Motion Picture Daily (Oct-Dec 1946)

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2 Motion Picture Daily Tuesday, October 22, 1946 Services Held for Edward Kuykendall Columbus, Miss., Oct. 21. — Services for Edward L. Kuykendall, president-emeritus of the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America, who died here yesterday, were held at the Kuykendall residence this afternoon, followed by interment in Friendship Cemetery. In 1913 at Jackson, Miss., Kuykendall formed the first exhibitor association in the South and later served as president of Tri-State Theatre Owners Association. He was head of MPTOA for 14 years prior to his retirement from that post in June of this year. PCCITO Executives in Tribute to Kuykendall Hollywood, Oct. 21. — Trustees and executive secretaries of the Pacific Coast Conference of Independent Theatre Owners todav sent the following dispatch to Fred Wehrenberg, MPTOA president: "May we express our deepest sympathy to MPTOA because of the loss of its long-time leader, Ed Kuykendall. The motion picture industry will also keenly miss the ability and constructive activity of Ed and the principles for which he stood. His many friends, who admired and respected him, will ever retain a lasting memory of his devotion to the industry which he served." William Formby Dies In Kansas City Kansas City, Oct. 21.— William G. Formby, who was associated with motion picture trade papers for the past 19 years, died suddenly here today while on a business trip from Los Angeles, where he recently established his own news service. He is survived by his wife, Ann; daughter, Barbara, 9, and mother, Mrs. Gertrude Formby, all of Los Angeles, and two sisters, Mrs. R. H. Shivel and Mrs. Cecil Calhoun. He was a reporter for Texas and Oklahoma newspapers before joining Associated Publications in 1927, of which he subsequently became editor, with headquarters in New York. He was named field editor of Motion Picture Herald in 1944 and resigned last August to enter business in Los Angeles. U AInnocence' Pact In a Week: Home Hal Home, board chairman of Story Productions, said here yesterday that it is likely the company will formally conclude contract negotiations with United Artists for the distribution of Story's "This Side of Innocence" within a week. He said he will leave here for the Coast late this week or early next, when, he expects, the pact will have been signed. Form Distribution Firm Max Rosenberg and Joseph E. Levine has formed a new distribution company, Motion Picture Ventures, Inc. They will shortly announce the line-up of the new company. Personal Mention ROBERT MOCHRIE, RKO general manager, is back in town from Los Angeles. Alan E. Freedman, president of De Luxe Laboratories, yesterday was awarded the War Department Certificate of Appreciation for providing the company's facilities to the Signal Corps during the war. A luncheon in his honor followed the presentation. • Malvin Wald, writer now working on a New York Police Department story which Mark Hellinger will produce for Universal-International, is due in Hollywood today. • Tommy Grogan, manager of the Strand, Thompsonville, Conn., has returned to his desk, following his recovery from an attack of bronchial pneumonia. • Jerry Evans of Universal-International's special events department and Ina D. Rosenberg are to be married at the Ambassador Hotel here Saturday. • Arthur Sachson, general sales manager for Samuel Goldwyn Productions, returned to New York yesterday from a Western trip. a Robert Carney, manager of Loew's Poli-Lyric Theatre, Hartford, and Mrs. Carney are the parents of a boy. • Norman Elson, vice-president of Trans-Lux Theatres, has gone to Miami from New York for a 10-day vacation. • Joseph Somlo, deputy manager for Two Cities Films, Ltd., will return to London from here on the Queen Elisabeth, Oct. 25. • Fred Larned, Paramount Dallas branch manager, has returned there from New York. • Sam Berkeris, United Artists general manager in Argentina, is here for a home office visit. • Ed Hinchy, head of the Warner playdate department, is visiting in Cleveland. • William Lyon has returned to M-G-M's studio publicity department from New York. Mr. and Mrs. William Collins, former Georgia theatre operators, have returned to the Coast from Atlanta. • Henry Germaine, Paramount branch manager, has returned to New Haven from New York. Irving Rapper, Warner director, is due here by plane tomorrow from England. William Seib, Columbia exchange manager in Salt Lake City, has returned to his post from Montana. • Rose Weinberg, secretary to Adolph Zukor, Paramount's board chairman, is back from a vacation. HARRY H. THOMAS, president of PRC, will leave here tomorrow for a visit at the studio. He will stop off at Chicago en route, and on the return trip will tour the company's Western branches. e Arnold Stoltz, PRC