Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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DO NOT REMO» FIRST IN FILM NEWS MOTION PICTURE DAILY NEW YORK, U. S. A., FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1948 TEN CENTS m£aa to AID STATE DEP'T. WITH DOCUMENTARY FILMS At conferences here yesterday with R. Horton Henry, State Department film adviser, the Motion Picture Association of America pledged full cooperation to the department in bringing to the world the story of America via documentary shorts. Under an agreement among their foreign heads the distributors will handle initially 15 singlereel shorts dealing with various aspects of life in this country. Thirteen health cartoons prepared for the Government by Walt Disney will be made available by the State Department for distribution by MPAA member companies. Arrangements are being made for distribution of these films in Europe through regular company channels, Youngstein Heads AMPA Max E. Youngstein, Eagle-Lion vicepresident in charge of advertisingpublicity, yesterday was unanimously elected president of Associated Motion Picture Advertisers, succeeding Arnold Stoltz, Rest of new slate includes; David Blum, vice-president ; Harry McWilliams, treasurer; Evelyn Koleman, secretary. New officers will serve one year. Following were elected to the AMPA board; Ray Gallagher, Hap Blanche Livingston, Vincent Charles Alicoate . "ew York Theatres Aid P.A.L. New York affiliated and independent circuits yesterday pledged financial aid to the Police Athletic League at an ITOA-sponsored luncheon in the Hotel Astor here. Loew's will produce a PAL trailer 'for use in conjunction with the 1948 fund drive whose goal is $993,000. Speakers at yesterday ' s luncheon; Police Commissioner Arthur W.Wallander, License Commissioner Benjamin Fielding, Juvenile Aid Commissioner James Nolan, industry PAL drive chairman Charles tios&owitz, ITQA president Harry Brandt. Hadley, Trotta, KEARNS LABOR GROUP MAY HOLD HEARINGS ON COAST WASHINGTON, April 1 — Rep. Carroll D. Kearns today said that so many persons were accused of Communist affiliation during the recent House Labor subcommittee hearings here on the Hollywood strikes, and that so much remained to be developed on possible perjury, that it might be simpler and cheaper for the House unit to go to Los Angeles to take additional testimony there. A final decision may be made early next week, he stated. The hearings are scheduled to reopen here May 17. 20th-Fox Annual Meet May 18 The 20th-Fox annual stockholders' meeting will take place at the company's home office here on May 13. Election of directors will be the sole matter to be taken up. The board members will meet immediately after the session to elect officers. The com — pany's annual report to stockholders has been held up by the printers' work stoppage here. Ad Council Reelects Schlaifer Charles Schlaifer has been reelected chairman of the advertising aavisory council, Motion Picture Association of America committee which works with Gordon White in the administration of the MPAA Advertising Code. Krasne To Make 8 For U.A. Philip N. Krasne (Inter-American Productions) will produce a series Oj eight "Cisco Kid" pictures for United Artists release. The eight wilx be made during the next three years. Neufeld Pictures Formed HQLLYWGQD, April 1—Sigmund Neufeld and Karl Herzog have announced the formation of Neufeld Pictures to produce for Film Classics release.