Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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FILE COPY DO NOT REMOVE MOT I PICTURE Accurate Concise and Impartial NEW YORK, U. S. A., THURSDAY, APRIL ', 1, 1948 -^T.. 63. NO. 63 YOA ADVISES USING ASCAP CANCELLATION CLAUSE Exhibitors are advised by Theatre Owners of America to use the cancellation privilege granted -by Ascap in new music tax contracts. Cancellation can be exercised by the exhibitor at the end of any contract year of the 10-year agreement uvon So days1' notice in writing to Ascap. The cancellation privilege is not exercisable by Ascap except in case of serious violation of the license terms. Except for stage show houses, Ascap has agreed to eliminate extra charges for all theatres using occasional live talent. _ U. A. GETS 10 FROM POPKIN Ten pictures with a minimum overall budget of $8,000,000 will be produced by Harry Popktn for United Artists over a four-year period under arrangements approved by the UA board of directors. The board authorized Arthur W, Kelly, executive vice-president, to visit London immediately to conclude production plans started on his previous visit there. Two-thirds of Patrons Under 35 Film-goers under 35 account for two-thirds of the nation's box-office receipts, according to the first in a series of findings uncovered by a twoyear study of motion picture habits by Columbia University's Bureau of Applied Social Research, under the direction of Dr. Paul F. Lazarsfeld and sponsorship of the Association of Screen Magazine Publishers . It was revealed also that while 70 per cent of film-goers under 24 attend pictures at least once a week, only 19 per cent of those over 45 attend with that regularity'; some 54 per cent cf the older goers attend infrequently or never. Biggest reason for attending a given film, according to Lazarsfeld, "is either the plot or title of the film." Leaders as "wordof -mouth" advertisers of films, he said, are found among .the younger groups; three-fourths are in the age groups under 35. \ TEN CENTS House ERP Bill Approves Film Dollar Conversion WASHINGTON, March 31 — The House today approved the section of the European Recovery Program bill giving the film industry and other information media a guarantee that they will be able to convert into dollars income from approved investments in Marshall Plan countries. By a voice vote, it turned down a motion of Representative Crawford to strike out this guarantee . Early passage of the bill is hoped for, and it then goes to conference with the Senate, which did not include the guarantee for the information groups. The House bill limits the guarantee to $15 million for the first year for information industries. E.L-U.I. to DIVIDE RANK'S PRODUCT HERE EQUALLY HOLLYWOOD, March 31 Deal has been set here providing for an equal division of J. ArthurRank British product between Universal-International and Eagle-Lion, giving each 12 pictures of the first 2U slated for this and the *Latin American markets in 19^-8, it was disclosed today in a joint statement by Nate J. Blumberg, U-I president, Rank, and Arthur Krim, E-L president. Heretofore, U-I had first selection of all Rank product for the U. S. Tyvical of the allocations are"Hamlet" , going to U-I, and"01iver Twist", to E-L, both top Rank product. Other key selections give "Christopher Columbus" and "One Night with You" to U-I, and "The Red Shoes" and "The Olympic Games" to E-L. Rockford Defeats Ticket Tax ROCKFORD, 111., March 31 — After a seven weeks' battle between theatres and the city council the local four per cent amusement tax on theatres was defeated here yesterday . Basis for the decision was a poll by Rockford theatre patrons, who thought the tax discriminatory .