advertisingpublicity director of PRC, will leave here for Hollywood today to confer with Robert Goodfried, studio publicity director, on advance campaigns. • Henri Michaud, Paramount's assistant sales manager for Continental Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, is celebrating the arrival of a son to Mrs. Michaud in Paris. • Robert Ferguson, Columbia pressbook editor, has become the father of a second daughter, Sandra Joan, born to Mrs. Ferguson at Lenox Hill Hospital, here. • Pat Wallace, daughter of the late Edgar Wallace, and talent representative for the J. Arthur Rank Organization, is here from London. • M. L. Simons, editor of the Distributor, M-G-M publication, is back in New York after three weeks on the Coast. • William • O'Donnell, assistant manager of the RKO Palace, Cleveland, and Jackie Hautch, of that city, are to be married Nov. 14. • Marion Barton' and William Thorman, both of the RKO Theatres home office publicity department, are newlyweds. • Barbara Dressell, five-year-old daughter of Fay Dressell, RKO Radio branch manager in Minneapolis, is at home after an attack of polio. • Al Schiller, assistant to Walter Titus, Jr., in charge of Republic branch operations, is currently touring Western branches. • C. H. Weaver, Oklahoma City branch manager for Paramount, is in town. • Irving Berg and Dan Golden of National Screen Service, New York, are visiting in Atlanta. • Maurice Lev, general manager of Western Hemisphere Films, is the father of a boy. • Sid Mesibov, Paramount's assistant exploitation manager, is back at the home office from Cincinnati. Ben Henry, general representative of Universal-International in Great Britain, is here from London. • Ulrik F. Smith, Paramount branch manager in Philadelphia, is back at his post after a home office visit. • Harry Graham, former district manager of Universal, Atlanta, is resting in Florida. • William Powell, M-G-M star, and Mrs. Powell are visitors here. Spyros Skouras in New Relief Post Chicago, Oct. 21.— -Spyros P. Skouras, 20th Century-Fox president, resigned from the presidency of Greek War Relief, because of the pressure of business, at the organization's annual meeting at the Palmer House here, and was chosen. unanimously to head the executive committee. William Helis of New Orleans was named president. Upon motion of Van Nomiko= of Chicago, it was decided to hold f y ner at $1,000 per plate, probaC^m New York in January, in an effort to raise $1,200,000 in the new $12,000,000 drive which Greek War Relief is initiating. Kline to CPA Firm Hacker and Jarvis, industry certified public accountancy firm, has added William Kline to its staff here. Kline was formerly in charge of outside producer accounting at First National and Columbia. In his new post he will be in charge of distributor audits for independent producers. NEW YORK THEATRES t RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL Rockefeller Center |"THE JOLSON STORY" I with LARRY PARKS EVELYN KEYES in Technicolor A Columbia Picture SPECTACULAR STAGE PRESENTATION B'WAY & 47th St. PALACE ROSALIND RUSSELL & ALEXANDER KNOX SISTER KENNY" AN RKO PICTURE PARAMOUNT PRESENT8 "Two Years Before The Mast" Starring ALAN LADD Brian DONLEVY William BENDIX Barry FITZGERALD R I V O L I B'way at 49th St. • Doors Open at 9:30 A. M. ON SCREEN BARBARA STANWYCK VAN HEFLIN 'The Strange Love of MARTHA IVERS' IN PERSON JOE SMITH and CHARLIE DALE SUSAN MILLER Extra! HAL LeROY IRVING BERLIN'S "BLUE SKIES' in Technicolor starring BING CROSBY Fred ASTAIRE Joan CAULFIELD A Paramount Picture in Person STAN KENTON and His Orchestra plus DEAN MURPHY— THE LANE BROS. Extra! — THE KING COLE TRIO PARAMOUNT • TIMES SQUARE MOTION PICTURE DAILY, Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Sherwin Kane; Editor; Martin Ouigley, Jr., Associate Editor. Published daily except Saturday, Sundays and holidays, by Ouigley Publishing Company, Inc.. 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N Y. Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address: "Quigpubco, New York." Martin Quigley, President; Red Kann, Vice-President; Martin Quigley, Jr., Vice-President; Theo. J. Sullivan, Treasurer; Leo J. Brady, Secretary; James P. Cunningham, News Editor; Herbert V. Fecke. Advertising Manager; David Harris, Circulation Director; Hollywood Bureau, Postal Union Life Bldg., William R. Weaver, Editor; Chicago Bureau, 624 South Michigan Avenue; Washington, Jim H. Brady, 809 Atlantic Bldg. rLondon Bureau, Golden Sq., London Wl, Hope Burnup, Manager; Peter Burnup, Editor; cable address, "Quigpubco, London." Other Quigley Publications: Motion Picture Herald, Better Theatres, International Motion Picture Almanac, Fame. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 23, 1938, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year, $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; single copies, 10c.