Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1940)

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FEELING LIKE A MILLION . . . bringing back the good old days of vaudeville, starring Eleanor Powell and Ann Sothern in a story by J ack MacGowan . • BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST . . . story by Ralph Wheelwright of a woman whose inspiring life is dedicated to thousands of motherless children for whom ~she has found happy homes. Starring Greer Garson in a role recalling her famous Mrs. Chips characterization. BILLY THE KID (book) . . . action drama of the Southwest's famous desperado. From the novel by Walter Noble Burns. • LULU {book)... Booth Tarkington's "Presenting Lily Mars," story of the playwright who wrote his dreams . . . and fell in love with his dream girl. Starring Lana Turner. TARZAN . . . Edgar Rice Burroughs' famous jungle romance flames with new action thrills. Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan are featured. SLIGHTLY MARRIED . . . starring Robert Mont gomery in a madcap matrimonial mixup that starts when a husband and wife decide to test each other's fidelity. MARRIED BACHELOR . . . story by Manny Seff of a marital relations expert who diagnoses his own domestic troubles. William Powell and Myrna Loy star. DR. EPHRAIM McDOWELL . . . stirring saga of a pioneer physician who brings scientific enlightenment to a world of darkness and pestilence. Spencer Tracy will star. HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE (book). ..Dale Carnegie's famous book to be brought to the screen with an all-star comedy cast. THE WORLD'S OUR OYSTER . . . based upon the famous Get-Rich-Quick -Wallingford character. Starring Clark Gable and Myrna Loy. COMBAT CAR . . . drama of the army's mechanized forces, by Lawrence Kimble, with Wallace Beery starred as the veteran cavalry sergeant who has to give up his beloved horses for tanks. THE YOUNGEST PROFESSION (book) . . . by Lillian Day. This is a story of fan's adoration of film stars. Judy Garland plays the role of the star-struck youngster who launches a fan club. GET A HORSE . . . comedy-d rama by Herman Mankiewicz and Albert Shelby Levino, of the early days in the automobile industry. Starring Wallace Beery. ARGENTINA ... the Marx Brothers become wild men of the Pampas. SEA OF GRASS (book) ... saga of America's great wheat fields, from the novel by Conrad Richter, starring Spencer Tracy and Myrna Loy. STRANGE HONEYMOON (play) Jacques Deval, starring William Powell and Myrna Loy in a Sun Valley setting, where two divorced couples meet in pursuit of happiness . . . and to escape each other. WINGS ON HIS BACK . . . Myles Connelly's story of a barnstorming aviator who writes love letters in the sky. Starring Jimmy Stewart. • THE MAN ON AMERICA'S CONSCIENCE... dramatic story by Alvin Meyer and Lowell Brodeaux, of the tragic life of President Andrew Johnson who followed Abraham Lincoln into the White House, only to face impeachment when he struggles to preserve the doctrines of the Great Emancipator. Spencer Tracy will star. BEAU BRUMMEL (play) ... Starring Robert Donat in a screen adaptation of the Clyde Fitch play of the Eighteenth Century gallant whose adventures won for him a pedestal in the history of world romance. CAUSE FOR ALARM (book) ... exciting novel by Eric Ambler of international espionage and its sinister effect upon the fate of the world today. RAGE IN HEAVEN (book)... james Hilton's powerful novel of a bitterly disillusioned husband who seeks, through his own suicide, to entrap his faithless wife. ROAD TO ROME (play) ... gay picturization of a modern Hannibal storming the gates of Rome, from the capricious play by Robert Sherwood.