Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1941)

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Ihursdax, October 2, 1941 Motion Picture Daily 7 Jordan' Dual Does $32,000 To Lead Hub Boston. Oct. 1. — "Here Comes Mr. Ionian" coupled with "Ringside Maisie" led box office receipts with ;UjP00 at the Loew's State and $18.Loe\v"> Orpheum for a high ISTof $32,000. Estimated box office receipts for . eek ending Sept. 24-2(> : Parachute Battalion" (RKO) KEITH BOSTON— (2.697) (2Sc-44c-55cUx) 7 days, first run. with stage show including the Beachcombers of 19-42 featuring Willie Howard. Gross: $11,150. (Average. $8,000) Sun Valley Serenade" (20th-Fox) • The Gay Falcon" (RKO) KEITH ME.\IORIAU-(2,907) (2Sc-33c»^4c-55c) 7 davs, 2nd week. Gross: $15,500. ' Average, Slo'.OOO) 'Hold Back the Dawn" (Para.) Henry Aldrich for President" (Para.) METROPOLITAN'— (4.367) (28c-39c-44c?5c) 7 days, 2nd week. Gross: $12,000. (Average, $15,500) "New York Town" (Para.) "Flying Blind" (Para.) PARAMOUXT-(l,797) (28c -39c -44c -55c) 7 davs, 1st run. Gross: $8,169. (Average, £7,500) "New York Town" (Para.) Flying Blind" (Para.) FEX WAY(1.320) (28c-39c 44c-55c) 7 i:ays, 1st run. Gross: $5,100. (Average. tf4,500) •Wild Geese Calling" (20th-Fox) "Ice-Capades" (Rep.) SCOLLAY-(2,500). (28c-39c-44c-55c) 7 • lays, 3rd run. Gross: $3,111. (Average. -4.000) 'Here Comes Mr. Jordan" (Colo.) "Ringside Maisie" (M-G-M) LOEW'S STATE— (3,000) (28c-33c-44c-'Sc) 7 days, 1st run. Gross: $14,000. (Average. $12,000) "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" (Colo.) 'Ringside Maisie" (M-G-M) LOEWS ORPMEL'M (2.900) (>8c-33c-i4c-55c) 7 days, 1st run. Gross: $18,000. Average, $17,500) Monroe Sets New Record in Newark Newark, Oct. 1. — Vaughn Monroe broke all existing records at the Adams when the three-day weekend Ki-oss reached $11,030, topping the previous mark of $10,600 set by Tommy Dorscy during the last Christmas week. Second week of "Life Begins for Andy Hardy" drew $14,300 at Loew's State. Estimated receipts for the week ending Sept. 24-26 : The Smiling Ghost" (W.B.) "Badlands of Dakota" (Univ.) WARNERS' BRANFORD -(2.840) (28c>c-44c-55c-65c-75c) 7 days. Gross: $13,800. 'Average. $14,000) "Citizen Kane" (RKO) "Mexican Spitfire's Baby" (RKO) RKO PROCTOR'S— (3,389) (28c-33c-44cr5c-65c-75c) 7 days, 2nd week. Gross: -14,800. (Average, $14,500) "Life Begins for Andy Hardy" (M-G-M) "Blackout" (U.A.) LOEW'S STATE-(2,589) (28c-44c-55cuc-75c) 7 days, 2nd week. Gross: $14,300. Average. $13,500) "Ice-Capades" (Rep.) "Bowery Blitzkrieg" (Rep.) PARA MOU XT-NEWA R K— (2,200) (28c ic-44c-55c-66c-75c) 7 davs. Gross: $14,300. Average. $13,750) "No Greater Sin" (University) LITTLE (299) (33c-44c-55c) 7 days, '■ro-^: $1.7<I0. (Average, $1,800) Yorke Finishes Films Emerson Yorke Studio has completed location production on the first three of five films on essential machine shop practice, designed for visual training use by the U. S. Office of Education for defense workers. The productions are being made under a U. S. Treasury Department contract. Review "Two Latins from Manhattan" (Columbia— 1941-42 