Motion Picture Daily (Apr-Jun 1948)

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Tuesday, June 8, 1948 Motion Picture Daila 9 Key City Grosses T? OLLOWING are estimated pic•* ture grosses for current engagements in key cities as reported by Motion Picture Daily correspondents. Estimates omit admission tax. CINCINNATI Minus signs are the rule rather than the exception in the current week's lineup for both new arrivals and holdovers, with record hot weather predominating. Estimated receipts for the week ending June 8: ADVENTURES OF CASANOVA (E-L) — KEITH'S (1,500) (50c-55c-60c-65c-75c) 7 days, dualed with THE RETURN OF RIN TIN TIN (E-L). Gross: $5,000. (Average: $7,500) ANOTHER PART OF THE FOREST (U-I)— RKO PALACE (2,700) (50c-55c-60c65c-70c-75c) 7 days. Gross: $9,500. (Average: $15,000). FORT APACHE (RKORadio) — RKO LYRIC (1,400) (50c-55c-60c-65c-70c-75c) 3 days, 4th week, following an opening week at the Albee and two moveover weeks at the Lyric. BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN (U-I reissue)— RKO LYRIC (1,400) (50c-55c-60c-65c70c-75c) 4 days, dualed with SON OF FRANKENSTEIN (U-I reissue). Combined gross: $5,500. (Average, 7 days, $5,000) FULLER BRUSH MAN (Col.) — RKO SHUBERT (2,150) (50c-55c-60c-65c-70c-75c) 7 days, 3rd week, following an opening week at the Albee, and a moveover week at the Shubert. Gross: $8,000. (Average: $5,000) HOMECOMING (M-G-M) — RKO CAPITOL (2,000) (50c-55c-6Oc-65c-70c-75c) 7 days, 2nd week. Gross: $11,000. (Average: $10,000) PANHANDLE (AA)— RKO GRAND1 (1,500) (50c-55c-60c-65c-70c-75c) 7 days. Gross: $7,500. (Average: $8,000) SILVER RIVER (WB) — RKO ALBEE (3,300) (50c-55c-60c-65c-70c-75c) 7 days. Gross: $13,000. (Average: $15,000) BALTIMORE Between holdovers and the lack of major new attractions at downtown first-run houses, this week's attendance slips back to below average at most houses. For the previous several weeks, figures had scored some encouragement. What openings were held proved feeble and weekend business failed to help much. Estimated receipts for the week ending June 10 : ANNA KAREN IN A (ZOth-Fox) — NEW (1.800) (29c-40c-50c-58c). Gross: $12,500. (Average: $11,750) NINOTCHKA (M-G-M Reissue)— VALEN Coast to coast and overseas, fly world-proved TWA One airline, TWA, takes you to principal U. S. cities or to Ireland, Paris, Egypt and other key points in Europe, Africa and Asia. When you go, fly by dependable TWA Skyliner with crews seasoned by millions of trans-world miles. For reservations, call your TWA office or your travel agent TRANS WORLD AIRLINE U.S.A. • EUROPE • AFRICA • ASIA CIA (1,466) (29c-37c-45c-54c) and 56c) weekends). Gross: $4,500. (Average: $5,000) HOMECOMING (M-G-M) — CENTURY (3,000) (29c-37c-45c-54c and 45c weekends) 2nd week. Gross: $13,000. (Average: $14,500) RUTHLESS (E-L) — TOWN (1,450) (29c37c-56c). Gross: $11,500. (Average: $12,000) SILVER RIVER (WB)— STANLEY (3,280) (29c-37c-50c-58c) 2nd week. Gross: $12,000. (Average: $14,500) STORY OF TOSCA (Scalera-Era) — LITTLE (328) (29c-37c-56c). Gross: $3,000. (Average: $3,000) THE HUNTED' (AA) — MAYFAIR (1,000) (21c-29c-54c) Gross: $4,750. (Average: $5,000) WILL IT HAPPEN AGAIN? (Film Classics)—KEITH'S (2,406) (25c -37c -44c -54c and 56c weekends). Gross: $8,000. (Average: $12,000) WRECK OF THE HESPERUS (Col.) HIPPODROME (2,205) (29c-37c-50c-58c) With a stage show. Gross: $17,000. (Average: $17,000) ATLANTA Business is somewhat off, on account of many outdoor attractions and hot and close weather. Estimated receipts for the week ending June 9 : ALL MY SONS (U-I)— LOEW'S GRAND (2,446) (12c-60c). Gross: $13,000. (Average: $14,000) FORT APACHE (RKO Radio)— ROXY, on a