Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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2 Motion Picture Daily Monday, April 5, 1948 Personal Mention ERIC JOHNSTON, MP A A president, is expected Wednesday in Hollywood, where he will be joined by Edward Gheyf^tz, his assistant . He plans to be bach in New York, for the April 12 HP A A board meeting . . . Frank Capra is due in Washington today with his wife..* . . t Red. Kann observed his 49th birthday Saturday. . . W. K. Craig ,M-G-M studio comptroller, is en route to the Coast from. New York ... Pom Blumenthal , chairman of the Cinecolor board, left here for Hollywood yesterday . . . Jay Eisenberg, liaison between the M-G-M sales and legal departments, has left for a Miami vacation . . . Tom Rogers of M-G-M publicity department is in Phoenix . . . J.Robert Rubin, M-G-M vice-president , arrives on the Coast today after an Arizona vacation . . . B. G. Kranze, vice-president of Film Classics, has left Atlanta for New York .... Joel Levy, Loew's out-of-town booker, gets back today from a visit to the circuit's Toronto houses . . . Rube Jackter, Columbia assi stant general sales manager, is on a Florida vacation . . . Patricio Lambert Burt, former member of M-G-M's Eastern story department, has become the mother of a son, William Griswold Burt, III . . . Maria Jeritza, ■ opera diua, widow of Winfield Sheehan, will be married on April 10 to Irving F. Seery, Newark attorney . . . Reisman, RKO Radio foreign sales head, left Hollywood yesterday by plane for New York . David O.Selznick has received American Red Cross honors for providing this year's Red Cross drive trailer ...".> Maurice A. Bergman, U-I Eastern advertising-publicity director, is in a hospital here for a check-up this week. , Ted Gamble left here Friday for Portland, Ore. "IA" and IBEW Divide Video Jobs IATSE and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers will share television jurisdiction about equally in the televising by CBS of part of the stage play "Mr. Roberts" at the Alvin Theatre here tomorrow. The telecast will be one of the "Tonight on Broadway" series. U-l Will Produce Two in England CHICAGO, April 4 Universal-International will produce two films in England during a 12-month period beginning in July, using J. Arthur Rank Organization facilities, Rank disclosed here en route to Rochester, N. Y., where he will be a guest of the Eastman Kodak Go. tomorrow. William Goetz, U-l production head, will go to E V land this summer to complete prepafations, Rank added. He said no other commitments for studio space had oeen made to American companies by him.. Dewey Signs Theatre Tax Measure ALBANY, N. Y: , Aoril U — Authority to levy nine taxes, including five oer cent on theatre admissions , is given the state's cities of more than 25,000 ^ovulation and counties , under a bill signed by Gov. Dewey. Since 19^7 > these levies hod been permissive for all counties end cities of more than 100,000 population. Mayors' Conference recommended the extension . 30 Films in Production HOLLYWOOD, April H ' — Production activity spurted slightly with the tally standing at 30 at weekend as against 26 last week. Shooting started on "The Wrangler," Columbia; "No Minor Vices , "Enterprise; * "Miraculous Journey" (a Sig Neufeld Production) , Film Classics; "Dynamite" (Pine-Thomas), Paramount; "That Wonderful Urge," 20th Century-Fox; "Rogue's Reoiment," U-I; "My Dream is Yours" (Mic'iael Curtiz Production) and"Stlver Lining, " Warners. British Studios Set Layoffs LONDON, April 4 — iVational Studios at Elstree have closed as a result of the collapse of negotiations for a temporary lease to Maurice Ostrer, independent producer. At Shepperton Studios, 225 of the. 1,000 employes of London Films have received one week's notice and at Isleworth Studios, 46 of 300 workers will be dismissed. Montgomery In Theatre Switch NEW ORLEANS, April 4 Levere Montgomery has become the new president of the Delta Theatres here and has taken over the Jon from Joy Houcks, MOTION PICTURE DAILY, Martin Quigley, Editor-hi-Chief and Publisher; Sherwin Kane, Editor; Martin Quigley, Jr., Associate Editor. Published daily, except Saturday Sundays and holidays, by Quigley Publishing Company, Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N. Y. Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address: "Quigpubco, New York." Martin Quigley, President; Red Kann, Vice-President; Martin Quigley, Jr., Vice-President; Theo J. Sullivan, Vice-President and Treasurer; Leo J. Brady, Secretary; James P. Cunnngham, News Editor; Herbert V. Fecke, Advertising Manager; David Harris, Circulation Director; Hollywood Bureau, Yucca-Vine Building, Willianl R. Weaver, Editor; Chicago Bureau, 120 South La Salle Street, Editorial and Advertising. Urben Farley, Advertising Representative. Washington, J. A. Otten, 814 South Arlington Mill Drive, Arlington, Va. London Bureau, 4 Golden Sq., London Wl. Hope Burnup, Manager, Peter Bumup, Editor; cable address, "Quigpubco, London." Other Quigley Publications: Motion Picture Herald, Better Theatres, published every fourth week as a section of Motion Picture Herald; International Motion Picture Almanac, Fame. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 23, 1938, at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates per year, $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; single copies, 10c.