Release) Hollywood, Oct. 1 A POORLY developed plot, containing many iniplausibilities, hampers this comedy with music. Jinx Falkenburg, model, makes an impressive film debut in the picture, in which she shares top billing with Joan Woodbury and Joan Davis. In the story Miss Davis, press agent for a New York night club, has her two roommates impersonate Cuban dancers and singers, when the real artists are kidnapped. The pair make a hit, the real artists turn up, and all ends on a rather zany note. Supporting the trio are Fortunio Bonanova, Don Beddoe, Marquita Madero, Carmen Morales, Lloyd Bridges, Sig Arno and Boyd Davis. It is a modest production, supervised by Wallace MacDonald and directed by Charles Barton. Three songs — "The Kid with a Drum," "How Do You Say It?" and "Daddy" — are featured. Running time, 65 minutes. "G."* Vance King *"G" denotes general classification. 'Business' $13,000 Gross in Cincinnati Cincinnati, Oct. 1. — "Unfinished Business" gave the RKO Albee $13,000, and "Navy Blues" took $10,500 at the RKO Palace. "Kisses for Breakfast" plus Earl Carroll Vanities on the RKO Shubert stage pulled $12,000. Estimated receipts for the week ending Sept. 24-27 : "Unfinished Business" (Univ.) RKO ALBEE — (3,300) (33c-40c-50c) 7 days. Gross: $13,000. (Average, $12,000) "Navy Blues" (W.B.) RKO PALACE— (2,700) (33c-40c-50c) 7 days. Gross: $10,500. (Average, $10,000) "Kisses for Breakfast" (W.B.) RKO SHUBERT— (2,150) (33c-44c-60c) 7 days. Stage: Earl Carroll Vanities. Gross: $12,000. (Average, $10,000) "When Ladies Meet" (M-G-M) RKO CAPITOL— (2,000) (33c-40c-50c) 7 days, 2nd week. Gross: $4,500. (Average, $5,500) "My Life With Caroline" (RKO) RKO GRAND — (1,500) (33c-40c-50c) 7 days. Gross: $4,800. (Average, $5,000) "Alamoa of the South Seas" (Para.) RKO LYRIC— (1,400) (28c-33c-42c) 7 days, 2nd week. Gross: $2,900. (Average, $4,500) "A Very Young Lady" (20th-Fox) "The Deadly Game" (Mono.) RKO FAMILY— (1.000) (15c-28c) 4 days. Gross: $1,100. (Average, $1,200) "Two in a Taxi" (Col.) "Six Gun Gold" (RKO) RKO FAMILY— (1,000) (15c-28c) 3 days. Gross: $800. (Average, $800) "Bad Lands of Dakota" (Univ.) KEITH'S — (1,500) (33c-40c-50c) 7 days. Gross: $4,000. (Average, $5,000) 'Kiss the Boys' Gets Good $8,300, Omaha Omaha, Oct. 1. — "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" pulled $8,300 at the Omaha for the town's best. The weather was clear and cool. Estimated receipts for the week ending Sept. 23-24: "Father Takes a Wife" (RKO) "Parachute Battalion" (RKO) BRANDEIS— (1,200) (30c-40c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $3,900. (Average, $4,000) "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" (Para.) "Blackout" (U.A.) OMAHA— (2,000) (30c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $8,300. (Average, $6,000) "Belle Starr" (20th-Fox) "Road Show" (U.A.) ORPHEUM— (3,000) (30c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $7,100. (Average, $7,000) Roach Sets Plans Hollywood, Oct. 1. — "Hay Foot," an Army life comedy, will lead off Hal Roach's second series of "streamlined features," the producer announced today. It will be followed by "Brooklyn Orchid." 