Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1941)

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2 Motion Picture Daily Friday, July 11, 1941 Hollywood, July 10 SAMUEL GOLDWYN predicted today that "under the new order double bills will pretty well disappear from the country in 12 months." Long a champion of single features, Goldwyn is believed never before to have set a definite time limit for their return. 0 Monrovia Cinema Corp. today filed a Federal suit for $225,000 damages against Fox West Coast, all major companies and individual executives, charging withholding of product from its theatre in Monrovia, Calif., for the benefit of FWC. • George J. Schaefer, RKO president, tonight was host to studio department heads at a farewell dinner on the lot to J. J. Nolan, whose resignation as vice-president in charge of studio operations was announced recently. Nolan plans a three-months' vacation before revealing subsequent plans. • Len Hammond was made an associate producer by 20th Century-Fox today, and was assigned "Swamp Water" and "Confirm or Deny." He had been assistant to Kenneth Macgo wan. Personal Mention JESSE L. LASKY left here yesterday on his return to the Coast. • Max Milder, managing director in England for Warners, is expected back here from the Coast over the weekend. Walter E. Green, president of National Theatre Supply Co., is on a two-week trip. • Neal Deaver, manager of the Coliseum, Lamoni, la., with his wife and daughter, will leave over the weekend for a vacation in Wisconsin. • T. R. Jergenson, who resigned recently as manager of the Princess in Eagle Grove, la., was given a farewell dinner. He will join the Army. • Donnie Snow has joined Universale Des Moines exchange. Dismiss Plagiarism Action vs. Goldwyn Federal Court Judge Clarence G. Galston yesterday dismissed the $2,000,000 plagiarism suit of Clara Dellar against Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., Samuel Goldwyn, Eddie Cantor and United Artists Corp. The suit had charged piracy of the plaintiff's play, "Oh, Shah," in Cantor's film "Roman Scandals." The suit had been previously dismissed but sent back for a new hearing subsequently by the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge Galston ruled that there was no similarity between the two works. Set Free Park Films Walker, la., July 10.— The Busi ness Men's Association here has ob tained an operator of a 16 mm. ma chine to give free film shows at the city park every Saturday night, starting this week. Donovan Will Get Intelligence Post Washington, July 10. — Col. William J. Donovan is to be named to a post as Coordinator of Intelligence Information, it has been learned. A civilian position, it will carry no military title. The new division will coordinate information supplied by other existing Government agencies, and the possibility is seen that the work of the division may eventually be so expanded to include counter-espionage operations and perhaps direction of some economic programs. MONROE GREENTHAL, United Artists advertising and publicity director, is due today from the Coast. Sterling Pile of George Pal Productions arrived in Hollywood yesterday. • Leo F. Wolcott, owner of the new Grand Theatre, Eldora, la., won the recent Boone Valley golf tournament at Pine Lake Golf Club, in which there were 104 entrants. • J. E. Melone, office manager of the Des Moines Warner exchange, is on a week's vacation. • Dale Warner of Kansas City has taken over his new post as Des Moines Warner salesman. • Oi.lie Reese, cashier at the Des Moines RKO exchange, has left for a vacation in the East. Newsreel Parade SPORTS fans will have a definite interest in the newsreels thii weekend for each of the reels contain: coverage of the annual All-Star baseball game in Detroit. The genera, news matter is mostly defense aw military subjects. The full conte<*of the reels follows: RKO Executives to Shows Next Week RKO sales executives, who will be in the field next week for the first trade showings of the company's initial block of five films for the new season, will each attend different showings, going from one exchange to another by plane for the most part. Ned E. Depinet, vice-president, will be in Dallas Monday, and in Kansas City on Tuesday, St. Louis on Wednesday, Milwaukee on Thursday, and Chicago on Friday. A. W. Smith, Jr., sales manager, will be in New Haven, Albany, Washington, Philadelphia and New York on corresponding days. Eastern Sales Manager Robert Mochrie will attend screenings at Atlanta, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Boston and New York. Western Sales Manager Cresson E. Smith will attend the showings at Chicago, Des Moines, Denver and Los Angeles during the first four days of next week. Short Subject Sales Manager Harry Michalson also will visit a number of exchanges. Ben Whitham Rites Held; FPC Official Ottawa, July 10. — Funeral services were held here yesterday for Benjamin Whitham, 56, for 21 years supervisor of purchasing, construction and maintenance for Famous Players Canadian Corp. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. Whitham had been associated with the Allan Theatre Supply Co. before joining Famous Players in 1920. Present at the funeral were J. J. Fitzgibbons, Famous Players president ; R. W. Bolstead, vice-president, and other circuit officials. SPG Ballots to be Tallied Thursday Ballots in the NLRB election held Wednesday at home offices for designation of a collective bargaining agency for publicists will be opened and counted Thursday at NLRB offices, Charles Kramer, trial examiner who is supervising the election, said yesterday. The result is expected to be disclosed immediately. Several publicists are voting by mail and their ballots are not expected until next week. About 200 participated in the vote, according to Kramer. There were only three or four contested votes, all occurring within one company, Kramer added, and unless the vote is very close there will be no need to decide the validity of these questioned votes. The vote in each company will be counted separately. The ballots renuired publicists to vote "yes" or "no" on whether they wished to have the Screen Publicists Guild act as their collective bargainingagency. MOVIETONE NEWS, No. 8fr— Cavaifj maneuvers in New Zealand. British ship; in Mediterranean patrol. Japanese girls ii mass drill. Troops at Fort Belvoir, Va. get in shape. Log rolling in _ Michigan Girls on vacation cruises in Maine. Holly wood stars aid defense bond sale. Chim panzee in Buffalo zoo. AlUStar game Thomas Dewey urges U. S. O. coopera tion. NEWS OF THE DAY, No. 286— Convo; in the Atlantic. "Bombs for Berlin" ii Canada. Japan-China war starts fiftl year. Hollywood players sew defense bom banner. New York hailed as fashion center All-Star game. Canoe racing in Washing ton. PARAMOUNT NEWS. No. 91— Wind jammer cruises in Maine. Billy Conn am bride in New Jersey. Warden Lawes quit Sing Sing. Chief Justice Stone sworn in New Orleans boat building plant settle labor differences. Submarine volunteers ii New Canaan, Conn. Rites for Kaiser Wil helm in Holland. All-Star game. RKO FATHE NEWS, No. 91— Britaii reinforces Singapore. Trailer homes mad in Los Angeles. New combat boats in Net !j Orleans. Interior decorating with minia ture models. ExKing Carol and Presiden Batista in Havana. Maneuvers at For Lee, Va. Steeple chase drills at Fort Bel voir, Va. All -Star game. Pony Expres revived in Oregon. UNIVERSAL NEWSREEL, No. 996 New speed plane in Buffalo. Draftees ii Seattle. Brazil speeds gun -shell output Chinatown honors war heroes. Flood ii St. Charles, Va. Fort Belvoir, Va.. troop in obstacle races. Independence Day cele bration in Canada. Shipment of orchid arrives in Seattle. Children's fashions it New York. Indian canoe race in Washing ton. All-Star game. Kansas Showman Dead Kansas City, July 10. — Richard G. Liggett, for 20 years a theatre operator in Kansas City, Kan., died here on Tuesday. He built his first house, the Gauntier, in 1912. He is survived by his widow and three sisters. Heppners' Father Dies Abram Heppner, father of Joseph and Kaskell Heppner of Metropolitan Photo Service, died yesterday at his home in Brooklyn. Kansas City Club Outing Held Aug. 11 Kansas City, July 10. — The local Variety Club's annual outdoor Summer party, the big event attended by members, exhibitors, their families, and friends, will be held Aug. 11 at Swope Park, Golf Course No. 1 club house. The date has been changed from July 28. In addition to committee chairmen previously announced, Rube Melcher is chairman of the committee and has charge of reservations, for the refreshments, events and games. Drops Sunday Shows Casey, la., July 10. — The Casey Theatre will discontinue Sunday shows during July and August and hold special nights on Friday and Saturday instead of Wednesday, with the usual admission of 10 and 25 cents. Gillespie to Dallas James Gillespie, formerly United Artists exploitation representative in Atlanta, is now on the company's sales staff in Dallas. Seltzer Will Head 'York' Roadshow, Frank Seltzer has joined Warner to head the "Sergeant York" road show department. He arrived her yesterday from the Coast for confer ences with Gradwell L. Sears, gen , eral sales manager, and S. Charle Einfeld, advertising and publicity di rector, on plans for additional two-a day openings of the film. Engage ments are planned at present for Chi cago, Washington, Nashville, Cleve land, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, De troit and Boston. MOTION PICTURE DAILY {Registered U. S. Patent Office) Published daily except Saturday, Sunday an holidays by Quigley Publishing Companj Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Cente. Xew York City. Telephone Circle 7-3 1<K Cable address, "Quigpubco, New York." Mai tin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher Colvin Brown, Vice-President and Generi Manager; Watterson R. Rothacker, Via President; Sam Shain, Editor; Alfred I Finestone, Managing Editor; James / Cron, Advertising Manager; Chicago Bureai 624 South Michigan Avenue, C. B. O'Neil Manager; Hollywood Bureau, Postal Unio Life Building, William R. Weaver, Editor Leon Friedman, Manager; London Bureat 4 Golden Square, London Wl; Hope WT Hams, Manager, cable address "Quigpubcc London." All contents copyrighted 1941 b Quigley Publishing Company, Inc. Othe_ Quigley publications: Motion Picture Heralt Better Theatres, International Motion Pi' ture Almanac and Fame. Entered as secon class matter, Sept. 23, 1938, at the pai office at New York, N. Y., under the act c March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per yea $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign. Sing! copies 10c.