Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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motion Picture Daily • M ¥3 '■%■■ Thursday, April 1,-1948 Personal Mention JOSEPH HAZEN , president of Hal Wallis productions, left New York for Hollywood yesterday ". . . Ned E. Depinet, executive vice-president of RKO Radio, is due from his annual winter vacation at Phoenix in mid-April . . . Charles M. Reagan, vice-president in charge of Paramount distribution returns from a vacation at Phoenix on Tuesday . . . Sidney L. Bernstein, partner of Alfred Hitchcock in Transatlantic Pictures, left New York by plane for London yesterday . . . B. G. Kranze, Film Classics distribution vice-president, has arrived in. Memphis en route to Atlanta , . . Frank Soule, Eagle-Lion exchange supervisor, will leave here on Sunday for a crosscountry tour . . . Bernice Levy of M-G-M's contract department here will take a leave of absence starting tomorrow . . . Oscar Neu, president of Neumade Products, will leave here tomorrow for a cross-country trip, returning here in June. WILLIAM J. HEINEflAN, Eagle-Lion distribution vice-president, and Max E, Youngstein, advertising-publicity vicepresident, left New York -yesterday for Hollywood . . . Ben Schwalb, independent production manager, has returned to the Coast from New York . . . Jules Lapidus, Warner's Eastern sales manager, is in Boston from New York to install F. D. Moore as Eastern district manager . . . CBS board chairman William S. Paley, and Mrs. Paley are the parents of a son. All W.B. Officers Reelected At a meeting of Warner Brothers board of directors, held at the home office, officers viere all re-elected, as follows: Harry M. Warner, president; vice-presidents Albert and Jack L.Warner, Herman Starr, Stanleigh P. Friedman, Samuel Schneider , Herbert Frestan, Ben Kalmenson, Harry M. Kalmine, Mort Blumenstock and Robert W. Perkins; Albert Warner, treasurer; Samuel Carlisle, W. Stewart McDonald and Cyril H. Wilder, assistant treasurers;Robert W.Perkins , secretory and general counsel; Harold S .Bare ford, Edward. K. Hessberg and Roy Obringer, assistant secretaries; Samuel Carlisle, controller, and Thomas J. Martin, auditor. Gamble Hits Anti-Industry Columns t Newspaper columnists who have been giving emphasis to sensationalism and unpleasant happenings in Hollywood were assailed by Ted R. Gamble, president of Theatre Owners of America and chairman of its public relations commlJt?e' in an address before members VJ„ . Association of Screen Magazine Publishers in the Hotel Astor here yesterday. TOA, Gamble said, will enaeavor to correct some of the impres sions conveyed by "people with stomac. aches . " U.S. Aide Here for MPEA Talks WASHINGTON, March 31— State Department film adviser R.. Horton Henry left here today for New York for several days of conferences on the foreign situation with MPEA officials and foreign managers of the various companies. The French situation is expected to getparticularly close going-over. Another Trust Suit Filed CHICAGO, March 31 — Kimbark Theatre, Loew's, RKO, Paramount, Columbia, Universal, United Artists, Balaban and Katz and Publix Great States. It charged the defendants conspired with the Manta-Rose circuit to grant clearance priority to the Lex Theatre and from March 1, I9U1, to Jan.l, 19^8, made it impossible for the vlaintiff to book pictures until 73 days after the loov> Halt Films to British Guiana The Trinidad Film Board has declared an embargo on further servicing of British Guiana with American pictures as a result of a 15 per cent "discriminatory" tax on gross film rentals imposed there, it was reported here yesterday by Gerald M. Mayer, of the Motion Picture Association of America. The tax takes effect today. N.C.A. Explains Demand on Para. MINNEAPOLIS, March 31. — North Central Allied denies that Ben Berger, president, asked Barney Balaban to remove Ben Blotcky , Paramount manager here, as reported in Motion Picture Daily on March 2h. "Berger' s demand on Balaban,"NCA says, "was that Paramount send an unbiased and impartial representative of the comvany to investigate the local situation." MOTION PICTURE DAILY, Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Sherwin Kane, Editor; Martin Quigley, Jr. Associate Editor Published dailv evrent Sstnrdav Sundays and holidays , by Quigley Publishing Company, Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller ■ Center, New York 20, N. Y Telephone ^ Circe 7-31M cVble adW % New York/' Martin Quigley, President; Red Kann, Vice-President; Martin Quigley, Jr., Vic-■o—'J-" ™. t o.:„;..-._ \,.\e ^none >-lrcle 1 -510" La5'e address, guigpubco, , v itc-i icaiuciii, ivjiaiim yu'K'cy, j r., v ice-President ; Theo J. Sullivan, Vice-President and Treasurer Leo T Bradv Serretarv £& 8 ^,-CunnnKham. News Editor; Herbert V. Fecke, Advertising Manager; David Harris, Circulation Director; Hollywood Bureau, Yucca-Vine Building William R wlaver' Editor; Chicago Bureau, 120 1 South La Salle Street, Editorial and Advertising. Urben Farley, Advertising Representative. Washington, J. A. Otten, 814 South Av&on M flVive Aritoe He^B^^ 23 1938 V ih nMri'lfi? , M CVvy l0UKh vCek 3j a ^Cti0n.°ffM^ti°"uP,ictliroe,JFIerraIl: *PteJ™«°™l Motion "Picture Almanac, Fame. Entered as second class matter, Sept. Zi, 1938, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3. 1873. Subscription rates per year, $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; single copies, 10c.