'Navy' at $10,000; St. Louis in Slump St. Lolis, Oct. 1. — "Navy Blues," dualed with "Nine Lives Are Not Enough," drew $10,000 at the Fox. Estimated receipts for week ending Sept. 25 : "When Ladies Meet" (M-G-M) "Tillie the Toiler" (Col.) LOEW'S— (3,162) (28c-39c-44c-56c) 6 days, 2nd week. Gross: $7,500. (Average, 7 days, $13,000) "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" (Col.) "Man at Large" (ZOth-Fox) AMBASSADOR— (3,018) (28c-39c-44c-56c) 7 days. Gross: $9,000. (Average, $11,500) "Navy Blues" (W.B.) "Nine Lives Are Not Enough" (W.B.) FOX— (5.039) (30c-40c-50c) 7 days. Gross: $10,000. (Average, $11,000) "Sun Valley Serenade" (2<>th-Fox) "Our Wife" (Col.) MISSOURI— (3,514) (30c-40c-50c) 7 days. Gross: $4,200. (Average, $4,000) "Hold That Ghost" (Univ.) "Charley's Aunt" (ZOth-Fox) ST. LOUIS— (4,000) (25c-35c) 7 days. Gross: $4,000. (Average, $2,600) 'Lady' High Gross Tally, Kansas City Kansas City, Oct. 1. — "Lady Be Good" and "Tillie the Toiler" scored $11,000 at the Midland to lead the city. Estimated receipts for the week ending Sept. 24 : "Belle Starr" (20th-Fox) ESQUIRE-(800) (30c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $3,200. (Average, $2,200) "Lady Be Good" (M-G-M) "Tillie the Toiler" (Col.) MIDLAND — (3,600) (28c-44c) 7 clays. Gross: $11,000. (Average, $8,500) "New York Town" (Para.) NEWMAN — (1.900) (28c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $7,000. (Average, $7,000) "Dive Bomber" (W.B.) ORPHEUM — (1,900) (28c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $7,000. (Average, $6,000) "Under Fiesta Stars" (Rep.) TOWER— (2,200) (30c) 7 days. Stage: Tom O'Neil, The Hartnells, Carleton Emmv, Del Brese. Gross: $6,000. (Average. $6,000) "Belle Starr" (20th-Fox) UPTOWN — (2.000) (30c-44c) 7 days. Gross: $4,000. (Average, $3,000) B&K Club Elects Chicago, Oct. 1. — Edward F. Dlouhy, manager of the Gateway Theatre here, was elected president of the Balaban & Katz Employes Club at the annual election. Other new officers are Joseph L. Stout, first vicepresident ; A. Warren Jones, second vice-president ; William Schwartz, third vice-president ; Joseph Rehak, treasurer, and Joseph Norbert Miller, secretary. ANOTHER REPUBLIC FAN MAGAZINE AD WAVES OF ACCLAIM for a BIG PICTURE EVERY one of the thousands UPON thousands who HOWLED and chuckled AND cheered Republic's "ROOKIES ON PARADE" IS waiting anxiously for the NEW "service" comedy SMASH from the Republic STUDIOS . . . Well, it's here —AND advance reports SAY that it tops "ROOKIES" by A boat-full of LAUGHS, song HITS and ROMANTIC escapades! THOSE "rookies" are sailn THE seven seas now in "SAILORS ON LEAVER AND the starSPANGLED CREW includes SUCH hearties AS lovely SHIRLEY ROSS-who sings THOSE chanties as nobody ELSE can— WILLIAM LUNDIGAN (his CINEMA star is rising fast OVER the horizon), and— FOR a broadside of roars— THERE'S CHICK CHANDLER and double-talking CLIFF NAZARRO. plus RUTH DONNELLY, MAE CLARKE, TOM KENNEDY, MARY AINSLEE, BILL SHIRLEY, JANE KEAN and A flock of handsome TARS and their sweethearts IN every port! . A REPUBLIC PICTURE