Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1941)

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■iday, July 11. 1941 Motion Picture Daily 5 ]50 to Attend :Oth-FoxMeet |tn Los Angeles (Continued from page 1) jector of advertising and publicity ; ; J. Hutchinson, head of the foreign sartment. following is a detailed listing of attending the convention, in ad)ion to those named above : Home Office Delegation ,les Department: William Clark, Jack elman. Martin Moskowitz, E. H. Col. C. A. Hill. T. A. Shaw, Roger Ferri. k Bloom, Isadore Lincer, H. A. Mersey, Bene McEvoy, S. J. Epstein, Percy Riger. 'dvertising. Publicity and Promotion Detment: Maurice Bergman. Rodney Bush, nis Shanfield, Earl W. Wingart. Christy Sbert, Morris Kinzler, Edward Solomon, lie Yorke, George Comperts, Joe Shea, r.l Farrar, Spence Pierce, Richard Owen, imas Thompson, Clifford Gill. |.d Sales Department: Edward Hollander, fry Novat. breign Department: I. A. Maas, H. A. ite. Benjamin Miggins, C. V. Hake F. Whelan, Charles Mayer, luvietonews: Truman H. Talley, Jack ►•rock, Russell Muth. Tony Muto. Ed orgerson. Lowell Thomas, /errytoons: Paul Terry, Harvey Da^ Weiss. uests: Hermann Place. Spyros Skouras. n Freedman, Rick Ricketson, Frank tvman, Charles P. Skouras, Larry Kent, ilen Espy, George Bowser, B. V. Sturdiit. Thornton Sargent. Spencer Love, Stan ver. William Thedford, John Caskey. W. Pride. Eastern Division ilhany: M. A. Grassgreen. manager>G. Sliter, Ben Dare, salesmen; Daniel R. ulihan, booker. •o>ton: T. H. Bailey, district manager: X. Callahan, manager; H. S. Alexander. •s manager; J. A. Feloney, J. M. Con*y. Harry Gold, Milton E. Simons, ismenj Samuel Berg, booker. luffalo: Sydney Samson, manager; W. C. |vtll, G. E. Dickman, salesmen; George, booker. incinnati: J. J. Grady, manager; R. O |»s, sales manager; E. A. Burkart, J. A edham, L. J. Bugie. E. C. Naegel, salesn; James B. Xcff. booker, leveland: I. J. Schmertz. manager L'odore Scheinberg, E. R. Bergman. S. X Titer, salesmen; F. J. Hunt, booker, 'ew Haven: B. A. Simon, manager; Earl Wright, salesman; Sam Germain, booker, 'ew York: H. H. Buxbaum, manager: J. Lee, sales manager; Morris Sander*, fee manager; Morris Kurtz, Joseph S» ir. William Schutzer, Abe Blumstein. mour Florin, salesmen; George Blendern. booker. Philadelphia: Edgar Moss, district man -r; Samuel Gross, manager; Alfred J. Vis, sales manager: W. G. Humphries. R. Tolmas. J. Howard Smith, sales n: F. J. Kelly, booker. 'ittsburgh: Ira H. Cohn, manager: C. Kellenberg, sales manager; E. S prpe, Austin Interrante, George Moore. ^raen; J. B. Hanna. booker. {Vashington: S. N. Wheeler, manager: Tiuel Diamond. F. B. Klein. J. A. Mur •'. C. G. Norris, salesmen; J. M. Cohan. s. S. Young, bookers. Central Division Valgary: V. M. Skorey. manager: F. L. i>tt. salesman. hicago: C. W. Eckhardt. manager: E. P. >he, Harold Loeb, Harold Goodamote. Iton Simon. A. M. VanDyke, salesmen; L. Monette, booker. es Moines: S. J. Mayer, manager; L. C. llson. Harry Gottlieb, Harold Simon, esmen; Evan Jacobs, booker. Detroit: Lester Sturm, manager; A. D. app, E. A. Westcott, Roy Carrow, Floyd illor. salesmen; Leland Sanshie, booker, nilianapolis: G. T. Landis, manager; J. Neger. sales manager; H. L. Hancock, omas O. McCleaster, salesmen; James ketts, booker. ■lilwaukee: J. H. Lorentz, manager: irns Horwitz. George Edgerton, Carl chel, salesmen; Meyer Kahn. booker. Minneapolis: M. A. Levy, district mana': J. M. PodolofF. manager; Earl Lo'tz. J. S. Cohan. W. G. Mussman. Louis hen. N. F. Hall. Warren Branton, salesn: Paul E. Lundquist. booker, 'lontreal: Edward English, manager; J. Pearson, salesman; John Casey, booker. Feature Review "Emergency Landing" (Producers Releasing Corp.) T T ERE is an item of program fare which has moments of amusement *■ * and a spot or two of excitement, which may prove reasonably satisfying to the fans who like a touch of action and are not too critical. The cast, with little of marquee quality to offer, is headed by Forrest Tucker, Carol Hughes, Evelyn Brent and Emmett Vogan. It is concerned with an invention for remote radio control of planes developed by Tucker and Vogan, and brings in an attempt on the part of unnamed foreign agents to steal a new type of bomber produced by the plane company for which Tucker is test pilot. Miss Hughes, the manufacturer's daughter, has a run-in with the pilot, and when she is stranded with her aunt, Miss Brent, near the desert shack where Tucker and Vogan are working, he decides to teach her a lesson, and sets her to work for her keep as his prisoner, she having "stolen" gasoline for her car. A number of implausibilities are glossed over, but have little effect on the film as a whole. The romantic conclusion is quite as anticipated. W illiam Beaudine directed and Jed Buell produced. Running time, 67 minutes. "G."