moveover from the FOX (2.446) (12c-50c). Gross: $5,700. (Average: $5,800) THE IRON CURTAIN (ZGth-Fox) — FOX (4,446) (12c-50c). Gross: $15,000. (Average: $14,000) WINTER MEETING (WB) — PARAMOUNT (2,446) (12c-50c). Gross: $5,800. (Average: $5,800) TORONTO For the first time in months there were no holdovers at key theatres in Toronto, probably on account of warm and rainy weather, horse racing, an international trade fair, baseball and other distractions. Two of the newer first-runs had double bills for the first time. Estimated receipts for the week ending June 10 : APRIL SHOWERS (WB)— NORTON (950) (20c-36c-42c-60c) 6 days. Gross: $6,500. (Average: $6,500) APRIL SHOWERS (WB) — VICTORIA (1,240) (20c-36c-42c-60c) 6 days. Gross: $5,800. (Average: $6,300) ARCH OF TRIUMPH (UA) — LOEW'S (2,074) (20c -36c -48c -66c -78c) 6 days. Gross: $16,200. (Average: $14,200) THE LADY FROM SHANGHAI (Col.)— (2,480) (20c-36c-50c-66c-90c) 6 days. Gross: $15,900. (Average: $14,900) LOVE FROM A STRANGER (Intl.) and HEADING FOR HEAVEN (Intl.)— DAN FORTH (1,400) (20c-35c-50c-60c) 6 days. Gross: $6,300. (Average: $6,500) LOVE FROM A STRANGER (Intl.) and HEADING FOR HEAVEN (Intl.)— FAIR LAWN (1,195) (20c-36c-50c-60c) 6 days. Gross: $5,300. (Average: $5,500) THE MIRACLE OF THE BELLS (RKO Radio) — IMPERIAL (3,343) (20c-36c-50c 66c-90c) 6 days. Gross: $16,100. (Average: $14,600) RIVER LADY (U-I) — UPTOWN (2,761) (20c-36c-48c-66c-90c) 6 days. Gross: $10,600. (Average: $11,600) TEMPTATION HARBOR (Intl.)— EGLINTON (1,086) (2Oc-36c-50c-66c) 6 days. Gross: $6,900. (Average: $7,400) TEMPTATION HARBOR (Intl.)-TIVOLI (1,434) (20c-36c-50c-66c) 6 days. Gross: $8,200. (Average: $9,200) 3-Week RCA Vacations What was described as the first union contract in the mass production industries providing three-week vacations after 10 years' employment has been agreed upon by the Radio Corporation of America and the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers, CIO. The agreement covers 10,000 workers in four RCA plants, at Hollywood, Camden, Lancaster, Pa., and Pulaski, Va. Broadway Grosses (Continued from page 1) "Hazard," paired with the King Cole Trio on stage at the Paramount, is expected to gross a mild, though satisfactory, $65,000 in a first week. Another newcomer, "The Challenge," is heading for a so-so $4,800 in its first week at the Park Avenue. The following, in second weeks, are playing to fair-to-mild business : "Melody Time," Astor, $30,000; "Up in Central Park," Criterion, -$15,000; "Citizen Saint," Bijou, $5,200; "Time of Your Life," Mayfair, $35,000, "Noose Hangs High," Loew's State, $16,000. "The Lady from Shanghai" will take over at the Criterion tomorrow, and "Summer Holiday" will bow in at the State on Friday. Third-week films are expected to perform as follows : "Another Part of the Forest," Rivoli, $15,000 (mild) ; "Silver River," plus Eddie Duchin's band on stage, Strand, $36,000 (mild) ; "Berlin Express," Victoria, $13,000 (mild) ; "River Lady," Winter Garden, $8,000 (low). "Wallflower" will move into the Strand on Friday, "Design for Death" will take over at the Victoria on Thursday, and "Bad Sister" will be the new Winter Garden tenant as of tomorrow. "The Iron Curtain," plus an Ed Sullivan revue on stage, at the Roxy, has fallen off to a low $45,000 in a fourth and final week; "The Green Grass of Wyoming" will take over there tomorrow. "Arch of Triumph" is so-so in its seventh week at the Globe, with $15,500 expected. Fourth week of "Will It Happen Again?" at the Rialto is expected to bring a satisfactory $8,000. WB Publicists (Continued from page 1) in the arbitration of wage increases between the Guild and 20th