Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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FILE, oun mO NOT REMOVE MOTION PICTURE MOTION PICTURE ASSOC. AMSR'CA, INC . (CriAaidkna ) 28 *£ST 44TH ST., NEW YORK. 18, N Accurate Concise and Impartial \. 63.. NO. 66 NEW YORK. U.S.A., TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1948 TEN CENTS TOA to Oppose Daylight Saving Legislation A, Julian Brylawski, Theatre Owners of America's national legislative committee chairman, and Herman M, Levy, TOA general counsel, will appear before the subcommittee of the U, S. Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce on April 13 in opposition to national daylight saving legislation, AFRA Brief Goes to High Court WASHINGTON, April 5 — The American Federation of Radio Artists today told the Supreme Court Cecil B, DeMille had not been deprivedof any constitutional rights by the union's action expelling him for non-payment of a $1 assessment for a 1944 campaign fund, and there was no reason for the high court to review a lower court decision throwing out the producer ' s suit against AFRA* Carpenters Ask for Suit Delay WASHINGTON, April 5 — Sixteen members of the carpenters' union today ashed the Supreme Court to review a lower court decision throwing out their suit charging conspiracy between IATSE and the major studios to deprive them of work they claim rightfully belongs to them, _ Phillips Gets MMPTA Post D, John Phillips, former Paramount short subjects publicity and advertising manager, has been named executive director of the Metropolitan Motion Picture Theatres Association, succeeding Gen, Rodney H. Smith, J.D. Kalafat, Pioneer Exhibitor CLEVELAND, April 5 —John D, Kalafat among the earliest of local exhibitors, died suddenly this morning at Mt, Sinai Hospital. Stassen at Variety Banquet MIAMI BEACH, Fla., April 5 Harold E. Stassen will speak on world affairs at the banquet of the Variety Gli*bs Intern-it ional here April 17, Industry Public Relations Meet Industry advertising-publicity directors will meet here today with representatives of Theatre Owners of America to coordinate their industry public relations activities. The joint session was called yesterday by Charles Schlaifer, acting chairman of the Motion Picture Association of America industry public relations committee, following a meeting with Kenneth Clark, MPAA public relations director, here from Washington, Robert Coyne, TOA executive director, and Earl Hudson, handling the TOA campaign, will represent that organization. Coast Meet on Public Relations HOLLYWOOD, April 5— The probability exists that Eric Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Association of America, will hold another meeting here with representatives of the Screen Actors Guild, the Screen Directors Guild, the Screen Writers Guild, IATSE and other groups on plans for a Hollywood public relations organization. Nothing tangible came out of Johnston' s first meeting with them, HOWARD HUGHES -R.K.O. DEAL IS STILL IN WORK Reports that the Floyd Odium-Howard Hughes deal for the latter's purchase of a controlling stock interest in RKO from, Atlas Corp, is ready for closing here lacked confirmation yesterday. Odium is in New York from the Coast but was not available for comment, Hughes is still in the West, At RKO the status of the deal was reported unchanged, Einfeld's Mother Dies at 65 Funeral services for Mrs, Celia Einfeld, 65, mother of S. Charles Einfeld, Enterprise president , will be held tomorrow morning at Riverside Memorial Chapel here, Mrs, Einfeld died Sunday at Beth Israel Hospital,