. • Stephen Pallos, head of London Film Export, Ltd., London, will be here indefinitely. • Henderson M. Richey, head of exhibitor relations for RKO, returns today from the Northwest Allied convention in Minneapolis. • George W. Brandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brandt, and Vivienne Mandelbaum were married yesterday at the Hotel Astor. • William A. Keyes, owner of the Victory, was elected president of the Ohio Real Estate Association at its recent convention in Columbus. • Harry Turberg, co-manager of the Northio Palace, Hamilton, O., is in Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, where he underwent an operation. • Gerald Stark of the Plaza, Buffalo, is in town visiting the Fair. • William Smith, operator of the Majestic, Abilene, Tex., is visiting here. Dean of Critics Dies St. John, N. B., July 14. — Jimmy Power, 75, dean of Canadian drama and film critics, is dead of a heart attack. For more than 45 years he wrote for Halifax newspapers. N. M. Schenck Back From Visit to Studio Nicholas M. Schenck, president of Loew's, Inc., returned from the Coast over the weekend after several days viewing new product with William F. Rodgers, general sales manager. Rodgers left Hollywood over the weekend. After visiting San Francisco and Seattle, he will return to the home office next Monday. Exploitable! the story of those 5 sisters in search of husbands! PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (M-G-M hit starring GREER GARSON & LAURENCE OLIVIER) Coming Soon! Buffalo Suit Charges Illegal 'Nation' Prints Buffalo. July 14.— Epoch Producing Corp. of New York and Thomas Dixon in a suit filed in Federal Court here charge Charles H. Tarbox and the Film Classic Exchange with mak ing copies of "Birth of a Nation" without the knowledge or consent of Epoch, which claims to hold all rights to the film. The complaint is signed by Harry E. Aitken of New York, president of Epoch and long associated with the distribution of the David Wark Griffith film. Aitken seeks damages and an injunction against alleged rental, sale and exhibition of the picture. The history of "Birth of a Nation" is recounted in the complaint. Rights and title were assigned to Epoch in 1915 by the Majestic Motion Picture Co., the complaint says. Howard R. Sturtevant is attorney for the plaintiff. Henigson Due Today Henry Henigson of Globe Pictures Corp., accompanied by David Diamond, Coast representative for Fortrade Corp. of America, is due here by plane today for conferences with executives of Fortrade concerning two productions to be made for James Roosevelt. Duvivier, Clair Arriving Julien Duvivier and Rene Clair, French directors, will produce and direct two films each for Transcontinental Films in Hollywood, it was said over the weekend by Paul Graetz, head of the company. Duvivier is due from Europe today and Clair next week. Monogram Meeting Here on Thursday Seven Monogram exchanges will be represented by their complete personnel at an Eastern district regional meeting at the Barbizon-Plaza Hotel here next Thursday and Friday. Edward A. Golden, general sales manaager, will preside. The seven exchanges are : New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, New Haven, Albany and Buffalo W. Ray Johnston, president, is i -" pected to fly here from the Coast ' I address the meeting. Represent 35 Per Cent of Gross Golden pointed out that the seven exchanges represent 35 per cent of the company's national gross business. Sales policy for the new season will be the chief topic of the two-day session. Harry H. Thomas, general manager of the company-owned New York, Philadelphia and Washington exchanges, will bring the complete personnel of his branches to the meeting. From the home office the following will attend: Thomas P. Loach, vicepresident and treasurer ; Norton V. Ritchey, manager of the foreign department; Louis S. Lifton, director of advertising and publicity ; Edward G. Schieber, assistant treasurer ; Lloyd Lind, head of the contract department ; John S. Harrington, print and accessories manager ; Joseph Lamm, chief accountant; H. G. Davis, personnel and office manager. Those Attending from Field Representing the New York exchange, in addition to Thomas, will be: Joseph J. Felder, manager; William Moses, circuit representative ; Lester Tobias, Richard Perry, Sol Kravitz and Jules Chapman. Philadelphia will send Sam Rosen, manager ; Moe Sherman, Samuel Palan and W. Z. Porter. From Washington will come Harry Brown, manager ; Harry Crull, Arthur J. Hansen, and D. Price. The Boston and New Haven delegations include Steve Broidy, manager and member of the Monogram board of directors, Leo F. Britton, Nat Furst, Eugene J. Gross and Herman Konnis. The Albany delegation consists of Nathan R. Sodikman, manager, and Mitchell Pantzer. From Buffalo will come Harry Berkson, president and manager, and Howard W. McPherson. MOTION PICTURE DAILY (Registered U. S. Patent Office) Published daily except Saturday, Sunday and holidays by Quigley Publishing Company. Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center. New York City. Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address "Quigpubco, New York." Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Colvin Brown, Vice-President and General Manager; Watterson R. Rothacker, VicePresident; Sam Shain, Editor; Alfred L. Finestone, Managing Editor; James A. Cron, Advertising Manager; Chicago Bureau 624 South Michigan Avenue, C. B. O'Neill, manager; Hollywood Bureau, Postal Union Life Building, Boone Mancall, manager, Wil Ham R. Weaver, Editor; London Bureau, 4 Golden Square, London Wl, Hope Williams manager, cable address "Quigpubco, Lon don." All contents coprighted i940 by Quigley Publishing Company, Inc. Other Quiglev publications: Motion Picture Herald, Better Theatres, International Motion Picture Al manac and Fame. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 23. 1938, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1879. Subscription rates per year $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign. Single copies 10c.