Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1944)

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ALTON COOK, N.Y. World Telegram: "An enduringly great picture . . . 'None But The Lonely Heart' is a title that will keep reappearing on movie marquees for years and years." BOSLEY CROWTHER, N.Y. Times: "A film of haunting moods and desperate yearnings . . . Such a sensitive and warmly revealing and poetically lovely film that one may feel wonder and amazement at seeing it on the screen . . . Will be remembered — and revived — long after many current favorites are forgotten." WANDA HALE, N.Y. Daily News: "A satisfying adaptation of Richard Llewellyn's fine novel. The acting by the star, Cary Grant, and his distinguished support, Ethel Barrymore and Barry Fitzgerald, goes deep into the heart." ARCHER WINSTEN, N.Y. Post: "It provides that rarest of novel experiences, characters and events which are not predictable . . . Highly recommended to all people who want to see fresh new movies." HOWARD BARNES, N.Y. Herald -Tribune: "Cary Grant is wonderful. Ethel Barrymore is magnificent, and Barry Fitzgerald, George Coulouris and all the others are superb." ROSE PELSW1CK, N.Y. Journal-American: "Gary Grant and Ethel Barrymore give brilliant performances." WALTER WINCHELL: "A dramatic symphony in tune with your emotions, „ BONDS BUY BOMBS! SOCK EM WITH THE 6th!