* Charles S. Aaronson * "G" denotes general classification. Omaha: J. E. Scott, manager; G. F. Halloran. H. P. Ironfield, Harry Levy, salesmen; T. Weisfeldt, booker. St. John: R. G. March, manager. Toronto: T. P. O'Loghlin, district manager; H. J. Bailey, manager; W. J. Reid, Lionell Lester. Elroy O'Loghlin, salesmen. Vancouver: J. E. Patterson, manager; R. A. Cringan. booker-salesman. Winnipeg: J. H. Huber, manager; Charles Krupp, salesman. Western Division Atlanta: H. G. Ballance. district manager; Paul S. Wilson, manager; R. G. McClure. sales manager; Maurice Mitchell, R. H. Fairchild. F. R. Dodson, salesmen; R. H. Ford, booker. Charlotte: Phil Longdon, manager; J. E. Holston. G. E. Ebersole, J. O. Mock, salesmen; C. T. Hardin, booker. Dallas: H. R. Beiersdorf. manager: T. P. Tidwell, W. S. Miller. G. E. Gribble, N. B. Houston, Truman Hendrix. salesmen; V. J. Gregg, booker. Denver: R. J. Morrison, manager; Hugh Rennie. G. W. Tawson, salesmen; C. A. Larson, booker. Kansas City: W. E. Scott, district manager; G. W. Fuller, manager; W. T. Kubitzki. sales manager; Joseph F. Woodward, Charles Knickerbocker, Howard Kinser, salesmen; M. A. Tanner, booker. Los Angeles: J. X. Dillon, manager; W. T. Wall. B. F. Robinson, salesmen; Morris Sudmin. booker. Memphis: T. W. Young, manager; Xat Wyse>. T. i. Baskin, salesmen; Mark Sheridan, booker. New Orleans: E. V. Landaiche. manager H. P. Schallcross. G. R. Pabst. salesmen ■ G. J. Broggi. booker. Oklahoma City: C. W. Clark, mannM. W. Osborne, G. L. James, salesmen G. K. Friedel. booker. Portland: C. F. Powers, manager; C. L. Robinett, salesman; H. L. Fox. booker. St. Louis: B. B. Reingold. manager; J A. Feld. office manager-salesman: G. H Ware. L. J. Williams, Abe Eskin. salesmen: Miss Florence Patke, booker. Salt Lake City: C. L. Walker, mana ger; C. A. Blasius. assistant manaeer; L. Tidwell. V. J. Dugan. C. T. Hallstror salesmen; P. M. Smoot, booker. San Francisco: G. M. Ballentine. man' ger; Alfred Laurice. J. M. Erickson. F Bernard, salesmen; J. W. Flanagan, book er: Miss R. Telfer. Seattle: Herndon Edmond. managerR. Holt, J. W. Brooks, salesmen; R. H. Osborne, booker. N.J. Allied Ponders Decree Screenings {Continued from page 1) cial activities in the evening hours. The golf tournament, highlight of the program, was won by Henry Brown, Lakewood theatre operator. The business session followed luncheon. Harry Lowenstein, president, was in charge of arrangements with E. Thornton Kelly, executive secretary. 'Draft* Indianapolis Smash with $11,000 Indianapolis, July 10. — "Caught in the Draft" caught on at the Circle for a strong $11,000 and was held. Estimated receipts for the week ending July 4 : "Caught in the Draft" (Para.) "Scattergood Pulls the Strings" (RKO) CIRCLE — (2.800) (28c-33c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $11,000. (Average, $6,000) "She Knew All the Answers" (Col.) "Time Out for Rhythm" (Col.) LOEW'S — (2,800) (28c-33c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $6,800. (Average, $7,000) "Singapore Woman" (W.B.) LYRIC— (30c -40c -50c) 7 days. Stage: Gertrude Niesen, Prof. Lamberti, Rajah Raboid. Gross: $7,300. (Average, $8,000) 'Draft' Wins Loop Honor With $42,000 Chicago, July 10. — "Caught in the Draft," coupled with a variety stage bill at the Chicago Theatre, topped the Loop grosses with $42,000. Second strongest draw was "Love Crazy" at the United Artists with a nice $16,000. Estimated receipts for the week ending July 3 : "Affectionately Yours" (W. B.) APOLLO— (1,400) (35c-55c-65c-75c) 7 days. Gross: $8,500. "Caught in the Draft" (Para.) CHICAGO— (4,000) (35c-55c-75c) 7 days. Stage— Variety bill. Gross: $42,000. (Average, $32,000) "John Doe" (W. B.) GARRICK-(l.OOO) (35c-55c-75c) 7 days. Gross: $4,200. (Average, $5,000) "The Great Lie" (W. B.) "One Night in Rio" (20th-Fox) ORIENTAL— (3,200) (25c-40c) 7 days. Gross: $7,800. (Average, $9,000) "In the Navy" (Univ.) "Tight Shoes" (Univ.) PALACE— (2,500) (30c-40c-60c) 7 days. 4th week. Gross: $12,000. (Average, $13,000) "Billy the Kid" (M-G-M) ROOSEVELT— (1,500) (35c-55c-75c) 7 days. 2nd week. Gross: $10,500. (Average, $11,000) "The People vs. Dr. Kildare" (M-G-M) STATE-LAKE— (3,700) (25c-40c) 7 days. Stage— Billy Gilbert. Gross: $17,500. (Average, $15,000) "Love Crazy" (M-G-M) UNITED ARTISTS— (1,700) (35c-55c-75c) 7 days. Gross: $16,000. (Average, $14,000) "Citizen Kane" (RKO) WOODS— (1,100) (75c-$1.10-$1.65) 7 days. 8th week. Gross: $7,800. PENNED WITH STROKES OF HATE!