Motion Picture Daily (Jul-Sep 1941)

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2 Motion Picture Daily Monday, August 25, 19 1 I A Organizes Staffs At Detroit Theatres Detroit, Aug. 24. — A "front of the house" union has been organized here by the IATSE, it was disclosed with an organization meeting here early Friday at the Labor Temple. The local will be given a Class "B" charter. The meeting was attended by about 750, including ushers, usherettes, ticket takers, and doormen. Zanuck on Weekend Duty in Washington Washington, Aug. 24. — Darryl F. Zanuck, lieutenant colonel in the U. S. Signal Corps Reserve, was on active duty in Washington over the weekend, conferring with War Department officials regarding training films which the industry is producing. It was disclosed at the department that Zanuck was ordered to active duty for five days last Thursday, one of the periodic tours of duty which enable him to come to Washington regarding picture production. William Wilkerson was in Zanuck's party from the Coast. While in Washington officials of 20th CenturyFox joined him. Also Irving Hoffman, publicist and associate of Wilkerson. Rathbone Heads Relief Hollywood, Aug. 24. — Basil Rathbone has been elected' to succeed Robert Montgomery as president of the British War Relief in Southern California. Montgomery is now an assistant naval attache at the American Embassy in London. Personal Mention GEORGE J. SCHAEFER, president of RKO, has left for New England. He will be gone about a week. • Herman Wobber, director of distribution for 20th Century-Fox, has left for the Coast. Alexander Korda arrived from the Coast by plane over the weekend. Dave Palfreyman of the MPPDA returns today from Indiana. • Hal Burrows, art director at the M-G-M home office, is in Nassau Hospital, Mineola, L. I., for a checkup. • Jack Kirsch, of Chicago, president of Allied of Illinois, is spending a few days at Eagle River, Wis. MR. and MRS. LEO SPITZ have returned here from Cape Vincent, N. Y. • E. K. O'Shea, Central division manager for M-G-M, has returned from Kansas City. • Herb Morgan has returned from Washington. • Michael Zala, manager of the Eighth Street Playhouse, has been elected "Mayor of Eighth Street" by the Greenwich Village Association • Joseph Mack, son of Irving Mack of Filmack Trailer Co., Chicago, and Edythe Schechter of Evanston, 111., were married yesterday at Evanston. • Leo Pillot has gone to St. Louis. Pa. Censor Holds Up 16mm. 'Aunt' Reissue Philadelphia, Aug. 24. — The Pennsylvania censor board Thursday night halted the scheduled opening of the 16mm. silent version of "Charley's Aunt," starring Syd Chaplin, at the Ye Olde Times Theatre here. The board halted the showing since it had not yet approved the film. A censor board official declared the board undoubtedly would approve the film after additional material is cut. The film was submitted early in the week. The theatre was opened two months ago by Barnard Sackett for the showing of 16mm. releases of old films. IN THIS Al Pratt Wins Capital Variety Golf Tourney Washington, Aug. 24. — Al Pratt of Warners won the Variety Club golf tournament held Friday at Manor Country Club. He scored a low gross of 72. The tournament, which had numer ous entries and was closely contested all the way, climaxed a two-day jamboree starting Thursday night when the club was host to members and guests at a party in its Willard Hotel clubrooms. Ed Wortman won second prize in the golf tournament with a low gross of 77. Ned Bord took first in low net with 62, made possible by a 24 handicap. Winner of the driving contest was L. E. Harris, who whacked the ball 275 yards. In the hole-in-one competition, no aces were scored and first prize went to George Werner, whose drive stopped five feet short of the cup. WOULD GIVE ITS RIGHT Al TO HAVE A PICTURE LIKE ALEXANDER Sweigert Heads Philadelphia Club Philadelphia, Aug. 24.— Earle W. Sweigert, Paramount district manager here, has been elected chief barker of the local Variety Club, succeeding Dr. Leon Levy, president of Station WCAU, who resigned on being called to active military service. Dr. Levy is now a lieutenant commander in the radio division of the Naval Intelli UNITED ARTISTS IS THE COMPANY THAT HAS IT/ Metro Shifts Time of Trade Showing Here M-G-M has decided to trade show two of its new group of four films on Thursday, Sept. 11, and the remaining two on Friday, Sept. 12, at the New York exchange, instead of showing all four on Thursday, as was originally planned. "Married Bachelor" and "Smilin' Through" will be shown on Thursday, and "Female of the Species" and "Honky Tonk" on Friday. Screenings will begin at 9:30 A.M. each day. Arthur Leaves Republic Hollywood, Aug. 24.— George Arthur, Republic associate producer, has obtained release from his contract. He was with the company eight months without making a picture. British CEA Seeks Manpower Solutio London, Aug. 24.— As its first a tion following the decision of t British Ministry of Labor to call f military service all second projects ists and usherettes, the London a Home Counties Branch of the Cir matograph Exhibitors Association 1 j morrow will meet with the LoM Divisional Controller of the Mof^r The exhibitors will ask the ry J for practical cooperation in meeti their problem. They will seek to ha a Ministry representative sit in wi the CEA branch labor committee an effort to solve the problem by fin ing substitutes, training women f projection work and the like. London exhibitors are scheduled meet tomorrow afternoon to hear t .eport of officials on the situation, ai .o decide on appropriate action. Oth branches of the CEA are expected take similar action in the near futu 8,369 Houses Now InUSO Campaig A total of 8,369 theatres have bei enrolled thus far in the United Se vice Organizations Theatre We<| drive, scheduled to begin on Sept. ■ according to Joseph Bernhard, chai man of the theatre drive. Every theatre on Broadway aflj every circuit in the New York e? change area will participate, Bernhar reported. Co-chairmen in the 31 e> change centers have reported that a important circuits, affiliated and indi pendent, will have been enrolled b the time the drive begins. Governor Bricker of Ohio has de; ignated Labor Day week as US( Theatre Week, and has urged th people of the state to support the cam! paign. Bernhard announced in a bul letin that theatres changing program on Thursday or Friday may start th campaign at the end of this week, alj though the official starting day is nex Monday. New Jersey Allied Pledges Support Members of Allied of New Jersey meeting at Eatontown, N. J., las week, pledged full support to the USC Theatre Week campaign. Harry M Lowenstein, president, was in charge of the meeting. The organization'; board of directors will meet here tomorrow. ' MOTION PICTURE DAILY (Registered U. S. Patent Office) Published daily except Saturday, Sunday anc holidays by Quigley Publishing Company Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New York City. Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address," Quigpubco, New York." Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Colvin Brown, Vice-President and General Manager; Watterson R. Rothacker, VicePresident; Sam Shain, Editor; Alfred L. Finestone., Managing Editor; James A. Cron, Advertising Manager; Chicago Bureau, 624 South Michigan Avenue, C. B. O'Neill, Manager; Hollywood Bureau, Postal Union Life Building, William R. Weaver, Editor; Leon Friedman, Manager; London Bureau, 4 Golden Square, London Wl; Hope Williams, Manager, cable address "Quigpubco, London." All contents copyrighted 1941 by Quigley Publishing Company, Inc. Other Quigley publications: Motion Picture Herald, Better Theatres, International Motion Picture Almanac and Fame. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 23, 1938, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign. Single copies 10c.