CenturyFox, and in direct negotiations between the guild and Eagle-Lion, according to SPG. Senior publicists will receive a $20 weekly increase ; publicists, $15 ; associate publicists, $10, and apprentices, $5.50, with new minimum pay scales set at $125, $87.50, $62.50, and $40. The arbitrators were Mitchell M. Shipman, impartial chairman ; Aaron Schneider, regional director of the UOPWA, and E. K. Hessberg of Warner Brothers. NLRB Charge Dismissed Hartford, June 7. — The National Labor Relations Board charges of "featherbedding" against Local No. 400 of the American Federation of Musicians, were dismissed over the weekend by trial examiner C. W. Wittemore. Accompanying the dismissal in the State Theatre case was the granting of a request by the theatre to withdraw charges against the musicians' union. Notification by the examiner of the closing incident in the dispute was given to Harold Strauch, union counsel, following a union agreement to modify its contract. AGVA to Elect Officers Ballotting will get under way shortly for executive officers and 45 national board members of the American Guild of Variety Artists, an affiliate of the Associated Actors and Artistes of America. AGVA held its first convention here over the weekend. A constitution barring from elective or appointive office Communists or Fascists was adopted by the delegates. Producers, AFM (Continued from page 1) before the advent of sound, musicians in theatres of the U. S. and Canada earned $48,000,000 yearly, whereas such musicians, now numbering only 1,222, earn $5,000,000 annually. Pointing out that "Hollywood services screens of the world" and that motion pictures, like radio, have served to reduce employment opportunities for musicians, Petrillo asked the delegates : "How can the situation be remedied ?" Presumably, one of the several convention committees which will meet here today will take up the AFM president's question for consideration, and will very likely report on it before the convention ends later this week. A committee recommendation that demands be made for higher wages for film studio musicians is seen as inevitable. In summarizing the progress of his office during the past year, Petrillo pointed out that if the picture appears darker for AFM this year it is due primarily to the Taft-Hartley Law and the Lee Act. He criticized the labor record of Republican legislators in Washington and said he would support any party that shows it is "for the workers." UA Stand on Sopeg (Continued from page 1) NLRB conference which will include representatives of AFL's IATSE Home Office Employes Local No. H-63 and S O PEG. The conference was called by NLRB preliminary to setting a date for a shop election among UA's "white collar" home office workers. Local H-63, which claims "an overwhelming majority" of the employes, has asked the NLRB for an election. Buckley will present also to NLRB the UA-SOPEG contract which expired on May 31 last, along with payroll and other pertinent data. "IA" will be represented at the conference by Russell Moss, H-63 business agent, and James Rogers, international organizer. SOPEG representation will be headed by SOPEG president Sidney Young. Attorneys for both unions and the company are expected to be on hand also. Boys' Town 'Memorial Omaha, June 7. — M-G-M's "Boys Town," which has been shown annually to Boys' Town's graduating class, will be given a special showing here shortly in a memorial to the late Monsignor E. J. Flanagan, the Rev.-Edmond C. Walsh, acting director, has announced. This year "Men of Boys' Town" will be screened for the graduates. I NATURALLY I I TEXAS tOOKLYI lEAVEN sent from UA Ojij