Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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Motion Picture Daily Tuesday, April 6, 1948 Personal Mention MILTON S. KUSELL,Selznick Releasing Organization distribution vice-president, is in Hollywood from New York. . Kermit Axelrod has resigned from the RKO Radio foreign publicity staff and has been succeeded by Richard Haestier . . . Jesse L. Lasky returned to New York yesterday from Miami . . . G. L. Carrington, Altec president, and H. M. Bessey, vice-president, are in town from the Coast, WALTER L. TITUS, JR., sion manager, who is from here, will attend ternation'al convention returning to New York Bond, Sr., Warner head film Republ ic diviin Los Angeles the Variety Inin Miami before . Clayton buyer, has "I Remember presentation, $155,000 third becomea grandfather for the third time when his son, Clay ton Bond, Jr., became the father of a daughter . . . Johnny Weissmuller and his wife are among passengers due here today from Europe. B' way Holiday Week Grosses Strong True to tradition, Easter Week business was big at Broadway's first-runs this year, and grosses are expected to hold up well during the current week. Easter week and current week figures, in that order, follow: Mama" and Easier stage Radio City Music Hall, week, $147,000 fourth. "Naked City, "plus stage show, Capitol, $117,500, fourth, $105,000, fifth. "Sitting Pretty" with Art Mooney ' s band on stage, Roxy, $115,000, third, $115,000, fourth. "Saigon," plus Buddy Rich's band, Paramount, split Easter Week with "Road to Rio" to bring $95,000; first for "Saigon" alone looks like $95,000. "Mr. Blandtngs Builds His Dream House," Astor, $45,000 first, $40,000 second. "April Showers," with Claude Thornhtll's band on stage, Strand, $57,000 first, $44,000 second. "The Search," Victoria, $27,000 second (Easter) week. "All My Sons," Criterion, $50,000 first, $38,000 second, "Gentleman's Agreement," Mayfair, $28,000 20th week, $27,000 21st. "Miracle of the Bells," Rivoli, $45,000 second, $30,000 third. "B.F.'s Daughter," Loew's Stage, $32,000 first, $24,000 second. "Man of Evil," Winter Garden, $17,000 first, $11,000 second and final. Percentage Suits Filed Suits for alleged fraud in connection with percentage engagements have been filed by major distributors against Mannte Shore, operator of the Grand, War and Pioneer theatres in West Virginia; Lloyd E. Rogers, operator of the Focahontas, Temple, Palace, Elbert and Rogers, also West Virginia; and Antonio Boscardin; Jean Stone and Elizabeth Knickerbocker of the Colon al Theatre, Conn. Eight actions by major distributors pending in Toledo, Ohio, against Ellsworth L. Staup, Paul Staup and Capitol Theatres, Inc., have been settled with payment by the defendants of the amount claimed, plaintiffs stated. Waljsh Sees Studio Pick-up Employment is "picking up" at the Coast studios, IATSE international president Richard F. Walsh said here at the weekend. Hollywood' s employment trend, he said, is once more becoming positive. Tom Connors Incorporates Tom Connors, former distribution chief of 20th Century-Fox, has filed incorporation papers in Albany, for Tom Connors Associates. He declined to divulge details of plans except to say that the firm would do a "little bit of everything . * NEW YORK THEATRES ■g-RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL-, Rockefeller Center \ IRENE DUNNE In GEORGE STEVENS* '. Prod, of "I REMEMBER MAMA" Barbara Oiear Philip BEL GEDOES HOMOLKA DORN Produced by HARRIET PARSONS Millie Hall'a Great Enter Staoe Show « WARNERTHEATRE B'way 5 1st ♦ Opens 10:30 AM * late MhJnight Film ^_ * SHOWER5 £ ClAVUt i j CARSON jfANDHISORCH. | wbHSsr\w STRAND/ OPENS 9:30 AM ■ way at. 47* f IATE MIDNIGHT FIIM SOL LESSER pr.Mntt EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' TariansMermaids JOHNNY WEISSMUUER * BRENDA JOYCE '# and Introducing IMA CNflSTUN ▼ PALACE §ymr oooistKNiiM. S4MST MIONITE WOW NITELT MOTION PICTURE DAILY, Martin Quigley, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher; Sherwin Kane, Editor; Martin Quigley, Jr., Associate Editor. Published daily, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, by Quigley Publishing Company, Inc., 1270 Sixth Avenue, Rockefeller Center, New York 20, N. Y. Telephone Circle 7-3100. Cable address, "Quigpubco, New York. Martin Quigley, President; Red Kann, Vice-President; Martin Quigley, Jr., Vice-President; Theo. J. Sullivan, Treasurer; Leo J. Brady, Secretary; James P. uunmngham, rvews Editor; Herbert V. Fecke, Advertising Manager; David Harris, Circulation Director; Hollywood Bureau, Postal Union Life Bldg., William R. Weaver, Editor; umcago Bureau, 624 South Michigan Avenue; Washington, J. A. Otten, 2525 Ontario Road, N.W.; London Bureau, 4 Golden Sq., London Wl, Hope Burnup, Manager; Peter Burnup, Editor; -awe address, Quigpubco, London." Other Quigley Publications: Motion Picture Herald, Better Theatres, published every fourth we«k as a section of Motion Picture Herald; international Motion Picture Almanac, Fame. Entered as second class matter, Sept. 23, 1938, at the post pffice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879, Subscrip. ,Km rates per year, $6 in the Americas and $12 foreign; single copies, 10c, "|